S14: Yes, the banned with the ban vote. They don't have the PW. Manning our servers more is almost inpossible. We are only with 6 - 7 guys, and only the people that really can be trusted have the admin PW. Some people are elder (+ 35) and have a job, some like me study.
MijnWraak: Doesn't help; I'll explain underneath.
All: How can you only allow kick voting? I only can find the /allowvote or /vote yes / no in the cfg file...
It's indeed a kind of evil sabotage, and we really don't like this.
As I said; Disabling the ban only isn't a good way either to solve this problem. The clan (yes it's a group of racers, I saw them racing once all together and crash everyone) can kick and keep on kicking people...
What a leader of our team saw a couple of days ago:
One of them joined our server, after 5 minutes they were with +- 4. They tried to ban someone, but did not succeed. So, they crashed, shouted, ... until some people leaved. Appearently, there were not enough votes to kick / ban them either.
Then they voted to end the race, and banned everybody, even the leader who was logged in with a fake nickname, without admin password.
After this server was empty, they dc'ed and moved on to our other server.
Banning them (I'll explain why underneath) has no result, they can make new accounts.
Let me sketch the problem again:
We have 2 servers who are always full. A team of 4 - 5 members just creates fake accounts and sabotages our server. If we have the votes on; they kick / ban everyone. If we put them off; they'll crash and shout.
I can't believe why people do this, and only on our servers, or also on others? Is it because we have a ranking system? I don't know...
Is there really, really no way to prevent this? I thought abount IP (or even if possible, but I don't know if it is: Mac-Adress) banning..
Thanks in regards,
Silox aka Tom Naessens.
P.S.: Thanks for the replies