Q: Some of the players are marked as DNF in results table, although they
completed the whole race. What's wrong?
A: Replay has ended until every single player finished their final laps, so
no correct results information is available.
A: Some players disconnected or entered spectate mode before their final position
in ingame race results table was decided, thus, no race result packet was
sent for them by LFS, and they will be marked as DNF.
Q: Some of the players are marked as DNF in results table, although they
completed the whole race. What's wrong?
A: Replay has ended until every single player finished their final laps, so
no correct results information is available.
Q: Could somebody explain the 'Lap times stability' section please?
A: The lower the stability number - more stable one's lap times are.
Only racers which did more than 2 laps are present in stability table.
First lap time is excluded from calculation.
I use the following deviation formula to calculate stability. Example of
calculation for one player:
stability = sqrt(sumN((AverageLapTime - LapTimeN)^2) / (N - 1))
N - number of laps;
AverageLapTime - Player's average lap time;
LapTimeN - Player's time of Nth lap;
Q: I made a stats for our 2h endurance race and it didn't show penalty -
drive through.. it's an bug or it can't show it?
A: It shows only not completed penalties in results. That's a limitation of
LFS, which sends only not completed penalty info on race finish.
Q: Why it shows 0 pit stops for an DNF racer, while I know he did at least one?
A: Since there are no pit-related insim packets (yet?), there is no possibility
to determine number of pit stops other than on race finish. If player hasn't
finished, pit stop data is not available.
Q: Some of the players are marked as DNF in results table, although they
completed the whole race. What's wrong?
A: Replay has ended until every single player finished their final laps, so
no correct results information is available.