The online racing simulator
Very choppy but fps counter stays normal?
As the title suggests. It just suddenly happened today. My game feels like it's running at about 15- fps, but the counter stays normal (40-55 for me). Nothing else running, graphics were left untouched. Never changed anything. Any ideas?

It could be my old processor giving out, but it runs normal for other games. I might be getting a new one though from Santa.

Edit: It seems to be fixed whenever I press the "show desktop" button and go back. Weird.
Quote from krugmander :As the title suggests. It just suddenly happened today. My game feels like it's running at about 15- fps, but the counter stays normal (40-55 for me). Nothing else running, graphics were left untouched. Never changed anything. Any ideas?

It could be my old processor giving out, but it runs normal for other games. I might be getting a new one though from Santa.

SOMEtimes here is the same , but check for programs in the back ground or restart your pc sometimes work for me , my setup is e8400@3.6 4gb ram and 5770 with 3 screans
keep an eye on your CPU usage, it could be what's causing the hiccups. something could be running in the background and causing trouble.

I get a similar kind of lag on my current Athlon II X3 with most modern games, and the CPU usage is at 100% when it happens. Once I install the FX-8350 however, it'll change.
I'm always too lazy to reboot, but I'll try it next time I want to play. I know nothing else taking much cpu usage was/is running. Btw, specs are Nvidia GTX 550Ti with Athalon X2 Dual core.
Can you run a 3rd-party FPS counter to see if there's any difference between LFS's number and the counter's number?
Quote from Keling :Can you run a 3rd-party FPS counter to see if there's any difference between LFS's number and the counter's number?

I'll run Fraps with it later.