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S3 licensed
You're a demo user, so you cannot have more than 12 drivers in single player (either you + 11 AI drivers or 12 AI drivers). In S1, S2 and S3 licensed events, it is possible to have up to 32 drivers in single player and 40 drivers in multiplayer.
S3 licensed
Quote from lrdbsi :Thank you sir!, may I ask how you found it?


You can see when you hover on the links at the "Additional Downloads" section, that URL for basically every downloadable file there has that "file_lfs.php?name=" part. With that, I just copy-pasted that "LFS_S3_7F_setup.exe" to end of that URL and changed that 7F to 7E to be able to download 0.7E.
Ability to pause and resume a session via command
S3 licensed
Hi! I've been searching has these been suggested before and I haven't found anything like this being suggested before.

During practice, qualifying or race, there is not a command where you could pause that session temporarily, nor to resume it afterwards. Now, of course, you can stop the session by commands /end, /restart or /qualify, but the problem when using those commands is that it ends the session completely. In qualifying, you could extend length of qualifying, but what if you forget the time when qualifying was stopped? Or, qualifying was already 240 minutes long and you can't extend it anymore?

So, I would like to have a command, where you could pause the session temporarily. In other words, I would like to have ability to effectively red flag the session, but make sure it would be as simple as possible to use as in leagues, which use red flag, admins have returned to lobby to set the grid to restart the race and it can become quite complicated (no offence, forgive me!).

My suggestion would be very similar than pausing the game in single player, but instead of pausing the whole game, it would just stop running the clock and laps counting.

In practice sessions and races where length is in laps, any driven sectors (and therefore laps) would not be counted when session is stopped. In qualifying sessions and races where length is in hours, it would stop running the clock and naturally, any driven sectors and laps would not count when session is stopped.

Now of course there are suggestions about red flagging the session, but I understand developers may not have time to do that. My aim is to make this suggestion as simple as possible.

Probably an admin command /freeze on/off would do that. Or /stop or /pause and /resume to resume it.
S3 licensed
Thanks! However, it seems like in Host Control Panel, you can't change version of your LFS host to 0.7F. Newest one for them is still 0.7E15 Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't know of any reason why you need to allow more than 8 IP addresses to connect to your InSim port, as there are only 7 InSim slots available.

There is a situation where this could be needed - at least I pretty much needed to do this with Airio for my own servers before I bought VPS from AWS to host Airio from there.

That situation is when your own IP address changes frequently.

For example: I'm mainly able to connect my laptop to the internet through hotspot from my phone. Therefore, my IP address changes quite often (but not every time). Because of that, I previously had to manually add my current IP address to that list every time it changed.
S3 licensed
Quote from thegamer23 :BIG ISSUE report with Patch E12...

In 0.6Tx, I had exactly same error and the reason for that was because Avast did think LFS newest test patch was potentially dangerous. So for me, reason was hyperactive antivirus software. When you view your deb.txt-file, does it mention different LFS version when comparing to the version seen in the entry screen? For me, that did happen with this error.

Usually after a while, antivirus softwares will detect that newest test patch is not potentially dangerous and will not cause any more issues

Thread where I reported this same issue (all related posts are on page 1):
S3 licensed
Ability to show both virtual and real mirrors at the same time was removed when more realistic mirrors were introduced between 0.6P and 0.6Q.

Here's a reason from Scawen why it's no longer possible to display both of them at the same time:

Quote from Scawen :There are some complications with allowing virtual mirror at the same time as real mirrors in the new system. Mainly because it is no longer possible for them to use the same rendered image. The central mirror is narrower than a virtual mirror and its direction depends on the head position, so it is not compatible with the virtual mirror. A virtual mirror would have to be drawn as a separate image.

It's possible but not easy and I'm not really keen on doing it. I can't do it for this coming official version because I hope to release it very soon and get back to the tyre physics.

S3 licensed
So, Main event is over!

Following users won vouchers:

- KitteNN won a £36 voucher for taking a pole position and win while being non-S3 user. Because licences in their country costs £6/12/18, they were able to upgarde their S2-licence to S3 with just £6! Who knows how they use rest of that £30 voucher. In any case, welcome to the Live for Speed S3, KitteNN!

- HeRRC won a £6 voucher for finishing second in the race. Because they already have S3, it will remain as a mystery, how they will spend that voucher.

- ErnestRacer won a £3 voucher for finishing third in the race. Since that itself is not enough to buy licence, we will not know yet, how they will spend that voucher.

And finally:

- Cuneyto won a £3 voucher for being last qualifier (finishing 4th in Last Chance Qualifying). They can't buy a licence with that voucher itself, but they can some premium features with that voucher. Who knows, will they spend that voucher to download 3000 Hi-Res skins?
S3 licensed
I have tested both 0.7E6 and 0.7E7 and have found some issues.

Problem when connecting to a servers on 0.7E7

On 0.7E6, I didn't have any problems with this, but on 0.7E7, I cannot join on several hosts, including my both own hosts (Sport Racing Team Finland and Sport Racing Team Demo). This problem doesn't happen on every host though.

I can try to reproduce this by looking list of hosts and see any host which don't have any drivers on track, but have 1 connected user. When trying to connect to a host, which have that kind of situation, LFS just permanently states I'm in "Queue position 1".

Those servers that state they have 1 connected user, don't actually have anyone connected.

Application Hang on 0.7E6

Additionally, I might as well report this what happened to me when using 0.7E6 yesterday. When using UFO 51 mod at Blackwood Car Park X in hot lapping mode (don't ask why Big grin), my game froze when I pressed start button on entry screen. It just stated "Loading track" with entry screen as a background, meaning screen didn't go black. LFS didn't respond to any key presses and I was only able to close it by ending the process entirely via task manager.

Here's my Application Hang
Quote : AppName LFS.exe
ProcessId 0x5894
StartTime 0x1da65c8e2f6b17d
TerminationTime 4294967295
ExeFileName C:\LFS\LFS.exe
ReportId b0cae91c-e0f4-44f1-a988-eda8813775e3
HangType Top level window is idle

Reason why I'm stating this because I haven't had LFS having Application Hang for several years. It just happened on 0.7E6 with mod that has the highest power-to-weight ratio on open configuration. I tried to reproduce it, but with no success. Therefore, I think it was just a coincidence, but worth mentioning since it happened specifically with test patch when using a mod.

Recently introduced bug

Also, could it be possible to fix this recently introduced bug? New "multiple commands on single line" feature contains an unintended bug, which is that if user or AI's name has either "/" or "\" character in its name, you cannot assign any commands, which have parameter [driver name], to that driver. This is because right now, LFS doesn't consider a possibility that driver (or AI) name might contain that character and instead thinks you want to type two (or multiple) commands.

For example: if you try to assign Stop-Go penalty for AI-driver "Tankslacno /8 AI" by typing /p_sg Tankslacno /8 AI, LFS right now thinks you are typing two commands:
1) /p_sg Tankslacno and
2) /8 AI

This only happens in-game; it works normally when assigning commands via Virtual Console on control panel of LFS Hosts. Additionally, you can work around with this by typing username instead, though it's not a solution when dealing with AI-drivers that have that aforementioned character in their name.
Last edited by tankslacno, .
S3 licensed
So, Warm-Up event has been wrapped up!

Following users won vouchers:

- KitteNN won a £12 voucher for being best non-S3 user both in qualifying (£3 voucher) and race (£9 voucher). Because licences in their country costs £6/12/18, they were able to buy S2-licence with that voucher! In other words, welcome to the Live for Speed S2, KitteNN!

- SirBo won a £9 voucher for winning the race (they already had S3). Because licences in their country costs £6/12/18, who knows if they will buy an S1-licence to their friend or teammate who still doesn't have one?

- Murtagh won a £6 voucher for taking a pole position in qualifying (£3 voucher) and finishing third in the race (£3 voucher). Since licences in their country costs £9/18/27, they can still buy a licence for a friend or teammate who lives in a country, where licences cost £6/18/27. Who knows, will they use that voucher on themselves to buy some premium features in LFS?

- Jeikobinis won a £6 voucher for finishing second in the race (they already had S3). Because licences in their country costs £6/12/18, who knows if they will buy an S1-licence to their friend or teammate who still doesn't have one?

And finally:

- Tryingtosimrace_69 won a £3 voucher for being last qualifier (finishing 4th in Last Chance Qualifying). They can't buy a licence with that voucher itself, but they can some premium features with that voucher. Who knows, will they spend that voucher to download 3000 Hi-Res skins?

In any case, congratulations to all winners! And thank you so much to all participants!

But, as I said, this was just Warm-Up event. The main event is held on Friday, March 8th, 2024!
S3 licensed
Additional questions:
Question: How do I make sure I have 20% intake restriction?
1) Make sure you don't use default setups, you need to create own setups for tihs.

2) In the Garage, in Info-section, you see "Handicaps". Immediately below it, there is a "Voluntary Intake Restriction". Make sure to put it at least to 20%. You don't need to add mass.

3) Join. To make sure you have correct setup, press F11 to see your handicaps. Additionally, Airio will tell your custom car is XFX (if you are driving with XF GTI) or XRX (if you are driving with XR GT)

Question: What about tires/passengers?
Answer: Since this is RallyCross-track, only Hybrid and Knobbly-tires are allowed. For passengers, passengers are allowed, but if you are having other passengers than co-driver, you get a warning of having unnecessary passengers in your car.
S3 licensed
Warm-Up Event
Because I want to test, that this new qualifying system and Airio's !len command really works, we will have a Warm-Up event today! I don't want to call this "Test Event", because in this event, you can still win a free licence upgrade!

Rules are same than those I mentioned in the first post, except, cars have now 20% intake restriction, race itself is shorter and prizes are somewhat reduced - but not by that much at least someone could win a free licence upgrade!

Basic information:
When? Today! February 3rd Saturday!
Where? Server is Sport Racing Team DEMO.
How to join? You can join in that server by clicking this link.

Track? Blackwood RallyCross (BL3)
Car? XFX and XRX (XF GTI (XFG) and XR GT (XRG) with 20% intake restriction)
Race length? 50 minutes + 1 lap (we will use Airio !len to get that race length)
Pit stops? 1 mandatory stop
Wind? Low wind (4-24km/h)


(All times are in Finnish time, UTC+2)
Practice sessions:
- Unofficial Free Practice: Until February 3rd 2024, 15:40 UTC+2
- Practice 1: 15:45 - 16:55 (no wind)

Qualifying related sessions:
- Practice 2: 17:00 - 17:45 (with wind, wind here determines wind being used in Qualifying)
- Regular Qualifying: 17:50 - 18:20
- Last Chance Qualifying: 18:25 - 18:45 (random low wind)
- RallyCross Fast Six: 18:50 - 19:10 (random low wind)

Race related sessions:
- Warm-Up: 19:15 - 19:45 (with wind, wind here determines wind being used in Race)
- Race Preparation: 19:45 - 20:00 (in the lobby)
- Race: 20:00 - 20:50 (approx.)

Prize Structure:
In Qualifying:
Pole Position: £3 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £3 voucher
Last Qualifier: £3 voucher

In the Race:
1st Place: £9 voucher
2nd Place: £6 voucher
3rd Place: £3 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £9 voucher

This means that you can win a guaranteed free licence upgrade by simply being a best non-S3 licensed user both in qualifying and race. Or taking a pole position and finishing a second in the race also guarantees you that!

And of course, if in your country licences are cheaper, there are more ways to upgrade your licence for free (for example, if licence costs £6/12/18, you can get S1 by finishing third and being last qualifier in the race).
S3 licensed
Additional questions:
Question: Is car reset allowed? If it is, in what sessions?
Answer: It is allowed in Unofficial Free Practice, Practice 1 and Practice 2 sessions. When Regular Qualifying starts, it will be disallowed.

Question: During Warm-Up, what if results from that sessions match exactly the starting grid? Do we still need to return to the lobby?
Answer: In that rare situation, where Warm-Up positions are exactly same than what starting grid for the race, then yeah, we don't need to return to lobby.

I'm not sure yet, will Warm-Up session actually be race session that lasts 30 minutes + 1 lap. More likely though, it will be a "qualifying" session.

Question: What is the maximum amount of users that can upgrade their licence?
Answer: There is not a definite answer to that, because it depends on the country where users are from. In some countries, licences are cheaper.

However, we can assure at least following users win a guaranteed free licence upgrade:
- Best non-S3 licenced user in the race

Additoinally, these drivers also win a guaranteed free licence upgrade:
- Driver who takes pole position in qualifying and doesn't have S3.

And, if you are from country, where licence costs £6/12/18, these users also win a guaranteed free licence upgrade:
- Driver who finishes second
- Driver who qualifies last and finishes third

So, in normal conditions, up to 2 drivers can win a free licence, but if licence costs less, it's possible to increase that amount up to 4. But, there is always a possibility that race winner (and driver who takes pole position) may use that voucher to buy multiple licences.

So for that reason, the absolute maximum amount of users who can upgrade their licences is 8!

How we can get that number? First of all, all those drivers who get that licence upgrade must come from country where licence costs £6/12/18
- Driver, who wins (and doesn't have S3) a race. That driver earns £24 voucher, allowing them to buy 4 S1-licences
- Driver, who takes pole position (and doesn't have S3). That driver earns £12 voucher, allowing them to buy 2 S1-licences
- Driver, who finishes second in the race. That driver earns £6 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S1-licence.
- Driver who qualifies last (is 4th in Last Chance Qualifying) and finishes third in the race. That driver earns £6 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S1-licence.

But since it's possible that drivers who win those vouchers want to upgrade their licence straight to highest possible, it can reduce the amount of users winning a free licence upgrade. In that case, amount of users would be 5 (assuming it costs £6/12/18)!

- Driver, who wins (and doesn't have S3) a race. That driver earns £24 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S3- and 1 S1-licence. (Or alternatively, two S2-licences or, if they also take a pole position, 2 S3-licences)
- Driver, who takes pole position (and doesn't have S3). That driver earns £12 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S2-licence
- Driver, who finishes second in the race. That driver earns £6 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S1-licence.
- Driver who qualifies last (is 4th in Last Chance Qualifying) and finishes third in the race. That driver earns £6 voucher, allowing them to buy 1 S1-licence.

And of course, one user's licence may cost more or they would use that whole voucher for themselves, which would reduce amount of users winning free licence upgrade even more!

Question: What is that "multi-join" timer?

You can search "Multi-Join Timer" from that page. Basically, in LFS Demo, up to 12 drivers are allowed to be on track, even though maximum amount of connections is 15. However, in older versions of LFS, if there were 11 drivers on track and 2-4 drivers joined at approximately same time, LFS did let them all join, allowing 13-15 drivers on track. This feature was even added into Airio Full where using this exploit was made easier by having a timer on server telling demo users to join the track.

However, it doesn't seem to work anymore.
Last edited by tankslacno, .
Win a free licence upgrade: 2nd Blackwood Licence Upgrade Race
S3 licensed

Following a success of 1st Blackwood Licence Upgrade Race (BLUR) in SRT's server, we have decided to organize another similar single event! This event, which will be driven on a different demo combo, is open to everyone!

In this race, any (non-S3 licenced) user can win a free licence upgrade!

Basic information:
When? March 8th, 2024 (Friday)
Where? Server is Sport Racing Team DEMO.
How to join? You can join in that server by clicking this link.

Track? Blackwood RallyCross (BL3)
Race length? 90 minutes + 1 lap (we will use Airio !len to get that race length)
Pit stops? 2 mandatory stops
Wind? Low wind (4-24km/h)

Schedule has changed slightly in comparison to previous BLUR. There was some confusion during qualifying, particularly in that who will be bumped out of the race. For that reason, we will have 3 qualifying sessions: Regular Qualifying, Last Chance Qualifying and RallyCross Fast Six. Because we will need to create a grid in the lobby afterwards, Warm-Up will be now between qualifying and race.

(All times are in Finnish time, UTC+2)
Practice sessions:
- Unofficial Free Practice: Until March 8th 2024, 15:40 UTC+2
- Practice 1: 15:45 - 16:55 (no wind)

Qualifying related sessions:
- Practice 2: 17:00 - 17:45 (with wind, wind here determines wind being used in Qualifying)
- Regular Qualifying: 17:50 - 18:20
- Last Chance Qualifying: 18:25 - 18:45 (random low wind)
- RallyCross Fast Six: 18:50 - 19:10 (random low wind)

Race related sessions:
- Warm-Up: 19:15 - 19:45 (with wind, wind here determines wind being used in Race)
- Race Preparation: 19:45 - 20:00 (in the lobby)
- Race: 20:00 - 21:30 (approx.)

Prize Structure:
In Qualifying:
Pole Position: £6 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £6 voucher
Last Qualifier: £3 voucher

In the Race:
1st Place: £12 voucher (guaranteed free licence upgrade)
2nd Place: £6 voucher
3rd Place: £3 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £12 voucher (guaranteed free licence upgrade)

You can also stack these prizes! In other words, if you don't have a S3-licence and get a pole position, you have already won a £12 voucher (because you get £6 from pole position AND £6 from being a best non-S3 licenced user in qualifying) meaning you have already won a free licence upgrade!

So, if you are a non-S3 licenced user and you get a pole position and win this race, you will win a £36 voucher, meaning if you are a demo user, you win a free licence upgrade straight to S3!

And of course, this event is also open to S3-licenced users because they can still win those vouchers that they can use on this site. But because there are prizes for non-S3 licenced users as well, no matter what, at least one non-S3 licenced user wins a free licence upgrade! (And if a non-S3 licenced user gets a pole position, there is a possibility two different users win that free licence upgrade!)

Even though this event is open for everyone, remember that Rules of Clean Racing do apply! (

Question: So, how does qualifying work now?
Qualifying has been split into three parts, each of them separated by 5 minute break. The issue with demo servers is that even though up to 15 people can connect to server, only 12 drivers can be on track. This means that two slowest drivers will be bumped out (since that trick, which was even featured in Airio Full, called Multi-Join doesn't seem to work in newest versions of LFS anymore).

Regular Qualifying:

First part is regular qualifying that lasts 30 minutes. Practice 2 session before it will determine the approximate wind speed used in qualifying. Here's how it works: 7th and 8th fastest drivers (on a server) will start the race in those positions. However, drivers on positions 9th to 14th will move on to Last Chance Qualifying while drivers on positions 1st to 6th will move on to RallyCross Fast Six!

Last Chance Qualifying:

Second session is called Last Chance Qualifying. Here, wind will be random low wind. Drivers who participate in this event are ones who placed 9th to 14th on Regular Qualifying. In this session, each driver drives alone on track. We will start from 14th qualifier, after they have driven, 13th qualifier drives and so on. Because this session lasts 20 minutes, each driver gets 3 minutes and 20 seconds of track time, which is enough for doing an outlap and 1 timed lap, but not another one!

Because WR in BL3+XFG/XRG is over 1:08, driver has about a minute to exit from pitlane (in other words, a little over 2 minutes to complete their outlap).

To prevent any attempts of sabotaging, I will ensure that only 2 cars are allowed to be on the track at the same time (if necessary, I'm being one of them). Additionally, I've created a system, in how drivers will have their turn:
- 14th qualifier: 20:00 remaining (Last Chance Qualifying starts)
- 13th qualifier: 16:40 remaining (14th will be spectated at this point)
- 12th qualifier: 13:20 remaining (13th will be spectated at this point)
- 11th qualifier: 10:00 remaining (12th will be spectated at this point)
- 10th qualifier: 06:40 remaining (11th will be spectated at this point)
- 9th qualifier: 03:20 remaining (10th will be spectated at this point)

Each qualifier will be spectated immediately, which means they cannot finish their current lap. This guarantees each driver only gets one outlap and one timed lap. This session determines start positions from 9th to 12th in the race.

And here's a thing: while fastest driver on Last Chance Qualifying gets to start from the 3rd row (alongside 7th and 8th) in the race, two slowest drivers will be bumped out of this race! But there is also a small prize in this session: last qualifier (to prevent confusion, it means 4th/slowest driver not bumped in this session) in Last Chance Qualifying wins a £3 voucher!

Are you willing to take a risk of being bumped out while trying to win a £3?

Another reason why we have a £3 voucher in this is because previously it was nearly impossible to win any kind of licence for finishing 3rd. With this, it is possible to upgrade from Demo to S1 by finishing 4th in Last Chance Qualifying and finishing 3rd in a race, if you are coming from a country, where licence costs £6/12/18.

RallyCross Fast Six:

After Last Chance Qualifying, we will have RallyCross Fast Six, where top-6 drivers from Regular Qualifying will participate. Rules are same as in Last Chance Qualifying, except of course no one will be bumped, and £6 vouchers are awarded to both driver taking a pole position and best non-S3 user. This session determines start positions from 1st to 6th for the race.

Question: What happens after all qualifying sessions have ended?
Answer: We will have 30-minute Warm-Up session, where wind in that session determines approximate wind being used in the race. Warm-Up session is also essential in a situation someone from the top-12 has to leave the event. In that case, 13th fastest takes their spot.

After Warm-Up has finished, we will return to the lobby for (approximately) 15 minutes. In the lobby, we will create the grid.

Question: What are possible wind speeds?
Because wind used here will be Low Wind, possible wind speeds being used are:
- 4-9km/h
- 10-14km/h
- 15-19km/h
- 20-24km/h

Question: Do I need to make sure anything else?
Answer: Yes, you need to make sure I can contact you privately here in LFS Forum in case you do win a prize. To do that, go to: and check "Allow people to send you messages on this website". With that, I can send you that Voucher code you can use here! In case I'm unable to contact you because of that, I will instead send those codes to the next placed user!

You also need to drive at least 80% of the race winners' lap amount and have both those mandatory pit stops completed in order to be classified in the race. You don't need to do anything during pit stops, just making a pit stop is enough.

Because of that, mid-race joining is allowed for first 20% of the race, but after 18 minutes have been driven, it will be disallowed.

Question: So I am a non-S3 licenced user, what licence upgrade possibilities I can have in this event?
Answer: It depends on how much licence costs in your country?

If licence costs £6/12/18 and want to ensure you can...

...upgrade your licence by one stage (from Demo to S1, S1 to S2 or S2 to S3)
1) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Qualifying OR
2) Finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins OR
3) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) AND finish third in the race while 1st or 2nd place finisher is non-S3 licenced user.

...upgrade your licence by two stages (from Demo to S2 or S1 to S3)
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying OR
2) Be a best-placed non-S3 licenced user in Race OR
3) (Very unlikely, but still possible) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) while all 11 drivers ahead of you in qualifying already have S3-licence AND finish third in the race, while 1st or 2nd place finisher is non-S3 licenced user

...upgrade your licence by three stages (from Demo to S3):
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins OR
2) Finish second in the race while a S3-licenced user wins OR
3) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) AND finish third in the race while 1st and 2nd place finishers both already have S3.

If licence costs £9/18/27 and want to ensure you can...

...upgrade your licence by one stage (from Demo to S1, S1 to S2 or S2 to S3)
1) (Very unlikely, but still possible) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) while all 11 drivers ahead of you in qualifying already have S3-licence OR
2) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in qualifying while S3-licenced user takes pole position AND finish 3rd in the race, while 1st or 2nd place finisher is non-S3 licenced user OR
3) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) AND finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins

...upgrade your licence by two stages (from Demo to S2 or S1 to S3)
1) (Very unlikely, but still possible) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) while all 11 drivers ahead of you in qualifying already have S3-licence AND finish third in the race while being best non-S3 licenced user OR
2) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins OR
3) Finish second in the race while a S3-licenced user wins OR
4) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) AND finish third in the race while 1st and 2nd place finishers both already have S3.

...upgrade your licence by three stages (from Demo to S3):
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins OR
2) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) AND win the race

If licence costs £12/24/36 and want to ensure you can...

...upgrade your licence by one stage (from Demo to S1, S1 to S2 or S2 to S3)
1) Get a pole position in qualifying OR
2) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in race
3) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while non-S3 licenced user wins OR
4) (Very unlikely, but still possible) Be a last qualifier (4th in Last Chance Qualifying) while all 11 drivers ahead of you in qualifying already have S3-licence AND finish third in the race, while 1st or 2nd place finisher is non-S3 licenced user

...upgrade your licence by two stages (from Demo to S2 or S1 to S3)
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in the race (position doesn't matter)

...upgrade your licence by three stages (from Demo to S3):
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND win that race

Question: Is server open to free practice?
Answer: Yes! However, as noted in previous BLUR, there is a possibility, where someone will crash deliberately to others.

In order to prevent this happening in the event itself, I have done a three strike system: "Three strikes and you're out". This means that if someone deliberately crashes to someone during free practice:
1) They first get a warning.
2) If they continue doing that, I kick them out of the server.
3) And if they still continue it, I give them a small ban. It's a small ban, but just long enough to ensure they will miss this event!

Remember that this server (and SRT's main server Sport Racing Team Finland) save every multiplayer replay, so I can always download any replay afterwards.

And of course, this pretty much only applies to deliberately crashing. Considering these are free practice sessions, speeding in the pitlane, (clear) racing incidents etc. of course don't really matter in these type of sessions.

Exception to this are speed hackers, which I ban immediately for 999 days.

Question: In case Airio or its !len command doesn't work, do you have a backup plan?
Answer: Yes. Race length will almost certainly be under 100 laps, so in case it fails, I'll just have race length be 2 hours and when 90 minutes have passed, I'll change race length to make sure race will end after next lap.

Question: I already have S1 or S2-licence or I'm from country where they cost less. Do I have to spend that whole prize money for myself?
Answer: Good thing about prize moneys in this event is that I don't care how you spend it. You can spend it to download Hi-Res skins in-game or use that premium PubStat access, I don't care.

While a demo user almost certainly wants to spend vast majority of that voucher to that licence upgrade, there is always a possibility that they still have some balance left after upgrading their licence. Which is a cool thing, because if they have a friend or teammate who also needs a licence upgrade, they can spend rest of that voucher to ensure that user also gets a licence upgrade! (Though not necessarily that significant licence upgrade)
Last edited by tankslacno, .
S3 licensed
Welcome to the Live for Speed S3, Santatrinidad!

Getting a pole position and a win resulted you getting a licence upgrade from demo straight to S3!

Also congratulations to both Aab and Jh89 for finishinng 2nd and 3rd in the race, earning £6 and £3 vouchers respectively.

And who knows, we may see two other drivers getting a licence upgrade, if they are from country, where licence costs less. Santatrinidad and Aab both have an opportunity to use (remainder of) their voucher to make sure another user (their friend or teammmate for example) gets a licence upgrade.

And finally, thank you so much to all who participated in this event!
S3 licensed
While I previously mentioned that this event is open for everyone, I also mentioned that Rules of Clean Racing do apply.

Unfortunately, during free practice sessions, when the server has been open for practicing, there have been few cases, where someone has been deliberately crashed to others.

In order to prevent this happening in the event itself, I have done a three strike system: "Three strikes and you're out". This means that if someone deliberately crashes to someone during free practice:
1) They first get a warning.
2) If they continue doing that, I kick them out of the server.
3) And if they still continue it, I give them a small ban. It's a small ban, lasting 5 days, which is small, but makes sure they will miss this event!

Remember that this server (and SRT's main server Sport Racing Team Finland) save every multiplayer replay, so I can always download any replay afterwards.

And of course, this pretty much only applies to deliberately crashing. Considering these are free practice sessions, speeding in the pitlane, (clear) racing incidents etc. of course don't really matter in these type of sessions.

Exception to this are speed hackers, which I ban immediately for 999 days. I already encountered one cheater, whose PB is 1:09 this combo and their personal best on Blackwood Historic with FBM is 0:55.68. Needless to say, I've already banned that driver.

But, what I also want to tell about is this: LFS 0.7E has given us an opportunity to give a brand new type of penalty. Let's call it:

Restriction penalty

What exactly is restriction penalty?

If someone causes big incident during race or has to give a position back, and does not comply, I can give them this type of penalty by doing this: as an admin, I can update their restriction/handicaps of their car by using commands /h_tres and /h_mass. Using those commands I can make their car go slower in various ways.

If they need to give a position back but don't comply, I can simply add restrictions to their FBM until the other driver passes them. Then I just remove those handicaps I added!

One possible variation where I can use this penalty is a "Lap with restrictions". I tested with AIs, and turns out, if I put maximum restrictions (50% intake and 90kg added mass) to AI for exactly one lap, they lose almost 20 seconds (about 17 seconds per lap + about 2 seconds to that lost speed at the start/finish line) compared to other AIs. For this you have to remember that I assigned those restrictions when they crossed the finish line, so of course they saved about 3 seconds because they already had that normal speed at the start/finish line. If you drive the whole lap with restrictions (meaning you have already those restrictions before last corner), you lose about 22 seconds.

So how severe that penalty is? Well, for drive-through, driver loses about 10 seconds (about 7 seconds for drive through + about 3 seconds to that lost speed at the start/finish line). While on stop-go penalty, that loss is more than 20 seconds, close to 25. So "Lap with restriction" is between drive-through and stop-go penalties on its severity on this track/car combo.

And of course, in case I need to assign those restrictions, I warn other drivers before I assign them to that driver so they can be aware of one car will suddenly not accelerate normally.
Option to show results table in Practice sessions
S3 licensed
Normally in LFS, results table is shown in these two situations:
1) When at least one driver has driven a timed lap in qualifying or
2) When a race winner has finished a race

In both cases, results table will be shown at the top right side. In qualifying, it shows the best driven time for that driver name. In race, it shows fastest lap from each finished driver, total time, stops done etc.

However, I noticed one oddity about this. If race length is 0 laps, session will be an unlimited practice mode. And this got me wondering, why there is not a results table shown in practice mode at all? My suggestion is that practice session would also have its own results table. I think this would be a good idea from the racing perspective.

This results table would show when at least one driver has driven at least one lap. If I had to think what a practice session result table would look like. Well, the results table would have five columns:
- Position
- Driver name
- Car
- Best lap
- Amount of laps driver has driven

Now I understand, that this is really not useful, and maybe even distracting, in cruising, where practice mode is in constant use and lap times/driven laps are not important.

That's why I would have 2 different solutions for this:
1) There would be a separate server option: "Show results table in practice mode" - Options for this would be "On / Off / User/Free choice". The last option would show or hide that results table depending on user settings in the game.


2) There would be a conditional check, which would mean that if cruising was allowed, results table would be automatically hidden by default for everyone. Probably user could manually make it show to themselves by using Ctrl+TAB, but that's really about it.

And of course, practice session lap times would not set the grid. So server/game option "Non-qualifying race restart" would still be used for everything else, except if qualifying was used.

This may really not be the most important feature, but as in racing perspective, practice mode in LFS is right now relatively useless, because your best lap and amount of driven laps in total are not constantly shown. I know that amount of driven laps is shown at first, but as soon as you go to garage or spectate, it will reset.

One scenario where this lack of results table can be a problem is in single player with AIs. Because results table is not shown, you really cannot have AIs practice race stints properly. And in qualifying, AIs will only do one out lap, two hot laps and one in lap in qualifying. (I know there are various ways to make them have multiple qualifying laps during qualifying, but it's not very clear to everybody.)

I understand 4 hour qualifying session can act as a practice session as well (or you can have multiple shorter qualifying sessions, where some of them act as a practice sessions). But still, it would be nice to have option to show that results table in practice mode as well.
Bug when assigning commands to a player, whose name contains "/" character
S3 licensed

LFS 0.7E brought a new update called:

Quote :Multiple commands on single line:

Multiple commands can now be added on a single line which sometimes
can avoid the need for a script file, e.g. to set a button to
change tyres in pit stop, you could use a double command:
/pitins ftyre super /pitins rtyre super

NOTE: some commands cannot be followed by another command:
/say /echo /join /rcm /pass /msg /altf /ctrlf

While this is definitely useful, it has brought one unintended bug. If your driver's name has a character "/" or "\" in it, you can't use any commands where you can set [driver's name] as a parameter.

So, if your AI-driver has a name "LFS / ai-driver" (doesn't matter if there is a space between or not), and decide to use command "/ai LFS / ai-driver", LFS thinks you're first putting command "/ai LFS" and then another command "/ ai-driver". What this results is you get two error lines, first being "Parameter is not valid" and second being "Unknown command".

Similar thing happens, if your own driver name has that character. So if your driver's name is, let's say "Driver /Tankslacno" and try to put a Stop-Go penalty for yourself by typing command "/p_sg driver /tankslacno" you get those same two errors. If that name starts with /, and try to set that command, you get "Unknown command" twice.

Weirdly though, this works normally when I tried to set commands in hosts activity-window. There I haven't had any problems!

To reproduce this, you can do this.
1) Set driver name either to yourself or AI-driver that has character "/" or "\" in it.
2) Put that on race
3) Assign any command on that driver, where you can set [driver's name] as a parameter. You should see that your command will not go through, because LFS thinks you set two commands in a single line.
Last edited by tankslacno, .
AI get stuck when exiting final pit stop boxes on Blackwood RallyCross Reverse
S3 licensed
If you're having an AI-driver driving on Blackwood RallyCross Reverse (BL3R), they will face issues when leaving last or second (and maybe even third) last pit stop box at the pitlane. Issue is that they can't exit that pitlane after making that pit stop from those pit stop boxes! Instead they drive straight to that solid barrier in front of them and get stuck there.

It doesn't matter what cars they are using. This happens on all type of cars; cars which already did have that AI path generated, other standard LFS cars and modded LFS cars!

Even if AI is exiting third to last pit stop box, it may get stuck. There is a possibility it crashes to that barrier at pit exit, but can reverse and then exit that pitlane.

This doesn't happen at all if AI's are just leaving pit lane. So if you start qualifying, this won't happen.

If you want to reproduce this bug, best way to test is this:
1) Add 4 AI drivers, doesn't matter what cars they're using
2) Set race length to 2 laps and enable mandatory pit stop
3) They make that pit stop on lap 1. Then you can see that 2 or 3 of them get stuck when trying to exit the pit lane area!

I've attached a SPR about this where 4 AIs are driving standard RallyCross-cars. I haven't seen this kind of bug with AIs on other tracks.
S3 licensed
I will clarify one thing about schedule this event has. You may have seen and even participated in a lot of practice sessions on different league races in LFS. However, separate Warm-Up session has been used very rarely. Here I am clarifying why we also have Warm-Up:

Question: What is the difference between Practice 2 and Warm-Up? Why we need additional practice session? Why it's called Warm-Up and not Practice 3?
Answer: There are three differences between these two:
1) Practice 2 lasts 60 minutes, Warm-Up just 30 minutes

2) Warm-Up determines wind speed that will be used both in qualifying and race. Practice 2 wind does not determine that (even though it will also have wind)

3) And here's the main reason why this is called Warm-Up and not Practice 3: in a scenario, where there are two or more drivers on the grid who didn't set time in qualifying and we need to determine their start positions for the race. We will determine their start order by first taking a look, who was faster in Practice 2. If either or both of them did not participate in Practice 2, we will look their Practice 1 times. Warm-Up session (and by that, lap times set in that session) is not used as a tiebreaker at all, that's why it's called Warm-Up!

Reason why we have an additional 30-minute warm-up session is because it is possible some drivers (especially since this event is open for demo racers as well) are not familiar with windy conditions in LFS, so Warm-Up - where wind speed is similar to qualifying and race - gives drivers a session to get familiar with wind that could possibly be significantly different from Practice 2. Imagine if wind speed in Practice 2 is only 4km/h but in Warm-Up it's 24km/h! (Or vice-versa.)

Question: But in IndyCar, Warm-Up is between qualifying and race. Why in here it's before qualifying?
Answer: you are correct that it's between those two in IndyCar. There are two reasons why it's before qualifying here:
1) Warm-Up here determines wind speed also for qualifying, not only for race. This is because qualifying and race will be held on a same day. If qualifying and race would have been on different dates, then sure, Warm-Up would have been held between those two sessions on a race day.

2) With that, we don't need to go back to the lobby between qualifying and race (aka during race preparation). So we don't need to manually adjust the starting order in the lobby unless it's absolutely necessary. Instead we can use qualifying results which makes this job way simpler.

PS: And yes, you remember correctly, Warm-Up was also used in Formula 1, but it got scrapped just before 2003 season started, due to Parc fermé conditions being introduced then.
S3 licensed
Quote from ghassen202 :Free S3?

If you, as a demo user, get both a pole position and a win in this race, then yes Smile
Win a free licence upgrade: The Blackwood Licence Upgrade Race
S3 licensed

To celebrate Sport Racing Team Finland's return in organizing races in LFS for first time really in almost 5 years, we will organize a Single Event called: The Blackwood Licence Upgrade Race (BLUR). This event, which will be driven on that classic demo combo, is open to everyone!

In this race, any (non-S3 licenced) user can win a free licence upgrade!

Basic information:
When? January 19th, 2024 (Friday)
Where? Server is Sport Racing Team DEMO.
How to join? You can join in that server by clicking this link.

Track? Blackwood GP Track (BL1)
Car? Formula BMW FB02 (FBM)
Race length? 50 laps
Pit stops? 1 mandatory stop
Wind? Low wind (4-24km/h)

(All times are in Finnish time, UTC+2)
Practice 1: 15:45 - 17:00 (no wind)
Practice 2: 17:05 - 18:05 (with wind)
Warm Up: 18:10 - 18:40 (with wind, wind here determines wind being used in Qualifying and Race)
Qualifying: 18:45 - 19:45
Race Preparation: 19:45 - 20:00
Race: 20:00

Prize Structure:
In Qualifying:
Pole Position: £6 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £6 voucher

In the Race:
1st Place: £12 voucher (free licence upgrade)
2nd Place: £6 voucher
3rd Place: £3 voucher
Best non-S3 licenced user: £12 voucher (free licence upgrade)

You can also stack these prizes! In other words, if you don't have an S3-licence and get a pole position, you have already won a £12 voucher (because you get £6 from pole position AND £6 from being a best non-S3 licenced user in qualifying) meaning you have already won a free licence upgrade!

So, if you are a non-S3 licenced user and you get a pole position and win this race, you will win a £36 voucher, meaning if you are a demo user, you win a free licence upgrade straight to S3!

And of course, this event is also open to S3-licenced users because they can still win those vouchers that they can use on this site. But because there are prizes for non-S3 licenced users as well, no matter what, at least one non-S3 licenced user wins a free licence upgrade! (And if a non-S3 licenced user gets a pole position, there is a possibility two different users win that free licence upgrade!)

Even though this event is open for everyone, remember that Rules of Clean Racing do apply! (

Question: During Warm Up, it's mentioned that wind used in that session determines the wind used in Qualifying and Race. What does that mean?
Answer: It means that if wind during Warm Up is 17km/h for example, wind in both Qualifying and Race will be 15-19km/h. We will restart those sessions as many times it's necessary (i.e. until the wind speed is correct one).

Because wind used here will be Low Wind, possible wind speeds being used are:
- 4-9km/h
- 10-14km/h
- 15-19km/h
- 20-24km/h

Question: Do I need to make sure anything else?
Answer: Yes, you need to make sure I can contact you privately here in LFS Forum in case you do win a prize. To do that, go to: and check "Allow people to send you messages on this website". With that, I can send you that Voucher code you can use here! In case I'm unable to contact you because of that, I will instead send those codes to the next placed user!

You also need to drive at least 80% of the race length and have that mandatory pit stop completed in order to be classified in the race. Because of that, mid-race joining is allowed for first 20% of the race, but after race leader starts lap 11, it will be disallowed.

Question: So I am a non-S3 licenced user, what licence upgrade possibilities I can have in this event?

If you are a demo user and want to ensure you can get a... upgrade to S1-licence, you need at least to:
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying OR
2) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Race OR
3) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while non-S3 licenced user wins upgrade straight to S2-licence, you need at least to:
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in the race (position doesn't matter) upgrade straight to S3-licence, you need to:
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND win that race

If you already have S1-licence and want to ensure you can get a... upgrade to S2-licence, you need at least to:
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying OR
2) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Race OR
3) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while a non-S3-licenced user wins upgrade straight to S3-licence, you need at least to:
1) Get a pole position in Qualifying AND be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in the race (position doesn't matter)

If you already have S2-licence and want to ensure you can get a free upgrade to S3-licence, you need at least to:

1) Get a pole position in Qualifying OR
2) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Race OR
3) Be a best placed non-S3 licenced user in Qualifying AND finish second in the race while a non-S3 licenced user wins

Question: After this event, what happens in this league subsection?
Answer: This is a one-off event. After this, Sport Racing Team Finland starts organizing races in its primary server, Sport Racing Team Finland, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (You can join that server by clicking this link.)

First public race there will be held on January 20, 2024!
Qualifying for that begins at 15:45 UTC+2 and lasts 4 hours. Race begins at 20:00 UTC+2!
Last edited by tankslacno, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :But 3 cars per guest was always the limit.

It was updated to 32 in LFS 0.6V:

Quote :You can now add up to 32 local drivers (real + ai) in multiplayer

Quote from Eclipsed :And why you need 3 cars from each user? Hosting a bot race?

At first, I'll need it for testing purposes. And I've occasionally hosted AI races online from 2014 to 2019 and again in 2021, so yeah, I'm considering that possibility as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Max cars per guest means how many cars from single user can be added (3 means user himself and 2 AI). If you don't want users to add AI,keep that at 1!
Max connections are dependant from the slot count you have ordered in hosting.

My intentions are actually to have that number higher than 1. If necessary, I may adjust the amount, but in some situations it is essential for me to have that max cars per guest at 32.

And I bought that host with it having 79 slots.