One of the dozens of whiners here.. Well actually I have nothing to whine about as I wasn't racing there, I was just amusing myself and learning how to be a better admin
and I'm sorry I didn't save any replay.. but as you said you've autosaved all the replays so maybe you wanna check them out? It must be hard tho to have so many 'banned, banned, banned' replays..
and what comes to admining.. well I can start my own server and ban everyone who joins it.. can't really see what's the point of that tho.. if I start a server I want people to join it and stay there. Usually I use my admin power on my team server.. and yes, someone might say I'm quite trigger happy.. well maybe sometimes I am.. but I've never banned anyone for being newbie or too slow.
Server rules are server rules.. if you're running a server and say that only 1st gear allowed then that's the rule and people should follow that. Only thing that really bothers me is that there are 10 different threads about being banned from the Redline Racing.. haven't ever seen so many banned from other servers threads.. have you? Maybe it's the community's way to say that you should fix your rules.. or admining? And this post wasn't bitching
hehe I just went on RR server and had a nice lesson how to admin a server "fairly" some obvious newbie (=rookie as QS said) racer was circling around the track pretty slow but didn't cause any troubles.. until EVO hit him and started this "WTF you F*cking idiot were standing in the middle off the track" show.. well poor guy got banned in few seconds for doing nothing wrong
*need more beer and popcorn, it's just too hilarious*
that's really annoying I don't mind sharing my sets, those aren't that special.. but there are people who join a server and doesn't even bother trying to drive the combo before moaning about sets.. argh at least try it with race_s or whatever to learn the track and braking points etc.
and it's "funny" that after you've sent your set usually the only thanks you get from them is when they crash you in T1.. illepall
And it would be great if LFS could manage those folders automatically, like when you're saving a set named as "BL1_race" it would be placed directly in Blackwood folder etc.
TBH not at all.. well there's nothing new for me, but those might be handy for some newbies.
And about official LFS sites, well I'd like to see them all in one package. As said above there are lots of people who doesn't even know that LFS World or this forum exists