no you push it dont pull it
(it is in "normal' cornering ,not drifting
the term has nothing to do with the countersteering in cars when sliding )
(i drive 15000 km on my bike in a year so im no "newby", but i also wont say i'm an expert )
-on the demo servers i see a lot of people who dont look and then say that you are the one that hit them.
-in rl you can easely look aside , on the pc it isn't that easy
-when i can avoit hitting someone because i use pitspotter then it can onley be a plus
this is what they teach in the Netherlands on advanced bike training
counter steer : normally you steer with your body/weight
then you push against the inside steer bar so your bike doesn't steer more in the corner then you want.
you are steering against your "weight"steering(counter steer)
i think everybody does it without knowing it