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S3 licensed
Me Please

LFS Name: tongey
Race Name: [SR] C.Tonge
Team: Sonicrealms Racing
S3 licensed
Quote from spajki (cro) :PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! <<<<---- LOOK,,, omfg im so excited,,, i am now going to play my 1st S2 race,,,, wish me GOOD LUCK.

You Finally got There !

Well Done and enjoy S2
S3 licensed
I saw an intro screen because I hate LFS

S3 licensed
Quote from spajki (cro) : Mybe this is the answer to my questions,,, the last post answers it the most I think,,,,, Thank you TONGEY for this site its an answer,,,, and THANK YOU ALL for trying to help me!!!

Pleasure, hope it works for you and you get on S2 soon, your missing out on lots of fun
S3 licensed
Why start a new thread? - We were trying to help you on the other thread

Anyway, it seems if that card you are using does not have the number on the white strip on the back, then you will have to find another card :doh:
S3 licensed
I found this concerning use of Electron cards online, hope it helps...
S3 licensed
The security code should be 3 digits and it is on the BACK of the credit card..

it is the last 3 digits printed on the signature strip
S3 licensed
Quote from tomylee :Before I was signed up at MG and DR -> in my profile appeared DR
After removing me from MG -> in my profile appears n/a in the CTRA system is DR though

As jasonmatthews said, this happened to our team mate weed..

Just so happens, I created the SR team in LFS World, Weed had removed himself from his previous I just deleted weed from SR then re-added him

Fixed weed's N/A Status !!

Hope this helps

Basically, you need to get the LFS World manager of DR to do the same
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :FYI, unlocking on dual booting machine.... You need 2 installs (or unzips to be precise) of LFS. Unlock separate installs on each OS. The unlock info isn't put into the registrry, it is in LFS its self. So you can do multiple unlocks without using up all your available unlocks constantly.

a-Ha - I never tried it that way before. I tried using the same instance of LFS for both OS's

Thanks for the Info Mike
S3 licensed
Quote from hsshoura :Ok well my computer has been blue screening alot, and when it does when playing LFS, i have to unlock the game again for some reason

well ive used up my unlocks in 4 days now and i dont know what to do..

please let me know if there is something i can do to fix this

I also lost an unlock because i am dual booting OS's and i had to unlock on both operating systems

afaik, you cannot unlock on both OS's under dual boot as you are using the same hardware - each time you restart your system and go into a different OS, LFS will lock again.

If there is a genuine reason why you have used all your unlocks then email the devs to see if there is anyhthing they can do
S3 licensed
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :Hey there folks. I'm just wondering whether anyone has a web admin script to control LFS servers via the net. Like what franky uses over at 500servers.

If not i will attempt to have a go myself with my new endevour to learn to write PHP.


Hey Dan

Where is the server running ? - Is it your own home-based server or a commercial server ?

Reason I ask is if it is a commercial one, shouldn't they have this service anyway

Just a thought.

Anyway, I will have a think about it for ya, cannot promise anything though
S3 licensed
I was in the same position as you, did not want to replace cpu so I ended up waiting about 3 months or something to upgrade ! - sheer hell, every time I started a race, it would just crash

Now have a Nice Q6600 with 8800 GTS Graphics
S3 licensed
I had exact same problem with an AMD 3200+

Tried everything, MEMTEST, different video card & drivers etc, different motherboard

Turned out to be a faulty CPU (Corners damaged!)
S3 licensed
Team Name : Sonicrealms Racing
Driver #1 - Aragorth
Driver #2 - DOC
Reserves - Tongey

We are Qualifying on Server:
S3 licensed
Sad News

Get Well Soon
S3 licensed
Great work mate, well done

Like the shadows on that last one

Babes and fast cars go together quite nicely IMO
S3 licensed
My New Rig:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo Q6600 Quad Core
Videocard: eVga 8800 GTS
Memory: OCZ 4x1024 800MHz Titanium CL4
HDD: Samsung 500gb Sata
Motherboard: Asus P5Ne32 Sli 680i
PSU: Hyper 770W
Speakers: 5.1 Medion 350W Total
Soundcard: Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music
Monitor: 19" TFT widescreen at 1440x900
OS: Windows Vista 64 Home Premium
Case: Antec Nine Hundred Gaming Case
Wheel: G25 Racing Wheel
Keyboard/Mouse: Logitech Wireless PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse (Hate USB versions :really

All in all, runs pretty Nice
S3 licensed
Objection 1
Start of Lap 41
Car 21 Keeps moving across my line to prevent from passing
nearly taking us both out of the race

Objection 2
Lap 44 (first hairpin, chicane and back straight)
Car 12 under Blue flag blocks racing line twice severely
holding me up and allowing car 02 to catch me
S3 licensed
Sonicrealms Racing Driver Line-Up

[SR] Weed
[SR] Tongey
[SR] Turkey
[SR] R. Hero
S3 licensed
Sonicrealms Racing will be there with at least 2 drivers and Team Manager
S3 licensed
Quote from racer hero :Well when I was away Tongey changed the drivers that were going to be driving. The people that are actually driving for SR are:

[SR]Gil - Gil07
[SR]R.Hero - Racer hero
[SR]Weed - weed
[SR]SlaWter - slaWter

Reserves:[SR]Keith - [SR]Keith
[SR]Belain - Belain

Thanks and sorry for the mistake,

Please disregard the quoted thread...Racer Hero has been away for a week and is out of touch with tomorrows race

Sonicrealms Racing Line-up is as follows....

[SR] Weed
[SR] Tongey
[SR] slaWter
[SR] R.Hero

[SR] KayJay
[SR] Belain
[SR] Keith

Sorry for the confusion guys...........
S3 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :I'll need the usernames of the added drivers also

added to original post
S3 licensed
Sonicrealms Racing Driver Change for FE Gold

[SR] Gil - out, replaced by [SR] Tongey (tongey)
[SR] R.Hero - unconfirmed, possible replacement by [SR] KayJay (kayjay)
[SR] Belain (belain)
[SR] Keith ([SR] Keith)
Last edited by tongey, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Send me your replay

Thank's commandermas


Ok Thanks Gai-Luron, appreciate the help

Attached replay for ya !! (Via Link!) - Right Click - Save As.......

http://www.sonicrealmsracing.c ... s/IGTC_FE_Gold_Test_1.mpr
Team Sonicrealmsracing are in
S3 licensed
Just to confirm, Sonicrealms Racing will be racing at FE Gold - Car FXR
Last edited by tongey, .