I dont care what city you're in, Danica will not be the first driver mentioned.
An icon is much more than just a person that others recognise, it is someone who has excelled in their area of work and also have major influence over that same area. Danica has neither.
Yes, Michael Jackson and Madonna are Icon's in their respective lines of work. They are both multi-platinum artists with huge fan bases. You think they would be icons if their albums didnt sell? I dont.
Just for shits-n-giggles I asked my brother-in-law who lives near San Fransisco Cal. to ask all his co-workers to name a driver off the top of their head... of course he asked me why then proceeded to laugh uncontrollably. Anyway, his results were much like mine... only one said Danica Patrick (technically not even one, his words were "does that chick from the go-daddy commericals count?").
While people may know who she is when they see her, that dosent make her an Icon.
We have 31 people who work in my office...(FTR, ages 24-56) I just asked each of them that very question... not one said Danica Patrick, not even the two females we have here. ( I did have one that said Jimmie Gordon :shrug
I would be willing to bet that less than 10% would answer with Danica. And you're right, the ones that would say Danica would only say her because she is in commericals. Dale Earnhardt Sr would get the majority of the mentions... but this is due to the fact that he IS an Icon.
Is she an Icon? she very well may be, but not a Motorsports Icon.
Media, yes. Sex sells, as sad as that may be, its a fact, but that doesnt make her an Icon.
Fans, not so much. I have never heard her refered to as an Icon until today (the post I quoted). There is a difference between a sex symbol and a motorsports icon.
I would say that it is no different here than it is in other parts of the world. There are bad areas in almost every large/ish city. Lucky for me, I live out in the country where your biggest concern is hitting a deer while driving home from work.
I dont think television has given you a false perception, there are places around here that I wouldnt go during the day, much less at night... and I've lived here almost my whole life.
I still don't understand what he has done that is so "wonderful".... or what was done that anyone else couldn't do if they had the same amount of free time to spend doing it..
So, congratulations for........... having more free time than I do.
Ummmm, we have never raced...tool. The only server we have been on at the same time is DD, and I even pwned you at that... and you created it..... muhahahahah. (although, if I have failed to remember some races we may have had, it would not suprise me one bit that you beat me.... thats not exactly hard to do)
And yes, I have a wonderful blower that can clear my driveway in record time.
GC, That was no assumption... however, I am not currently inclined to disclose my evidence. When the shit hits the fan, it will be out for all to see.