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S2 licensed
24GB. Whats the point jeez. I didnt even know it went past 12GB.
S2 licensed
When F4 comes out it would be little over 2 years since F3 came out. Thats not even counting the inevitable delays that may happen. Not a short time period at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :My entry.

Not sure it complies fully with rules, but even if it bombs, I still enjoyed making it.

WIN . Very clever.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :i want a career where i start from the bottom racing for teams and move my way up Kinda like toca race driver 3

+1 Pretty much as good as a racing career mode can get. Start from a lowly racing league and a old Winnebago to a million dollar sponsor and equally costing race car.
S2 licensed
Did anyone else notice the Ford GT looks to be at a "Airport"?
S2 licensed
"Insert random spanish"

/spanish spam
S2 licensed
MRT (with kart setup) On any karting layout. I remember we had some karting races awhile back and you were doomed by flying tires if you started midpack and back. Speaking of which, should be done again
S2 licensed
Quote from Framaris :Well we have means to balance them, that's why they gave us handicaps and air restriction, of course it would mean to restrict xrt a bit to match RB4 and fxo would endup with something like 6 or 7%....but before that there will be a lot of testing to do.

XRT needs to be restricted to match fatcat? Never.
S2 licensed
http://axisofoversteer.blogspo ... 58-gt2-first-picture.html

New pictures of 458 GT2 racer. Showing in alms and FIA hopefully next year?

Oh and 2 Lambos next year|15420

GT2 Class is getting UhMAZING
S2 licensed
F08/BF1 (minus TC) On any South City track except Sprint 1. Going flatout hotlap mode of course. The bumps will drive the car nuts
S2 licensed
Quote from mrfell :Just bought it. Blimey the shifter is hectic.......

You shift? I figured you did but i spent 5 minutes trying to configure it to shift, but never succeeded and just figured you didn't have to.
L.A Noire
S2 licensed ... dark-days-of-los-angeles/

New from rockstar games. 50's Crime drama. Looks great but no PC right away it seems.
S2 licensed More V8 Supercars goodness. Exciting season? Mhm
S2 licensed
Managed a 46:44 on default setup manly because i didnt know what the heck i was looking at in the setup screen

Its definately fun. Just had issues setting the wheel up
S2 licensed
Looks like ima just save my money if PS3's are dying from overusage :/
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :It's fair to say the idiots I've seen that are 15th with only a few days gameplay are glitchers then, the 15th playercard background does too pretty cool though.

Yeah but some of these people with 20k kills already. Jeeeeez
S2 licensed
Currently en route to prestige 3. Just got to P2 couple hours of gameplay ago and level 33 now. I guess the sniping, you have to get used to in order to remotely use it in the same fashion as COD 4 and MW2. I got some really nice shots in my recent games where i went only sniper.
S2 licensed
Give a finn a camera and the world becomes a better place.

Best comment btw "This turned my brain into a burning place where small apes are dancing."
S2 licensed
Im REAL tempted to pick up this ... aspx?Item=N82E16811119160 and this ... aspx?Item=N82E16814127531 next week. get my christmas gift out the way so i can get everyone else's afterwards . Also wanting to go with a red and black theme if you havent noticed.
S2 licensed
Been wonderin for a USA Meet as well. Apparently the most of us are on the east coast which makes it tons easier.
S2 licensed
I was referring to to him implying that we should all know who this guy is just because we sim race and he's apparently the top racer.
S2 licensed
Quote from BigTime :

Lynce did a video trying to create that effect. I don't know how he did it, but I know exactly how I would do it and it's really quite simply IMO. I'm not going to drop the bomb on this one, because it is more technical than doing a night scene and I don't want to spoil it for the competitors.

Its at 3:20
S2 licensed
Quote from tiagolapa :Unless you only care for LFS sim racing experience.
Take care

Which is what some of us want rather than an in depth pre-race festivity with fly-overs from virtual fighter jets and virtual interviews with drivers on a virtual pit-walk.