The online racing simulator
TBOC 2017 Holiday Special: Signups

TBOC 2017: Round 0a - Signups

To enter the 2017 TBO Challenge Holiday Special, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS licence name, real name, nationality, and team name (if representing a team). Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /. Example:

1/dekojester/Jonathan Palmer/USA/New Dimension Racing

Any number 2-99 is free for selection. Number 1 is reserved for the defending TBO Challenge champion, Ramon "ChristijaNL" Blauwhoff.

Signups are open NOW, and will close 2h5m before the start of the qualifying session.

Licence and Entry Requirements for Drivers

No entry requirements.
No NDR Licence Grade limitation.

Entries are tracked in the attached PDF - last updated at the last post edit time.
Attached files
2017entrylist.pdf - 83.7 KB - 409 views
#2 - gu3st
69/gu3st/Dustin Dawes/CAN/UKCT
33/greybull [cha]/Yann Laprevotte/GRL/Tiger Express Motorsports
7/FasTLT/Lukas Žutautas/Lithuania/Born 2 Race
#5 - troy
23/troy/Kevin Leu/SUI/
96/Eclipsed/Rony Kronpušs/Latvia/Race Green Autosports
99/markorester/Svilen Naydenov/Bulgaria
(Mikus1212) DELETED by Mikus1212 : -1
(Bila_KHS) DELETED by Bila_KHS : mistake
77/uborkabéla/Patrik Hocza/Hungary
93/Fast Jarda/Jaroslav Dohnalík/CZE/
47/michal 1279/Michal Málek/Czech Rep./Master Race car
21/mvelikov/Mihail Velikov/Bulgaria/
88/otone/Ricardo Costa/PT/Genuine Racing
27/terga/Alen Terzic/SLO/Genuine Racing
#14 - shew
16/shew/Kristaps Gašpuitis/Latvia/Sex tourism organizers
32/FalconBridge/Patrick Hall/Canada/Race Green Autosports
25/bmxtwins/Ray Kingsbury/USA/Last Lap Motorsports
22/xtraction/Sean Lyddon/UK
24/Firexter/Erik Manelius/FIN/Teho GP
26/SA-White/Pasi Ojanen/FIN/Teho GP
43/imudilaskyline/Jordan Lavrikov/Estonia/Last Lap Motorsports
#21 - Sn1p
58/Sn1p/Matīss Linde/Latvia

87/nikopdr/Niko Puntola/FIN/Genuine Racing
17/Zaabis/Agnis Rozītis/Latvia/Sex Tourism Organizers
36/juunasd/Joonas Raivio/Finland/Zoom Competition
97/Jepis/Jēkabs Brasavs/Latvia