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Quote from :In the end nobody gives a shit about physics... Waky wake, helllooo?!...

Licensed racing almost gets extinct now on LFS, every single race server is empty. How much of a signal do you need to get?

I am also giving up. Let bring AC lots of good.. I don't care about physics, it's about the interaction which makes a race... A race.

Thats true , apart from shitty phisics , a lot of people still use for example rfactor , and they still have races , in lfs near everything is good but .. the big Live for speed But
S2 licensed
Fujifilm hs30 exr For 300€ Is a beauty

My photos
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :The input lag on that video is unbelievable, obviously doesn't seem to affect the driving though.

The guy have a hd5670 :P
Last edited by tiagox, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Yuusei :People can say what ever they want to, but when they complain about having to pay for a DLC, it's a bit ignorant and sad. You are getting 10 cars and a track in this DLC. Let's use iRacing for an example, 10 cars and 1 track would be about $140 USD, I can assure the DLC is not going to cost anywhere close to $100 USD, since the game came with 20 cars (Not including stage 1,2, etc), and 11 tracks and was only $40 USD. Complaining about having to pay for a DLC isn't an opinion, that's just called being cheap.

35 cars with the early acess price
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :Is there turbo modeling or not?

Yes there is
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Felt like uploading a random F40 lap @ Imola. Mouse & keyboard.

why isnt the turbo gauge working on you :O ?
S2 licensed
Some guy did this Assetto Corsa: Ferrari 599XX Evo vs. A.I. at Mugello
S2 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :Does anyone know where to get wireframes from to help skinning? ... emplates.2720/#post-27807
S2 licensed
Quote from Mysho :You kidding? For sure it's worth the price. LFS will always be the best, but in current state this is the best option to race in, because this is second most accurate sim right after LFS imo. And it really isn't that far away with FFB and physics as well...

Of course the only difference is the cars
S2 licensed
AristotelisVasilakos-We're not secretive. Do you prefer a multi rushed and unfinished? We're testing and announce it when it's ready
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I just keep coming back to the X-Bow.

It really shows off the quality of the physics and has the best FFB of all the cars so far.

I just sat down and played with the setup, doing 12 lap stints, tweaking a bit,another stint. Ended up running 120 laps I gained time every stint, the car just keeps giving you more and more as you learn its handling, which is sublime.

I think this has to be one of the finest sim cars ever made.

The other lovely thing about driving for a few hours is the dynamic lighting. Starting at 8.00AM when its quite dark and just driving as it turned to full daylight really added to the immersion factor.

The more time you put into it, the more it keeps giving.

/fanboy mode

You aren't the only one

lfs/iracing /rfactor2 fan boys friends of mine since they tested / buyed assetto corsa don't wanna do anything , and yee even alone you can do a lot of laps without wanting to go out
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Aight, so to my defence - I am a retard, deal with it!
But - when trying to drive the GTR BMW car (or whatever it is called), I just... I just feel like I can't see shit! The cockpit veiw is so, well windshield is so small that I canot make out what's going on around me even with moving the head etc.
Others with same experiences?

For now I am doing the panzer / hood (what you call that) cam.

You can you dev apps and chage fov/ seat position in game

For the drifters here an example of a good drift in Assetto corsa

Assetto Corsa - BMW e30 Drift
Last edited by tiagox, .
For Live For Speed Drifters
S2 licensed
For the lfs drifters here an example of a good drift in another sim
S2 licensed
What lfs team needs is too tease lfs users dowsnt mather that they will realese new content in years but to show some respect for the comunity shoing something NEW
S2 licensed
Quote from Specht77 : ... o-will-be-completely-dif/

Nicely Done Lfs cause of that we will have to w8 3 more years
S2 licensed
Quote from :How long c.a.r.s is busy with setting up a multiplayer environment? Since last summer I think. How long are they busy with Ifactor2 already; also years. And people think that asetto corsa is going to do that in a few weeks? Come on. Maybe just as bad as with NetKar but that will not lead to success. Getting racesim popularity is a combination of various elements. Physics and content is just one of those many elements.

Dave i know you are sceptical About Ac , but one things they have made clear that the multiplayer is supose to be an improvemente of netkar and new colision system etc Of course to see who is rigth we need to w8
S2 licensed
Quote from Robbe76 :4 years of waiting for an update ..... is ridiculous

The community needs a new LFS and not an update ...

S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Google translate, is that you old friend?

Yes it is :P i had the text in Portuguese and i was to lazy to translate it manually
S2 licensed
The End Of Time Some play the game, you can reach many conclusions about what the final product will bring to users.* The Level Graph there are many fine details such as leftovers reflexes in all respects Very well worked* The level of physical, are very well achieved the car transmits a lot for the driver in all situations* The force fedback is one of the strengths despite some adjustments need seems very accurate
S2 licensed
Quote from VicaNo :Good joke NEVER ENOUGH :huepfenic

Yeee Troling Helps pass time until s3 eventually comes
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :

Anyway, I'm sure I've posted my frustration with LFS not fulfilling the potential we all see/saw in the past, but what I want to say here is that I'm still much happier that it exists in the first place, than I am annoyed about it not rising up to dominate the sim world as it perhaps could have.

Live For speed Have a lot of potential Really A lot
S2 licensed
Scawen is off the forums for a while now maybe doing something important

Last edited by tiagox, .