Been enjoying the latest updates a lot! Great to see this sim coming back to life (still the best out there

One thing i would like to see improved is the way the game handles ffb on DD wheels specifically. Let me explain the issue. Me and most of my friends drive on a Simucube Pro with around 25Nm of maximum torque. Without the ffb clipping out of bounds, the range we can use in terms of ffb force in game is 1-15% (15 being very stiff, like running 80%-100% on other sims). Lowering the force within the profiler is of course an option but then you lose detail as it clips even during normal driving. I don't know if this is caused by something deep inside the physics engine or something that can be fixed by changing some parameters. It would be a big help already if decimals were added to the force factor.
But apart from the range being very tight and the number of steps of adjustment being pretty much 15, the peaks of forces are also super high. Even when we run what we consider low constant force, hitting a wall or a big bump is borderline dangerous for our wrists.
The last time the physics were updated, the strongest wheel on the market was a G27, so this is completely understandable. But i want to let you know that it is an issue.
If i can provide any kind of telemetry data or feedback, let me know!