I'm back from holiday and trying to script my own ranking ladder server system... Or how you wish to call it
My first problem:
How do you gather all the race finish results from all players? How to display and how to store it? I would like to store the positions of all the finished racers with the
Private Sub RES_RaceOrQualifyingResult(ByVal RES As Packets.IS_RES)
For example:
Racers finished like this: racer2, racer4, racer1 and racer3 as last. The results should be storred in an array like this: {racer2,racer4,racer1,racer3}.
With this code I can build further on the whole script...
Big question, but after a full day of searching I haven't found an answer...
What I have found is this:
But I can't find any way to handle or use it.
Thanks in regards, I'll update this post when I've found an answer!
Found more stuff in Private Sub FIN_PlayerFinishedRaces(ByVal FIN As Packets.IS_FIN)
But no way to work with it...
Found maybe a way, scripting it now...
Once a players crosses the line, just add him to the array. When the race is finished, divide points
Seems to work at the last way
Funny... Every time I post a problem here, I come up with a solution after 5 minutes ^^
Array and stuff is working...
1 more problem:
How can you see that everybody has finished?