I work at the danish CMS CNC router dealership.
I go to our customers in all of Denmark to service, repair and setup new machines. Once in a while I travel to tha CMS factory in northern Italy to check if a new machine is OK, at the same time I get some training, if there's new features on the machine, since I normally teach the customer how to use the machine after we set it up at their location.
The last 13 month I have travelled 50000km, beside the work hours at the customer, but I have allways liked to drive so it's not a bed thing. I get paid the same whether I'm in the car or working at a customer.
The CMS machines kan work in at lot of materials such as wood, fiberglass, stone, and aluminium. The last machines we delivered is making aluminium parts for the Fisker Karma.
Good thing about my job: It's rare that 2 days are the same, I don't go to work the place every day(unless setting up a new machine) and I almost never have to do the same kind of work 2 days in a row. Sometimes I'm looking for an electrical problem, sometimes it's mechanical, dosn't matter I can fix it all(sometimes I have to call for help

Bad things: Long hours, sometime away from my kids and wife for several days/weeks. I can't allways go to mettings in the school, it's not possible to say when I'm home. Not getting paid enough