I dont really see a need at all for this, especially with that excessive slipstreaming we have in LFS.
I'd rather see us being able to raise the rpm limiter, once we have cars that'd actually benefit from it. Because then you'd also have to deal with the consequences e.g. overheating engine and such.
I don't want to sound offensive, but a power boost button that gives you extra power and makes your car flash just sounds so... american
i recall a thread where it was stated that the lap time counter restarts after 255 minutes (i think).
If you waited these 255 minutes in front of the s/f line and then crossed it, you could get a ridiculously low laptime. Dunno if that's the case here.
cheaters suck! :monkey:
Looking at the link forbin posted, I DO think that's the case here :detective
I share the opinion, that the steering doesn't get light enough when understeering heavily
I am not a fan of GTR either, but it's a known fact that it has been developed with the help of professional race drivers. So if they coded this artificial effect for light steering into the FF, I dare to say they did it for a reason.
Just wondering if this is a problem on my side or if everyone is experiencing this.
When I drive by the pitlane e.g. on Westhill, the pit lane exit line on the ground just suddenly pops up. That seems weird to me, as the other textures on the road like the starting grid build up really smoothly.
I attached a small video, you'll have to change the file extension to .wmv
I also found myself wondering the other day, if it made sense to have dynamic wings in real life racing. They could turn slightly to the left/right depend on what kind of corner is being driven.
Like a front wing that is directly connected to steering inputs and turns accordingly.
My teammate GPunkt happens to be the german RallyX Champion of 2003 and he said that he liked the simulation of dirty tires.
According to him, the loss of grip is about 30% and that it does stay there quite a while, especially on slicks.
Sidenote: They use slicks in rallyx racing, with an improvised profile cut into them, depending on the track... no knobbly or hybrid tires to be seen anywhere on those cars
How about if one could specify in the options that you are always willing to share your sets?
Then people wouldn't have to ask you all the time, but could directly go to the names list and get your set without disturbing your racing for example...
2) (has been suggested before I think)
Would it be possible to have an option on LFS world, where people could get setups directly from uploaded hotlaps if the 'uploader' agreed with it?
I agree that most of the default sets are hard to drive, and ESPECIALLY the RA.
Just yesterday I was wondering if the devs used the actual suspension values etc. of the real RA to make the default set for it's LFS counterpart.
Because I am kind of sure that's not how the real RA is behaving.
Now to the mysterious physics flaws in LFS that everyone keeps complaining about without saying which particular part bugs them and how it could be fixed.
Why not just make a set for the RA with the real thing's values and then take the real RA and the virtual one, to an identical test area. Then compare the results ... shouldn't that maybe give an idea where to start with physics updates?