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S2 licensed
No for me, there are some pretty servers on demo too (FPRS Systems, ...). S2 is kinda empty last weeks, only cruise servers are full...
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :
The Great Goatsby = Twunt btw.

You know him?
Can you maybe tell more about him? His way of ****ing LFS?

Nvm, I just found out that a Twunt "A fool" is, as I couldn't find him on LFSW ^^
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I doubt it's one person.....

Unless you can open 5 or 6 copies of LFS at once without your PC dying, then being quick enough to Alt-tab between them to vote to ban, with it having to load again each time you do say.

Yesterday, our teamleader has spoken to another team about him. The guy, who's banning, is called Goatseforce (aka Goatse / Goatsby) and that other team told our teamleader he has been hacking and banning LFS for over 2 years now.

Btw; I tested it: With my Celeron D, I have 5 FPS when I start with 15 people next to me, I can boot up to 2 copies. Imagine how many you can boot with a decent PC
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir moi 407 :If you contact Victor he would probably know what to do
I think he is able to ban them via IP no?

We already discussed this... I'll try to contact 500servers (our server hoster) to let a kind of IP scanner run who scans every 5 minutes for multiple IP's...
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :If you are up to beat these jerks, the only thing I can think of is to monitor IP adresses of all computers connected to your server and ban IP accordingly. Few guys sait that IP's are mostly dynamic which I can't agree with. Unless you try to ban by IP few of those pirates, you'll never find out if it works or not. Get your servers some decent firewall (COMODO Personal Firewall works great for me) and begin to fight If I were you, I'd do whatever it takes in an attepmt to find a solution how to get rid of such idiots... Good luck...

I would like to do this, but our servers are hosted by LFS hasn't an option either to ban IP-adresses, so it won't help either.

We gave the apass to an trustable and friendly team, who will help monitoring our servers.
S2 licensed
Quote from dan12s :oh ive seen this before also would he or would he not be waisting loads of money on buying loads of accounts?

It was a demo server until this morning, we changed it now (with the result the server is empty)...

Back in demoland, ready to ban those bastards!
How can you only allow kickvote?
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
You can indeed clone your MAC adress... But it's harder then /iprelease /iprenew...

You won guys, we stopped our server and began an S2 server... We are sorry for the hundreds of people that raced daily on our demo servers, but if people can't respect it, we have to stop it.
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
We just had another assault from them...

This time the usernames were: thelongestusernaminlfs1, thelongestusernaminlfs2, thelongestusernaminlfs3, thelongestusernaminlfs4, ...

When I search them in LFSW they pop up with the regdate of today...

Solution I can come up with: Only allow 1 LFS application on 1 computer...

@Inouva; Yes it is. A ban editor makes no sense, they join with different usernames again...
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
S14: Yes, the banned with the ban vote. They don't have the PW. Manning our servers more is almost inpossible. We are only with 6 - 7 guys, and only the people that really can be trusted have the admin PW. Some people are elder (+ 35) and have a job, some like me study.

MijnWraak: Doesn't help; I'll explain underneath.

All: How can you only allow kick voting? I only can find the /allowvote or /vote yes / no in the cfg file...

It's indeed a kind of evil sabotage, and we really don't like this.

As I said; Disabling the ban only isn't a good way either to solve this problem. The clan (yes it's a group of racers, I saw them racing once all together and crash everyone) can kick and keep on kicking people...

What a leader of our team saw a couple of days ago:
One of them joined our server, after 5 minutes they were with +- 4. They tried to ban someone, but did not succeed. So, they crashed, shouted, ... until some people leaved. Appearently, there were not enough votes to kick / ban them either.
Then they voted to end the race, and banned everybody, even the leader who was logged in with a fake nickname, without admin password.

After this server was empty, they dc'ed and moved on to our other server.

Banning them (I'll explain why underneath) has no result, they can make new accounts.

Let me sketch the problem again:
We have 2 servers who are always full. A team of 4 - 5 members just creates fake accounts and sabotages our server. If we have the votes on; they kick / ban everyone. If we put them off; they'll crash and shout.
I can't believe why people do this, and only on our servers, or also on others? Is it because we have a ranking system? I don't know...

Is there really, really no way to prevent this? I thought abount IP (or even if possible, but I don't know if it is: Mac-Adress) banning..

Thanks in regards,
Silox aka Tom Naessens.

P.S.: Thanks for the replies
People with multiple accounts who ban everyone...
S2 licensed

I'm Silox and member from the FPRS team. We have currently 2 succesful demo servers running.

But the last days someone connected with 5 approximattely the same usernames (eg Hibby1, Hibby2, ...).
He banned and kept on banning everyone in the server, so it became empty, they also ended the race, ...

Does someone know a way to prevent this kind of server blocking? Or does someone has experienced the same problem?

When we put the vote of, there are crashers who keep on crashing, so this isn't a solution either.

Thanks in regards,
Silox aka Tom Naessens.
S2 licensed
"My joystick came off the table..."
S2 licensed

/me is desperate to learn Python as soon my Ranking System is finished...
S2 licensed
I suggest you just go try it Experiment a bit... Mess around a bit... That's the best way to learn this.

If we say the code, you don't learn it, you just copy it...
S2 licensed
Why do you use a while? Normally I use something like this: (VB Pseudo again )

a = (...)

if a = 1
end if

a should save the return from the Msgbox (yes or no)...
S2 licensed
I don't know how it works in C# but in Pseudo VB code it's something like this:

Sub Close
End sub
S2 licensed
Ranking System finally finished, and the last (I hope) problem pops up...

In the FIN_PlayerFinishedRaces class, I want to save the playername (pnames) from the player AND the username (unames) from the player to a different array...

Dim pnames(0 to 0), unames (0 to 0) as string

redim preserve pnames(ubound(pnames) + 1)
redim preserve unames(ubound(unames) + 1)

pnames(ubound(pnames)) = Players(GetPlyIdx(FIN.UCID)).Username

' Here's my problem
unames(ubound(unames)) = Players(GetPlyIdx(FIN.UCID)). ???

So... With what do I have to replace the ??? ? Username is not in the list, and when I try it with: Connections(GetConIdx(FIN.UCID)).Username, it returns "" instead of my username. I tried alot of combinations (UCID, PLID, Username, Playername, Players, Connections ... But none of them returned my Username.

Thanks in regards,
Silox aka Tom.

Got it with some searching around here... Found this:

It's weird, because I earlier tried this and it didn't work... Oh well, thanks!
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
I did some further testing and I found what causes this problem.


Case "!Tik"
Timer3.Enabled = True

Timer3 Tick:

Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick

InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg Tik, Tak!")

End Sub

When I start the race, and type !Tik. The message Tik, Tak! Pops up.
When I start the race, I cross the finishline ( = I finish), and I type !Tik. The message doesn't pops up.

Is there any reason why I can't send MST messages when I crossed the finishline or is there another way I can try to send a message?

Thanks in regards,
Tom Naessens Aka Silox.
Weird InSim VB Timer problem...
S2 licensed
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get a better view on InSim through the .NET - LFS External (InSim/OutSim/OutGauge SDK Library) by T-RonX.

First of all I'm trying to make a simple thing:
If the first player crosses the line, it saves his names to an array. This works.
When I enable a timer after the adding-to piece, that has an interval of 2 minutes, and restarts the race then, it doesn't work. This are some things are tried and I came up with this weird thing:

I enabled a timer from the MSO sub. When I type !blaat, a timer gets activated and once it ticks, it says "Blaat". This works.

Case "!request"
Timer3.Enabled = True
Timer3 Tick:

I replaced the code which is in timer tick function to the code it should be (underneath an example). The code fails (= it doesn't does anything, no messages, ...) with no error.

Case "!request"
Timer3.Enabled = True
Timer3 Tick:
Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Dim i As Integer
everyfinish = True
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^7Race ^1ended! ^7Restart in^1 0.5 minutes!")
For i = 0 To UBound(finished)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg " & i + 1 & ". " & finished(i))
Next i
Timer3.Enabled = False

I placed the code which doesn't works in the timer tick at step 2 to the !request. This works.

Case "!request"
Dim i As Integer
everyfinish = True
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^7Race ^1ended! ^7Restart in^1 0.5 minutes!")
For i = 0 To UBound(finished)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg " & i + 1 & ". " & finished(i))
Next i

I hope the steps gave a better vieuw at the problem and I hope someone can come up with a solution

Ciao & Thanks!
S2 licensed
* sigh * coding the whole day about a simple timer issue, I've let 5 professional programmers have a look at it... Noone came up with a solution...

To test where the error was, I tested to following things:
I enabled a timer from the MSO sub. When I type !blaat, a timer gets activated and once it ticks, it says "Blaat". This works.
I replaced the code which is in timer tick function to the code it should be (underneath an example). The code fails with no error.
I placed the code which doesn't works in the timer tick at step 2 to the !request. This works. But the other timer enabled in the that piece of code doesn't.

Here's the piece of code:

Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick

Dim i As Integer

everyfinish = True
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^7Race ^1ended! ^7Restart in^1 0.5 minutes!")

For i = 0 To UBound(finished)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg " & i + 1 & ". " & finished(i))
Next i
Timer3.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = True
end sub

I'm really tired now, I've worked the whole day and I can't understand why I fail at a simple timer... I hope you guys can come up with a solution.
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
I'm back from holiday and trying to script my own ranking ladder server system... Or how you wish to call it

My first problem:
How do you gather all the race finish results from all players? How to display and how to store it? I would like to store the positions of all the finished racers with the
Private Sub RES_RaceOrQualifyingResult(ByVal RES As Packets.IS_RES)


For example:
Racers finished like this: racer2, racer4, racer1 and racer3 as last. The results should be storred in an array like this: {racer2,racer4,racer1,racer3}.
With this code I can build further on the whole script...

Big question, but after a full day of searching I haven't found an answer...

What I have found is this:
But I can't find any way to handle or use it.

Thanks in regards, I'll update this post when I've found an answer!

Found more stuff in Private Sub FIN_PlayerFinishedRaces(ByVal FIN As Packets.IS_FIN)
But no way to work with it...

Found maybe a way, scripting it now...
Once a players crosses the line, just add him to the array. When the race is finished, divide points

Seems to work at the last way

Funny... Every time I post a problem here, I come up with a solution after 5 minutes ^^

Array and stuff is working...

1 more problem:
How can you see that everybody has finished?
Last edited by Silox, .
S2 licensed
My program is running with the lapper on the same InSim, only the !commands don't work...

You tested it with different ports?
S2 licensed
Quote from LeifOlav :I've created a button in the NCN packet, and then I discovered that when I have both lapper and external running, some of the lappers functions stop working. Because when I have the external running, f.ex !drf doesn't work any more. Anyone else experienced the same error? Is there any way I can get around that?

Yup, the !top nor !stats don't work anymore, I didn't try it yet, but I think the solution is simple: Let your app run on another InSim port...
S2 licensed
Quote from LeifOlav :Anyone know how I can create a button in the MCI packet, because I just get's error when using MCI.Info[0] instead of f.ex NCN.UCID?

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("text", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK Or Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, x , x , x , x , x, MCI.UCID, x, True)


Replace x with the other options; Height, width, top, left, cliqueID, ...
S2 licensed
I think you should check out the source of the opensource Cruise, I can help you with some things, not with all but I'll got to work now... I'll post later on some tips...
S2 licensed
Quote from SkinCast :Works now...

Thanks guy!

Thanks T-RonX He helped me with it too...