wow i had a good laugh reading these but i usually say oops, sorry about that or i sometimes acedently say no problem so when i crash into someone is say no problem but then i quickly say oops sorry about that or my bad. I would use some funny dumb ones but i don't have a good sense of humour
I just remembered a couple I've used...

"I was having a drink"

...that happened to me in one race, I think it was Blackwood, I was having a drink on the straight and someone spun infront of me and I just piled into them.


"I fell asleep"

...again on the back straight of Blackwood, I nodded off and turned right just before the bridge, hit the barriers and totally destroyed my car.
Quote from evilpimp :Woah you were there? lol. When was it again?

They wernt action was a balloon he was playing with and it suddenly landed in between my face and the screen
"i sneezed, sorry"

Annoys me so much i even use it
#81 - VoiD
illepall "got pushed from behind" is still my favorite
I crashed because I was putting my mouse into it's little charging dock
"I'm S14"
"I am a COP"
*dinner ready*

*I, dont have a exuse*

*You hit me!*

*Sorry, i'm not used to force feedback on mouse/keybord*

*I'm Tired*

*I'm a admin!*
I was doing my hair
I thought left was right?
Mefinks you fowgot.
Not really an excuse, but a couple of years back now. I dove up the inside of another car on Fern Bay club and the wheel snapped clean off. Went straight into another drivers door.

The wheel was one of those el'cheapo Ferrair 360 knock off's with the combined pedals. Suffice to say my next week never had that problem
LOL!!! I bearly ever get to lock so I wouldn't be able to snap mine clean off but its funny trying to imagin you driving and then the wheel just snaps and your there turning in the air.

(Aahh... maybe I should just go to sleep now...)
During the 2008 Kyoto 500, someone who had retired from the race on Lap 24 or so, had started a private chat in Ventrilo with a car still in the race, this was around lap 50 or so. The guy who he sent the message to was still in the race, in Turn Two. The Private Chat Message overtook his game, and LFS thought he was still turning, and it sent him into the inside wall, catapulted him, and went "Wrong route" to spec. Whoops !

Note to self: disable private chat acceptance while racing in major events. :-)

And I was the Race Director during the event where someone said "The Race Director told me to crash." Be it known that I did not tell anyone to crash. It was a for-fun (off-the-cuff, as it were) 150 or so lap oval FO8 race, and a few of us in Vent were joking that someone should crash so a caution would come out. I said, "Maybe I'll bring out a competition yellow to bring it all together," but when a few drivers said they didn't want that, I dropped the idea. Abotu a minute later, someone did crash (accidental, not intentional), and I had to bring out the SC. The guy who said I told him to crash thought that the crash was intentional to bring out the SC, and actuall intentionally took the guy who crashed out while they were catching the SC queue. Yeah, I did ban him from NDR events for a nice long while.

"My joystick came off the table..."
*sorry, my table is gone*
#99 - JVL
Quote from chanoman315 :"i cant use mirrors and race at the same time!"

jaja t acuerdas cuando dije esa estupidez??
"sorry, G!nHO hit me"

Stupidest Excuse for Crashing
(403 posts, started )