Nice work have to say Good that someone got passion to do this, and spend time to these. Or even got nurves to do this I would explove in start.. Cant wait to see more. Keep on going.
Wow! really impressing! Thats not gonna happen from me
Looks amazingly realistic, really nice work. Ive done couple of virtual moddings, and those took like days and days to do. And all parts not even maded myself. And you made this hole thing to yourself, nice! Like to see more of this
We thinked and even more thinked about this new name.
There were alot of differend kind of names where to pick one.
But we planned to keep letters NR, just change the meaning of these letters.
Becouse we have to ask permission from chinese community, and it was better to both sides, that we just change the meaning of it.
So after thinking, we maded Native Racers. Its for sure that its better than the old one
Becouse of keeping these NR letters, we didnt have to even change so much things. So less work to be done.
And we have a new member! very fast driver from china.
We are glad to present: Kancel
He was part of x-fusion some time ago, but im sure that someone of you guys knowing him.
Thx for the comments
Little update about the second league race:
Win from GTR class, and win from TBO class. (if we not gonna disqualified)
New team name is decided already, but will be published in few days I might publish couple of new skins at a same time too.
And the new FX - interior will be published in couple of days too.
More soon...
Already tried, they dont care if someone crashed or not. Pressing 1 all the time. I think the best option would be to take hole voting away from server..
Nice races again
Only problem was, that peoples started to have huge kick/ban/crash
partys in there It doesnt matter who they vote or what reason, always someone get kicked/banned.
This first year started pretty well, we get couple of new really fast chinese guys to driving in our team and almost all our old KR members came to NR.
First league race started amazingly well, 2th place in GTR class and there were coming a good position in TBO too, but just middle of the race Ciel timed out from the first place
Team name gonna change, becouse we hate the current one :banana: (dunno who decided this one).
So new skins have to be made with it.. and im also doing a new interiors for the team, and maybe for public use too:
FX - interior coming in couple of days. More about this later.
Good to see gti´s back on action There were pretty much all the time nice and clean races, expect couple of grandmas on the road..
Gotta visit again soon. Just keep the combos interesting.
Yes they do, but i think the point was in here, that he dont got time defence hes hotlaps if someone gonna beat those. (correct me if im wrong)
But in other hand, why you need to hurry to get your hotlaps back I really need to thing like atleast couple of days before i get somekind of motivation to start doing those old combos again, just to get 0:00: xx better (simply becouse i cant get this records like in 30min, need atleast 1hour time to practise, and i got that time only in weekends)
btw. Good luck to worm with a new job! Hopefully see you again someday in chart again
And Duck what you gonna do next ? Maybe a place in top or ?
:Eyecrazy: Maded much bigger damage that i thought.
4th pic actually shows how powerful that wind was.. amazing.
Bad luck to you and your family, but good that your okay.
If you really like it, go and get it I would prefer more for those
"not cutted tail" models But thats not bad eather, you gonna save good moneys with that engine.
Thx for the post I started to working on FX - interior,
gonna show it soon as its ready. Becouse of that nice luathas m3 interior,
i dont gonna do "racing/track interior" this time, gonna be totally different.
If i would be you, i wouldnt take that chart so seriously
Some of the guys already know why, rest of the peoples can think themself.
But congratz anyway Some of those arrowkart4 records i cant just accept.. IMO