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Quote from 240sxdaniel89 :Do we really need another car? I would rather see more tracks then another car. Okay so it's branded car who really cares. there already 20 cars and only 6 tracks and one glorified parking lot. I understand that it's a 3 man team but is it really hard to make a post or announcement on how things are going or if they are taking a break etc etc. The tire physics and rockingham are good edition in my eyes only the vws seems to be a waste in my opinion.

But the car is already done , is just wating for the physics
S2 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :I'm afrade that Rockingham, Scirocco and the new tire physics are not enough to save LFS.
What I think it needs is to improve on the graphics engine(No, I don't think that the graphics are the most important thing), you can see that people care of graphics a lot, take Lynce's work for example, that makes the game look a lot better, and a lot people like it.
You can see game like Asseto Corsa and Project Cars, which beat LFS's graphics by nearly every aspect(though they need more powerful pc's to run them).
I remember Scawen or someone saying that once S2 is complete and S3 comes out, then S2 will be moddable, maybe that is something that can save LFS, rFactor was pretty popular, and what I think is thanks to it's moddability.
I know that LFS is 3-man project, but I'm sure that if they just asked help(with 3d models or anything at all), there would be people for the community that would be willing to help them.

Not everyone will agree with me, but that's just my opinion on LFS.

You are completely right
S2 licensed
I see a lot of nonsense here in this thread
S2 licensed
Quote from JGlodenis :1. LFS is the best simulator
2. Realistic managment
3. Best physic
4. Great racing
5. Improve driving

New Cromo Wheel
S2 licensed
There it is a cromo wheel reworked a bit too look nicer
New Cromo Wheel
S2 licensed
There it is a cromo wheel reworked a bit too look nicer
S2 licensed
Quote from mbutcher :Precisely.

It's already been made perfectly clear that there is going to be new content (new cars etc.)

Moaning, groaning and complaining won't speed up the development of LFS so I cannot understand why so many people are still cluttering up the forum with such nonsense.

If you actually care about the future of the sim, stop wasting the developers' time by making them trawl through post upon post of unnecessary, repetitive shite about their apparent lack of progress. There will be light at the end of the tunnel and no matter how long I have to wait, I will always be supportive of the development team because this sim has the potential to be the market leader.

This is one of the best post ive ever sen here
S2 licensed
This is the progress report to this year Progress Report 2012

Stop Complaning about the report just w8 for news

Quote from Matrixi :And will be waiting for a lot more. It'll come when it comes.

Now, make a warm cup of tea, and chill out.

Last edited by tiagox, .
S2 licensed
Guys Calm down , scawen Knows more than ever what all people want , just give him eric and victor some space and report , or new content will eventually come
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :If you are brave enough you can race alone, though it was originally planned to be done by 2 or 3 drivers.

Thanks i was asking cause im not brave :P and i want to do a firt small endu with my team

EDIT: i try to figure it out how to make the registration but no sucess :C
Last edited by tiagox, .
S2 licensed
Is it team endurance or 1 person race ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :So some server issue is slowing down client side FPS? Weird.
Does LFS have a Linux version for hosting? Or ppl run the Win version with wine?

Yes is for al clients at the same time for example we feel in the wheel like a 500 ms disconection an back to normal
S2 licensed
Quote from krugmander :As the title suggests. It just suddenly happened today. My game feels like it's running at about 15- fps, but the counter stays normal (40-55 for me). Nothing else running, graphics were left untouched. Never changed anything. Any ideas?

It could be my old processor giving out, but it runs normal for other games. I might be getting a new one though from Santa.

SOMEtimes here is the same , but check for programs in the back ground or restart your pc sometimes work for me , my setup is [email protected] 4gb ram and 5770 with 3 screans
Fun race Fim do ano
S2 licensed

LFS PT - Funrace - XFG+ XRG [/b]

SERVIDOR[/b]: Simracing Portugal

PISTA:[/b]:Fear bay green rev Nome da Pista 2

Pass:[/b] power2srp

Treinos Livres:[/b]17:00
Duração:[/b]26 voltas

Pit Stop Obrigatória
Last edited by tiagox, .
S2 licensed
Quote from joordy599 :Dear Live for speed players! I will wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year.

I hope that you've got a good year on lfs and still waiting for S3 and VWS.

Greetings joordy599

For you too friend
S2 licensed
Quote from :Hmm sounds weird.

Will check out later when possible. First all these Xmas preparations/issues.

No problem even now we play in the server and brakes occur
S2 licensed
The server is running windows server 2003 , its hard to explain , but ricardo costa have raced there , and knows what happens is a break that even the sound lag in that miliseconds

and the ping everyone with 30/40 ms
S2 licensed
Quote from :You used Google translate right? It's terrible.

Now its edit , hopefully its Better
Live for speed server problem
S2 licensed
Im Admin (Not Host) in the server of Sim racing Portugal I think the hardhawe of the server is something like a atom dual core , with 1gb o ram , The server not only run the lfs server 24/7 but runs the fun races of Race07 and netkar pro

The problem with the lfs Server is, in the beggining like 1 mouth ago the server was running smoth with 1 or 15+ people inside , but 1 weak ago the server starts to have random fps drops for every one at the same time , im talking about brakes , if you change gear in the momet the brake occurs the gear dont engage , we usually play with skype or ts so when in lags its exactly at the same time , me and the host have trying to fresh install he run diagnostics in the server and nothing found :/ , we need the server for a future chanpionchip and we need to fix this
Last edited by tiagox, . Reason : NOW withot google tranlation now with my own crappy inglish
S2 licensed

Live For Speed Funrace

SERVIDOR: Simracing Portugal

PISTA::Kyoto K21 Com Lx4

TS3: Mesmo que servidor

Treinos Livres:17:00
Duração:[2 x 12 voltas

Imagem Da Pista
Last edited by tiagox, .
S2 licensed
More games i see on you tube , p cars iracing asseto corsa , more i like Live For speed i dont know about you guys
S2 licensed
Quote from Ze Ferreira :Tão e a que horas chegam as pit babes?

la pelas 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :This Week Inside SIm Racing for the week of Dec. 10th

"im hoping to see that sim back in the mix it was been always the best , and if they can bring that back they will be one of the best again "

So Scawen They Belive In you and your team

We are all together was a community to bring lfs back to the good old days and lets kick pcars rf2 and assetto corsa and show what lfs can doo
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well, I haven't seen what Lynce did with Fern Bay, though I am sure it is very good.

But I am not going to get drawn into off topic conversations that have nothing to do with the problem of the day or the points in my previous post.

You are just causing spam that obscures what I said a few posts above.

So what will happen? Someone else will come and ask me the same thing.

You see? This is what my post was trying to explain. Now do you see why Eric doesn't post here?

eric could post just to show that people he's alive , but not be active
S2 licensed
Quote from NovaK :Scawen: Tyre physics and core updates by all means, but that does not explain why Eric cannot release any new content what so ever. As i recall, it's him thats responsible for that? The new physics cannot be an obstruction for new content, as the current physics are still great.

Eric is very bad at dropping by here on the forums, is he even active and working at all? Some information updates regarding the situation would be nice.

You are 100% rigth