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S2 licensed
Quote :Are you speaking about offline races or training lessons?

Could be talking about the demo servers :P
S2 licensed
Quote :Another thing, LFS Has higher fps in windowed mode than full screen too

Drop your resolution some and the framerate should jump up a lot. P4 is getting seriously old at this stage though and if your limited to less than 4GB of ram then I'd guess your really on 32bit and that your using an AGP slot for the graphics card (didn't thing 8800's came in AGP though). If so then that's your main problem, AGP just doesn't have the bandwidth for a good card and an 8800 can handle way more than your motherboard can give it. Ask around and you can probably find a dual core beige box for free, so long as it has a PCI-E slot it will be a big step up from what your using ATM, you can get a card for it very cheap.
S2 licensed
The AI learns so it gets a bit better, its still shite though. Not to bad when your up to speed and give it the same respect as you would other players when online (demo servers excepted) and you can have a good dice with individual cars but it still does bloody stupid stuff, get past a few cars on the 1st bend and they will try and drive straight through you as though they have no idea your there.

After racing the ai a lot I notice some other sims have chickenshit ai that pussys out at the slightest attempt to steal the line from them, that makes LFS ai seem impossibly unforgiving at first but they do have a very slight glimmer of intelligence, artificial stupidity would be more accurate though.
S2 licensed
Never understood what bidets are for, really mystified now your putting a steering wheel on one, maybe a bidet yo is some sort of new and improved version with a built in flatscreen?
S2 licensed
HP is torque/time so raising torque and/or rpm gives more hp. How a turbo engine behaves compared to a normally aspirated is entirely down to design, damn great turbo's that only start working at high rpm give monster HP but poor low rpm performance while most turbo trucks use small turbo's (relative to engine capacity) to boost power from low rpm. As to the graphs, they're f***ed up.
S2 licensed
Ever heard of a little company called Lotus? One of the reasons you've probably heard of them is that in their early days they made chassis that flexed better than anyone else's, it was so bad on sports cars at that time that if you opened both doors on some open topped sports cars you had to put a jack underneath to close them again. Have a look at the chassis section beside the seat back on mk1 lotus 7's if you don't believe flex was designed in back then. Not sure about cars but on bikes its still designed in, the highside issues on GP bikes in the 90's was due to the new computer assisted designs being too rigid and flex had to be incorporated to fix the problem.
S2 licensed
Had a look for Exception Code: c0000005, very few answers unfortunately. A lot of folks found it was due to bad ram but just as many tested the ram and it was ok, here's the only answer I found that was due to something other than ram: ... tion-code-0xc0000005.html
Quote :Well, turns out it was an issue with Sonar sending too much MIDI infirmation to ShowXpress... It was sending MIDI Time Code at 30 frames per second plus whatever actual MIDI data that was programmed. I don't need the MTC to be transmitted, so turning it off fixed it. Thankfully it wasn't OS or driver related.

Not really related to your issue as its app specific but if you have anything like fraps (captures in game video), controller tweak utilities or anything else that might be trying to talk to LFS as its running it could be worth turning them off, doubt its the cause though :/
S2 licensed
Did you re-install when you put the SSD in? XP's page file used to screw them up, I know they fixed it in an update but not sure if it's automatically re-configured in a version cloned from a HD. If you had bluescreen issues due to ram before I'd guess there is trouble with a stick you left in (if they are the same age/make/model). Hopefully someone can translate the error message and give you an accurate answer though.
S2 licensed
No idea what the error output means but would suggest putting memtest on a cd or usb key and checking your ram if you haven't installed anything or made any changes recently.
S2 licensed
I download a lot of stuff using TPB, almost all of it legally, just to make life hard for the internet nazis. Next round of internet freedom raping is Europe placing charges on data from US sites, mainly aimed at US corporations like itunes and google, 'yeah, right on, screw the corporations'... BS, its about putting borders on information. Last time this kind of censorship was going on there was a war not long after...
S2 licensed
Looks very interesting, trouble is the handling of those contraptions is more about every damn thing flexing and bending than accurate geometry and even if chassis flex is being taken into account that's only a small part of it. I'd guess it will be a long time before any game can include that kind of thing and justify being called a simulation, the rigs of rods demo video is in the right direction though.
S2 licensed
Good news Would guess more a rowrowrowrow than a fufufufu if it's starting ok sometimes, would doubt its the starter motor, you'll usually get just a light clunk or a whuueeeeeessss if the starter motor is giving trouble. Hope it gets sorted out tomorrow, good luck with it
S2 licensed
C'mon, do the sound effects, does it go whuueeeeeessss or fufufufufuf, or even better, clunk?
S2 licensed
Did you go through a 5 year hole in time or something? :P Big welcome to both of you, hope your both really slow so I have some competition for last place
S2 licensed
Quote :Its called working.

Please be considerate of others with your replies, I find this language highly offensive especially on a Monday morning.

S2 licensed
Yep, spinning disks are going the same way as tape, too slow for anything but backup. SSD performance leaves them for dead, software will start expecting those fast transfer rates before long and will pause and hang while data is loading if it doesn't get them. Lot to be said for 10 second boot times too
S2 licensed
Think of torque figures, kg/m or lb/ft, the same calliper on a bigger diameter disk will increase the distance from the centre so will have greater leverage, like a short handled wheelbrace will need more force than a long handled one. Depends on other stuff to though, greater piston area pushes the pads harder against the disk and so gives more braking torque. Heat is the biggest enemy of brakes and a bigger disk has more area to dissipate the heat so fade is reduced.
S2 licensed
Quote :No idea how it stopped, but I bought it as a non-runner.

Ouch, not a whole lot to go on. Even if it had a knackered piston it should still at least try on the other pots, compression sounds ok in the clip though. Any spark and does it get fuel pressure up? Would check the position sensor on the flywheel, they're magnetic and attract crap from the starter/ring gear and eventually get blinded by it, one of those 'make it stop' tricks manufacturers use :/ After that... feck knows, cut a big hole in the bonnet and stick 3 downdraught webers on it
S2 licensed
Maybe this why it not go:
Oil looks like it ran down after cam cover was removed, tip looks dry in that photo... suspiciously dry. How did it come to a stop?
S2 licensed
Alternative blackwood layouts would be very nice, would like alternative westhill layouts more but blackwood would be better for new players.

Not sure open sourcing LFS would work even if the devs where willing, performance suggests the code is hand optimised. I'd love to see the code if not as it does everything faster than equivalent functions with off the shelf libs.
S2 licensed
+1 to the great dictator speech. Eisenhower's parting speech is worth an honourable mention though, this is a clip from it.
S2 licensed
A single 2TB SSD is probably overkill, an SSD with enough space for all your apps + a big HD for data would be more cost effective and would give you a separate drive for system backups.

It was also mentioned in a similar thread that there are a new generation of nvidia cards out soon, could be worth getting a cheap card for you old box and using the card you have until they come out and that motherboard chipsets are changing as fast as the weather atm so could be worth looking at the lower price end of quality motherboards for now.

TBH, if I was putting together a PC now everything other than the power supply, case and possibly CPU would be at the lower end of the price scale as it seems things are moving fast and current high end parts will get old quickly.
S2 licensed
Quote :PC is starting to do weird crap... pauses etc... in other software.
So what are some ways I can play with these settings on my PC?

Its very unlikely the system clock is causing your PC to do weird crap, or anything in the BIOS either. Its more likely you have stuff running in the background that's running at intervals and slowing down other apps, anti virus, windows update, email clients, that kind of thing. Maybe have a look in the task manager to see what's running and start a new thread for it with system specs, OS etc, if your running XP it could be simpler to back stuff up and do a fresh install though.