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S2 licensed
Quote from broken :I think that 14(or maybe 15) is the max about a demo server. Not my call :P

Indeed, demo is limited to maximum around 15 / 16 slots...
S2 licensed
Quote from KassadGLA :The sticky's cruise insim use C#.. not visual basic

W/e... The concept is the same...
S2 licensed
If you really want it in InSim, some crappy code here (can be bugged):

In the message recieve part, split all incoming messages into pieces...

Select case msg(0)
case "!blaat"
case "!kick"
Send InSim command: /kick msg(1)
reason = Take your original message, Substring the !kick (=msg(0)) and the playername (=msg(1)) out
Send InSim text: reason
end select

Now it's up to you to make some good code outta this, not gonna do all your work...

Oops, won't work good if a player has white spaces in it's name, you'll have to check if that player exists, or try to use something like: !kick "Players name" Reason, so you can easily cut out the players name without having trouble with white spaces.
S2 licensed
Indeed, e.g. Telenet only changes IP once a year... Other ISP's change them daily.

Every guy who knows something about computers can refresh his IP easily through the command prompt. No need to ban people with IP addresses...
S2 licensed
Kannen Sie das auch in English schreiben?
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :photoshop cs2.

cs3-> are too.. well not for me.

CS4 here
S2 licensed
I can see it written on the window:

"Do Not Place Rear Facing Child Safety Seat In Front If There Is An Airbag."
S2 licensed
Quote from crazyjoshua :ohhhh =p tight meeaning hard 2 drift in? with switches ect and ohhh well know i know its a fence =D

Meaning narrow so you can't throw your car in the corner, ...
S2 licensed
Why not a regular VB or C# host? Much easier and normally working faster too with less crashes...
S2 licensed
Quote from Makikou :Okay, ill be buying S2 for sure, because i just visited the online mode first time...
Encountered like 3 rammers in one race T_T (i was in FPRS)

Haha, you mean FPRS Noob System Crash server?

That's just a fun server of ours where people who got tired of neat driving could enjoy themselves and crash where they want.

We had some nice servers in the past, but a team of little kids came crashing every time (banning didn't stop them)... But that's an old story and we're fully to S2 now.

Hope to see you there!
S2 licensed
I can't wait for it

Keep up the good work!
S2 licensed
You'll have to install Crons. They are simple scripts where you can fill in a date and the script that needs to be executed. E.g.:
0 1 * * * * * www/users/htdocs/update.php

Not sure if this is the right syntax... You better google it
S2 licensed
I don't think this is possible with InSim alone. Maybe in combination with other addons...
S2 licensed
What do you mean with the 'alternative part' of the track?
S2 licensed
Quote from terroristone :i have a Leo Bodnar gear and rpm display (usb) uses port 5033 and i have a Plasma Lite with lcd display (usb) that uses port 56551, how can i get both devices working at once?
Regards Andrew

Put them both at the same port?
S2 licensed
Quote from windstyle :I guess I miss explained my request...

What I want to do is make a application wich will "overlay" in lfs... But with own graphics like PNG files etc... The drift mod was just an example.. But xFire is another one and the custom gauges also one they all have their own "forms" inside lfs...

Thats what I'm after how to get my own made images, inside lfs..

Then the DIRECTX 3D hook will do the trick, like Shadowww said.

But I'm not quite sure if you can get it done server-side?
S2 licensed
IP Banning in not secure. You just have to type 2 lines in your command prompt, and you have a new IP...

Your partial solution sounds good; but when you have a clan banning people, it wouldn't work either. But it will work good to block standalone people trying to ban your server

Banning an IP range is not a good solution either. You'll ban more people than needed.
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
Good you got one, I made a little app for that too

You can also use the InSim Remote on LFSWorld.
S2 licensed
Hello dear racers,

I also want to say thank you to all the demo racers who raced on our servers.

We have fought against this 'banclan' for several months, we kept on banning them, but 1 hour later, they returned with new, freshly made accounts. We tried everything what we could do to stop them, but all our actions didn't make any sense.

We are very sorry to stop our servers because of a few people who don't respect us.

Regards, DCke (Sponsor) and Silox (FPRS InSim Programmer).
S2 licensed
I think the lapper can do this? No? It can rotates cars and tracks, not sure about the weather...

Use the magic Search button!

And if you want a unique Insim App, you'll have to be very lucky to find someone who wants to make it for free.
S2 licensed
Learn PHP, learn MySQL... I've sent your a tutorial
S2 licensed
Well.. There is something you have to know:
In an Visual Studio IDE, you have 2 options:
OR you test your program, using F5. This saves your project in a map called Debug, somewhere in your main folder (where the .sln is too)
At this way, you can test your programmes and the IDE will give a nice error where a bug is, ...

OR you can build your solution, which saves your solution in a map called... (What is the name again?)

Screenshot @ ... ges/buildSolutionHtml.gif

This is from an webfile, but the method is the same...

I suggest you keep on scripting and coding until it's really finished. (So use the debug function)
S2 licensed
DarkTimes; I tried Python after I learnt VB.Net and I think it's better to start with has a really easy syntax, and you don't get lost in the spaces and tabs you have to place everywhere.

Sid; I should search in the Insim Library subforum for a good library like DarkTimes said. I worked with TronX's Insim Lib and it's really easy to work with as you have pre-defined actions. E.g. you have a sub when a player joins the server, when he leaves it, ...
S2 licensed
Rofl, bump your tropic 2 minutes after you created it -.-

Try yourself, it's really easy!
S2 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :Just pick up on things! I never learnt C# properly, just taught myself by looking at Open Source Cruise code. I used to be able to help make InSim applications, but don't haver the time now. Good luck!


Learn with editing, that's how I've learnt all my scripting languages...