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S2 licensed
Dream job?

I think I'd like to be a plasterer.

No, really.
S2 licensed
Funnybear, your stance on this issue is somewhat tempered by your repeated comparison of an FXO to an FZR. Yes, an FZR is faster than an FXO. I should bloody hope so. An FZR is also far faster than an FXR, which shouldn't always be the case. It should depend on the track.

But with regards to class balancing in general, there are two sides to the issue:

Side one is that LFS isn't finished yet - there are many more features to be introduced to LFS, for example unique aero characteristics, undertrays, tyre compounds, gearboxes, better differentials, etc. All of these can be used to help balance the classes, and as LFS is in a constant state of development, it wouldn't make sense to fiddle with things now when future developments have the potential to radically change everything.

Side two is that although LFS is a WIP, we're playing it and bankrolling the development of it, and thus we expect the gameplay to be maximised in the short term. This means making the extra effort to balance the cars with the current physics package, in order to maximise people's enjoyment of the game as it stands.

I can see the logic behind side one, but have to agree with side two. The class imbalance is spoiling leagues, and even rendering the in-game TBO/LRF/GTR filters useless, as more servers start to run RB4vsXRT (and no FXO), or XRRvsFXR (with no FZR).

The LRF class is so unpopular that it surely can only be considered a failure compared to the other classes. I keep wanting to drive this class to gain some experience in it but can never find any populated servers running it. The RAC, being a real car, is sort of the benchmark, but the FZ5 is a pig to drive and is outclassed by the LX6 even on the higher speed circuits, which surely isn't right. If the more difficult FZ5 can't outpace the easier LX6 on the higher speed circuits, then what's the point in driving it? Same goes for the XRT vs FXO, and XRR vs FZR.

Please Scavier, balance the classes. Pretty please. Spend more time with the beta testers to find the correct values for each car. Surely that's one of the main advantages of having fictitious cars, that you can tweak the values as you wish? We're all bankrolling the development of S2, and people are trying to run leagues but finding them severely compromised by the dominance of particular cars; public servers suffer the same effect with less long-term consequence but more frustration for those that want to drive more than the FZR or FXO.

In the absence of any imminent physics updates, the class imbalance needs fixing in the short term, imho. Just a statement from Scavier regarding their opinion on this would be a most welcome start. But this issue has always dogged LFS to some extent, so I'm not getting my hopes up. But I'd love to be proved wrong...
S2 licensed
If you're playing the demo and have downloaded the full S2, you already have the necessary software, there's nothing extra you need to download or have shipped to you. You just unlock the extra content from inside the game once you've purchased your S2 licence. The purchase itself is pretty much instant in you pay by credit card, other methods can take a few hours up to a day or two (I think).
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :It's already started going down the crapper for me here believe it or not

Guess I'm lucky - I'm on Telewest and their broadband has been as good as it's always been. I think it'll take a long time for anything to be standardised in a technical aspect across their networks, so I'm not too worried that ntl is suddenly going to ruin my internet connection. Customer service, and future investment to keep the quality of service where it is now, is a different matter however... :sour:
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Why would a cable provider be not a good games isp?

Did anyone say they weren't?
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :could live for speed be adapted to teach you how do deal with traffic police? :S (i had a problem this morning you see)

You need a different piece of software for that.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I tried to get behind car 4, and into the run-off, but locked up brakes and lost control. Apologies to car 4.

Apology accepted, I saw from the replay you were doing everything you could to save the situation, but I have to admit there's not much can be done when you brake at 75m instead of ~125m. Wink
S2 licensed
Quote from tinyk :Aww it's really very simple, if it bothers you that much, just put him on ignore and you'll never have to see his posts again. Problem solved, life will be all happy again.

a) he is on my ignore list, but there's this annoying "view post" button next to every one of his posts that I often just have to click to see what it is that's infuriating so many people so much of the time.

b) I'm not exactly losing any sleep over him. Trust me, I have much more important things in my life to worry about than what some seven year old from Humberside is up to. But as much as I give everyone the benefit of the doubt at first, my tolerance does not extend to condoning faster's catalogue of leeching licences, illiteracy, laziness, and abusing people's help and goodwill. Normally I wouldn't say anything as I tend to read much more than I post, but starting a thread in which he suggests he might become a moderator here because he's set up his own, empty forum at which he has authority is either (i) taking the piss, or (ii) the straw that broke the camel's back, or (iii) all of the above.

@ XCNuse: yep, skins section is much better organised now. I just wish I could get round to finishing the half dozen half-finished skins I've got somewhere archived onto DVD.
S2 licensed
Quote from tinyk :a more constructive way of going about helping him

Personally I think the graphics card saga is the perfect example of why anyone who tries to help him as they would help a normal member is wasting their time. No reasonable person would exhaust so much time and effort from other members, only to respond to the help in the way that he did.
S2 licensed
Quote from tinyk :You guys complain about all the spam and negative posts on the forums, and yet here you are again, making fun of faster111 because of spelling mistakes.

Except that there's a difference between making some spelling mistakes, and complete illiteracy and a general indifference towards making the effort to make himself understood.
Last edited by STROBE, . Reason : Heh, beaten by Munko
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I don't see any mistakes...

No, but you forgot the apostrophe in the reason for editing your post as being "I didn't edit my post <_>"
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :PS - the first person to correct me will go on my "People i want to kill" list!

You forgot the full stop on your first sentence.
S2 licensed
Then try drinking some coffee. Maybe an espresso. That'll help.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :siffrent - I'm not quite sure what you were trying to spell here.

Well, the "s" is next to the "d" on the keyboard. Maybe he's just chronically obese. Remember the Simpsons episode where Homer puts on enough weight to work from home as a disabled person, but can't phone the nuclear plant in an emergency?

"The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the key pad with your palm, now."

S2 licensed
Coming soon: English language and grammar workshop, hosted by faster111.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :want poof about me beening a modrater on anther site give me till after 1.30 uk time and i post you a pic of my user name anyway its nearly the same as my racer name so it souldnt be hard to pick out.

I can't wait to see this poof.

Anyways, I can assure you guys and girls that moderating isn't some kind of holy grail. As an administrator at a forum with (at the time of writing) 125,585 registered members and nearly 2.5 million posts, it can be more work than recreation when you visit the forum.

Incidentally faster111, I don't think they make moderators out of people who can't make themselves understood in their native tongue, or leech S2 licences from generous individuals and then give up on it, only returning to advertise their forums and another game.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i just found one called "SO2_Jakg" which sounds nice

Cheers mate, that's a great starting point for me to practice with. Much appreciated, I owe ya one. And it's actually pretty similar to the Inferno setup for SO5.
XRT @ South City?
S2 licensed
Well, the Sim Touring Car Cup starts tomorrow, and I'm a bit buggered.

Two weeks ago I undertook a long-overdue reformat on my computer. Guess what I forgot to back up? Yup, my setups. Then, I've been ill with some kind of virus for the past couple of weeks - the kind that makes it an effort to climb a flight of stairs and leaves my heart racing when I get to the top, bearing in mind that when I'm well, I comfortably go to the gym four or five times a week and do spinning twice a week while I'm at it. Feeling better now though, and well enough to do stuff. Like go racing.

Problem is I've not had the chance to practice, and I have no setups. So if anyone can send any XRT setups my way for SO2 (although any SO-friendly setup would be better than none) asap, I will be very, very, very, very, very grateful.
S2 licensed
Those replays are appalling. Sadly, cheaters are always going to be around in online gaming - LFS until now has had it easy due to it's niche appeal and close community, but the more popular it gets, the higher the probability of being targetted by cheaters.

Whilst there's undoubtedly a need for a technical way of stopping cheaters (i.e. something coded into the game by Scawen), I do hope that when evidence is brought to light that those cheating get banned. Permanently. They lose their S2 licence.

If they don't, to me that just invites other prospective cheaters with an S2 licence to come and have a go, see what "fun" it is and if they can get away with it. Of course it's the dev's decision how to handle the accounts of cheaters, and I have faith that they know what's best for LFS. But the clause is there in the user agreement that gives them the right to disable the licence, and if this isn't one of those cases, then what is? If they don't, I dearly hope there's a good reason for not doing so, even though we may or may not have the right to know that reason.
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :My roadmap of guesswork:
- One month of further testpatch-development
- Declare latest testpatch "Patch V" and make it official and required.
- Develop missing features:
Preload for LSD-diff, currect undertray downforce, different stats for different tyre-manufacturers, balance TBO and GTR class, include new GTR interiors

- Call this Patch W
- Develop features for beta:
AI improvements, GUI improvements, server-side options like "no shift+s" etc.
- Declare this LFS S2 Beta
- Fix any occuring bugs
- Declare this LFS S2 Final
- Spend a year developing S3 without telling anything about it's new features

Don't forget the engine temperature gauge which is the cars. I'd like to think that S2 final will see this operational, with an enhanced engine damage system that reflects any impacts or physical damage to the car (including things such as over-revving, etc). I'm sure I recall Scawen once saying he'd like to get it working in order to penalise careless driving (or words to that effect), as at the moment there's no penalty to your car if you twat into the back of someone under braking. Otherwise, I agree with your list in terms of things likely to be in S2, without being too pessimistic or optimistic.

Quote from Honey :well we know about scawen's work and iirc from the last interview, victor has or is going to start to work on another version of lfs-world not-desktop-based, what we don't know is what is doing eric, except bf1 and some very minor texture updates, he released nothing, so i really hope he almost finished S3 content, otherwise let's prepare to wait 5 years before first S3 alpha...

Scawen has said in the past that Eric is continuing to work on the modelling and artistic side of things, including a revamp of Kyoto, which just missed out on being included in the BF1 update. But Eric's work only tends to get released in huge chunks all at once, so we see less evidence of it day-to-day, then suddenly a big update or overhaul to something or somewhere.
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :I was responding to Faster111's quote of:

So if he isn't going to listen about his graphics card then he should just give Tristan the account back so when Tristan is feeling generous again he doesn't have to fork out another £24.

I know, I was agreeing with you. I think the attitude exhibited with regards to the licence he was kindly given is appalling and runs the risk of putting off any others with big enough hearts and wallets to buy licenses for other people.
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :Exactly my point. No respect for Tristan shown there at all, if it was your £24 you'd be trying to sort the problem and get the most out of LFS but because it's not your money you couldn't give a toss.

Do the respectful thing and give Tristan that account he already has expressed an interest in finding a way to get the voucher code back. I'm sure he can find a demo user who will actually use LFS and not ditch it because he has found another game.

How many times have you said this now?

Funnily enough, my three year old neice has exactly the same kind of selective hearing where she ignores anything she doesn't want to hear, such as being told it's bed-time. Maybe that's the kind of mentality we're dealing with here.

@ psychoman: "sic" is used to signify that reproduced text is being displayed "as is", i.e. with any errors or omissions. Wikipedia tells me it's derived from Latin.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :i got the lastest [sic] 6600 GT card and its [sic] to [sic] new for lfs

Yeah, just imagine all those that bought 7xxx series cards, or even two of them to run in SLI mode. The fools!
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :In the past few centuries, Israel has made many more contributions to the modern world than any of the Muslim countries that border it have.

Oh? Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what Israel contributed to the world in, say, the 19th century?
S2 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :you know where it is?

Unfortunately so, driven through it a few times.