Know that awkward feeling when someone asks you why do you still play LFS and you can't explain it because it is so obvious that no words are needed?
Well this is why. This is why we race. Go show them, and if you also feel the call after watching it come and join us at, we race every Monday at 22.15 CET (21.15 GMT) and we're expecting you!
Summer is just around the corner, and so is the next edition of CESAV's Joker CUP, starting on July 4th. Be sure to check season details for further information on rounds and cars used.
How cool is that?
Joker CUP consists in a series 5 races featuring an alternative layout –the Joker Layout.
The Joker layout is marked with lines on the floor. It is a longer path than you would normally do, but everyone is enforced to use it at least once. This is what we call the Joker Lap (number of mandatory joker laps stated in each race rules), and you must do it after the first 2 laps and before the 2 last ones.
But when?
That is up to you, so come and join us to find out in our usual schedule of Mondays at 22.15 CET (21.15 GMT) at CESAV WebSite. We're expecting you!
CESAV Mods Cup was a thrilling series of races that took place at our servers from February 28th through June 20th 2022. Hope you enjoy this video as much as we did racing!
Remember that we race every Monday at 22.15 CET (21.15 GMT), and you can join us anytime at CESAV WebSite
For those of you that aren't aware, at CESAV we organized a championship featuring some of the finest mods recently published for LFS.
On April 25th the 3rd race of the series took place at the Kyoto National with an open config, and we raced with the fabulous Cammera 730 Turbo. Here are some highlights of that intense race, just as we the pilots of the LowCost Racing Team experienced it.
Remember that we race every Monday at 22:15 CET (21:15 GMT). You're welcome to join us anytime!
Seems LOD2 is still messed up. Any plans to fix it soon?
We have a race featuring this car next Monday, may 23rd, at, and it would be lovely to have it shining in all its splendor.
Thanks for your job on the FT series, really nice.
Some of the WR trajectories or at the top positions of the charts are peculiar, to say the least, but the AI could learn a thing or two when negotiating a chicane.
Though I can be fooled, to my knowledge the AI keeps learning the more they drive. To learn the basics before going online I raced against them multiple times, and those of them I used the most (AI 1 to 5/10) seem to outperform other AI elements which I seldom use.
An AI able to perform around 103% of WR would be really useful and fun.
Had my first multiplayer today and noticed the mouse pointer was showing up while driving. Pretty annoying since I don't use steering wheel but mouse. Shift+Z or pressing "N" key didn't help. LFS version is 0.7a and none of my teammates suffered this. Single player works fine.