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S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :
I would say everything below 75Hz refresh rate and 50 fps is definetely NOT GOOD for your eyes.

That may be true for a CRT but not TFT
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :everything under 60fps in unplayable :P


I have limited my fps to 60 anyway as my flatscreen is running at 60Hz (could set it to 75Hz but 60 is absolutly fine). Runs smooth like butter.

My gfx card is X850 XT and the image quality is superb! Don't know about the 7800 GTX....
Last edited by tpa, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :The tyre model is as close enough as we need.

Tristan, I don't get you. Do you have some kind of personal problem with JeffR? All of his points are very well made and it's obvious that he is only trying to help improve LFS.
All I read from you is rubbishing his suggestions, while you fail to make any!

I for my part appreciate his input on this matter because of his obvious technical knowledge. His new thread about the diffs just proves my point.

Thanks JeffR
S2 licensed
Quote from goon :36 years old today!

Happy Birthday
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Warper :*omg* How do you pull your caravan with that ride?


S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Victor - you actually went out especially to photograph it didn't you? Or is your house somewhere near there out of shot?

yea man, he lives under that bridge you can see in the background
S2 licensed
Quote from Hummer :umm, check out DJ Keltech here:

S2 licensed
2800xp here.

had a GF 4200 Ti before and played 1280x1024 with no AA whatsoever.

Got a great deal on a Asus X850 XT though, and now I play with 6AA / 16AF and get even a little more frames. I e.g. do have the mirror enabled now, which cost me too many frames with the GF4.

I still hope that LFS will become more gfx card dependent, though :>
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from steini :Hey guys,

I'm pretty new to this game, so I really enjoy reading posts like these.
But I have a short question, everywhere you look around you only find WR setups. Setupfield, in the forums, exept the easy race setups from bob, but what if I need a setup for an XF GTR or something like that? Where do I find these?


On the servers :P Just ask people. I have a little collection of XRR setups from my ESCC races. They are relatively easy to drive and can get within one second of the WRs. If you want them, PM me

And setups are VERY important if you want to be competitive. It's been like that in S1, and now with downforce etc. in S2 a bad setup can cost you even more seconds (and tires).
Of course you first need to be able to get around the track quickly ===> smoothly. If you look at quick replays, notice how little corrections the drivers make to their steering input.
But still, the setup ultimatly limits how fast you can get around a track. When we share setups in ther German community we often say "Ok, this set is good for low 1.43s". Because that simply is the fastest that set can go on a 'perfect' lap.
But there always is room for improvement on the setup side and if you're willing to invest the time you can probably make it faster.

Being fast in LFS is all about investing time! In this aspect, LFS is very realistic, since time is money and in real life you have to invest a lot of money to be fast
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :The Triso guys are quite fast and very nice guys, but as the teams is very new and their website... well ... they are not so popular yet
(and they dont race in international leagues afaik - sorry if Im totally wrong, not been around so much lately )

And their logo is cool


1. I race in the ESCC

2. Our homepage has everything there needs to be

3. We don't really seek popularity as desperatly as many others do
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I usually just pause for a moment and then say "erm, not much". But then I suppose everyone thinks I'm boring. I think my technique would work better if I actually did something else as well so I've got something to talk about. One day.

lol Same here somehow.

I've been doing a lot of running during the last weeks (every second day), so every second time I get asked what I did I can say I went running

My ex-girlfriend laughed at me for playing LFS, but in vino veritas, and when she got drunk she wanted to try it out as well and had quite some fun
S2 licensed
Quote from snewham :
And one more question... who is "Triso"???

S2 licensed
prefuse 73 - robot snares got no cadence or balance
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :are you familiar with the concept of trinity ?

erm, nice boobs in a tight leather suit and sunglasses?

Or the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from RudiTurbo :Well You know, God created World as a few million ppl believe, I dont
And Scawen created LFS, so he is our God, he created Our World
And that is a proven fact

Actually, Eric created our world Scawen just made the laws of nature

...but on the other hand: Prove to me that LFS wasn't created by a giant Spaghetti-Monster
S2 licensed
Ohne England - Fahrn' Wir Zur Wm!


Ohne England - Fahrn' Wir Zur Wm!

S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :Yupp, you're right. BUT it is also correct to write it like Nuerburgring, as "umlauts" are not used in every language using the latin letters. So, "ä" can be written as "ae", "ö" as "oe" and "ü" as "ue" :P

I beat Tristan! YAY!

EDIT: But to contribute to the topic: I too think that a long track would be nice. Would be quite interesting for pit strategies too, I think, as you are not that flexible as on shorter curcuits.

and "ß" can be written as "ss" Harr, I beat Coleus which means a also beat Tristan

but back to topic: Yes, I want the Nürburgring in LFS too
S2 licensed
Quote from HS-78 :Mine is far away from being a sports car, but with 105hp for 975kg with full fuel and driver its not that slow either. Has a tiptronic gearbox, some parts like doors, engine cover, ... made of alloy to keep the weight down and an updated aerodynamic shape all from the factory. Drives well in town, nice on countryroads and good at the highway where you can tickle much bigger - so nearly all cars ;-) - because no one would expect such a little car to have a speedmax of over 200 km/h.

awesome location :> And the specs on that car sound nice too. I am sure you weren't bored on those twisty mountain roads :>
S2 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :That reminds me of "33 Reasons Why you shouldn't post your picture on the internet"

how true

Already posted this on rsc some day, after the devs were in Arhus. It clearly shows their true superhero identities.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
i don't think all that is true for lfs. My guess is that lfs just uses a certain amount of fuel for every ignition/pop.

e.g. when you are driving against the wind, in real life your fuel consumption would be higher, but in lfs, you are consuming less fuel just because the rpm are lower.
S2 licensed
Quote from dUmAsS :*grunts like tim allen*

now we're talking