L.A Noire
(51 posts, started )
L.A Noire
The facial animations look great (yet eerily uncanny), rockstar is a great developer, si I have high hopes for that.
#4 - JJ72
It won't be the usual sandbox offering but a very linear game, almost an old school point and click style advanture game with more freedom and case solving elements involved, could be like indigo prohecy?
Lol, i was just wondering - when will the thread appear. Here it is ... :3

Anyway, love the trailers so far. Looks impressive.
Bloody hell. Amazing. :hyper:
Saw this before i bought Mafia 2, I thought Mafia 2 was going to own this, but this looks 10x better.

Can't wait
Anyone tried it yet?
Playing it right now.
About halfway through and enjoying it, but it's by no means a perfect game.

+ Fantastic voice acting
+ Realistic facial expressions
+ Interrogation scenes have some real drama to them
+ Writing in general is pretty good for a mainstream video game
+ Open world is mostly convincing and well rendered
+ First Rockstar game where I don't feel like I can murder civilians with impunity

- Repetitive mission structure (but then again it's just police work)
- Can't choose to be a bad cop within the storyline
- A bit more linear than I'd like in general
- Combat is simplistic
- Not very challenging at all on default settings, and turning off the vibration/music for clues turns it into a button-mashing festival
Actually pretty excited about this one. It'll be a couple months before I can afford it, though... Probably at least that until I have time to play it, too.
Ben, I agree its too repetitive, but I find it fun because of the aspect of trusting your instincts. It affects my completionist attitude, because I want to always "redo" parts that I fail, but I've gotten over that and its gotten a lot more fun to see how a case progresses if I fail.
Bought it 2 days ago, put about 8 hours into it so far, the driving physics are terrible I was hoping for some GTA IV physics at least but it feels more like vice city.

Good game though, gets you immersed into solving cases.
I think the physics work for the kind of game that it is. The action sequences all are really super easy, as it's meant to put pressure on the interrogation and case solving aspects of the game.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I think the physics work for the kind of game that it is. The action sequences all are really super easy, as it's meant to put pressure on the interrogation and case solving aspects of the game.

I think it's silly that rockstar would go from semi-realistic cars in GTA IV, then go back in time to the 40's where a 3ton Buick handles like an F1 car.

Mafia II is based around the same era and the physics in that really do make the game much more entertaining to go from point A to point B, if L.A noire don't care much for driving physics than it's stupid of them to scatter hidden cars throughout the city.

I mean put it this way, Rockstar has already developed the euphoria physics engine, they used it in Red dead redemption, I don't see why they couldn't use it in L.A noire.
This is where you're mistaken. Rockstar is only the publisher of the game. Team Bondi is the actual Developer. People keep saying things like this was a rockstar game. No doubt rockstar had a lot of input, but it's not their baby. The engine that was used isn't even the engine from GTA4 either.

I think the physics decision works for the game that it's in.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :This is where you're mistaken. Rockstar is only the publisher of the game. Team Bondi is the actual Developer. People keep saying things like this was a rockstar game. No doubt rockstar had a lot of input, but it's not their baby. The engine that was used isn't even the engine from GTA4 either.

I think the physics decision works for the game that it's in.

Yes I know the engine isn't the GTA IV engine, that is why I am disappointed. I'm not saying the game is crap, I just think that it could use some better driving physics, I don't like when in game driving feels more like a chore than an experience.
... The driving in the game is very simple physics that require very little thinkng about what happens. GTA4 driving physics do require quite a bit of thinking and planning of momentum.

Your logic is a little backwards here. The LA Noire physics aren't a chore, nor do they get in the way of the experience. Whereas the GTA4 physics are a bit more work.

Saying that simple physics is a chore doesn't make sense.
How is my logic backwards, is taking out the garbage a intricate mental exercise for you or is it a simple task?
if anything you clarified what I'm saying in your reply.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :... The driving in the game is very simple physics that require very little thinkng about what happens

I'm not sure about you, personally I like to think in all aspects of a game.

Your reply also brings up a new valid point to which if the game is so interested in making you think about interrogating people then it's silly to send you brain dead for a few minuets while you "drive" to your next destination.
No, you're saying that the driving is a chore. However the driving physics are quite the opposite. They are extremely simple and easy, meant to be not as important to the overall experience.

If the driving was a chore, you'd be expected to shift, clutch, steer with perfectly realistic physics, because that would require a lot to do. That would be the case if the driving was a chore.

The driving in the game is the exact opposite of a chore. You have a large amount of grip, you have gas, brake and handbrake. The driving is really easy to do well.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No, you're saying that the driving is a chore. However the driving physics are quite the opposite. They are extremely simple and easy, meant to be not as important to the overall experience.

If the driving was a chore, you'd be expected to shift, clutch, steer with perfectly realistic physics, because that would require a lot to do. That would be the case if the driving was a chore.

The driving in the game is the exact opposite of a chore. You have a large amount of grip, you have gas, brake and handbrake. The driving is really easy to do well.

Why are you on a driving simulator forum if you believe that realistic driving is a chore?
I don't believe it's a chore, I just feel that it would be out of place in the game. Do you want realistic jury/trials too? Realistic gun physics? What about the inability to restart cases if you die? Game over at that point?

It's a game. Certain parts are meant to be culled back form being total realism in the nature of fun. Else we'd be having a lot of fun spending several years of real time trying the first case, along with needing to restart the game after we get killed in action.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I don't believe it's a chore, I just feel that it would be out of place in the game. Do you want realistic jury/trials too? Realistic gun physics? What about the inability to restart cases if you die? Game over at that point?

It's a game. Certain parts are meant to be culled back form being total realism in the nature of fun. Else we'd be having a lot of fun spending several years of real time trying the first case, along with needing to restart the game after we get killed in action.

Now you're taking things out of proportion to what I'm saying, if you're so against realism perhaps the game could do without integration too? hey maybe no driving at all, actually let's all just play 1972's famous game Pong instead.

You like simple easy driving then that's good for you, tell me more about your mustang on Juiced 2.

As I've previously stated the game could do well if it provided some more realistic driving experience other than holding what appears to be a sculptured brick that accelerates to it's top speed of 60mph in 4 seconds at full throttle for 5mins while you take a nap.

L.A Noire
(51 posts, started )