Definately give it a go Hyper, the graphics are horrible by today's standards of course, but you sort of forget about it after a while
If you like turn-based strategy, it's a must.Someone mentioned Silent Storm, that is highly recommended as well.Stay far away from Hammer & Sickle though.
Closing oblivion gates at lvl 1.. That's just silly if you ask me.I did read that it was possible to start off the main quest that early, but that's a mistake imo.
Anyway, I agree with some of your points.The lvl scaling is not the perfect solution to a common problem in rpg's, but I still think it works fairly well.What bothered me much much more was the silly amount of high end loot avialable once you reach lvl 15 or thereabouts.Even the lowest rabble, common scum like a Bandit, is suddenly wearing Ebony and wielding glass weapons.At that point there is no such thing as hard earned money, and the accumulation of wealth becomes trivial.
I did read that the game can sudddenly become quite difficult if you have mainly focused on your non-combat skills like you seem to have done.Couldn't you simply train your combat skills at one of the trainers to get it up to a sufficient level, supposing you have enough money? And seeing as you're a thief I'd imagine money was not a concern of yours.Ok, hardly an ideal solution, but I'm afraid thats the best I can come up with
I agree that the map and compass markers 'hold your hand' too much.However, after much scouring of the extremely messy official forums, I did find some useful things.I think tristan is correct though that many of them are buggy, but give it a month or so, and I imagine we'll start seeing some really good scaling mods.There is a UI mod out that solves the markers problem, along with some other improvements to the UI.I'm also using the rarity patch, which seems to work well so far (only just installed it yesterday).The scaling mods I've linked, I haven't tried myself since it doesn't bother me that much.
Seems to be loads other useful ones like arrowvelocity mod and such, but I havent bothered to look for them.
Just to round off my post, I'd say that despite it's flaws, I consider Oblivion to be one of the best rpg's ever made.I'm having a great time playing it, and I'm consistently blown away by the sheer size of the world.The quests are almost all entertaining and satisfying to complete..I could go on.Heh..Testify!!
*cough*..Anyway, with the huge mod community supporting it, it probably wont be long before any Oblivion player, regardless of taste, can play the game just as he prefers it to be played.Have fun in Tamriel
See, this is what happens when people forget that LFS is more important than real life.School..exams..pff! I mean, talk about getting your priorities straight! Noobs!!
I've had a great time with nic.Despite their extreme youth, they're a great bunch of guys.While the team dies, our little enclave on IRC remains, which tbh, is more important to me personally than a simple tag.
I'm starting to wonder if my understanding of racing terminology is up to par.Both you and Gimpster (although you disagree on everything else) seems to agree that the turn in point is immediately before, or at the point of contact?
That's the turn-in point?
I was looking at this
again, and the situation he describes there seems quite similar to the one in the video imho ( look in the 'corner rights' section, the illustration there).
Anyway, my new perspective on turn-in points gave rise to some thoughts about how such a situation might unfold in LFS.So let me present:
Driving along an imaginary track, Turn-In and Tyrion battle for the lead.Turn-In is ahead for the moment, but only by a car length.They approach the next corner.
Turn-In looks in the mirrors. Hm, a good car length behind.I should be in the clear, unless he is privy to the real meaning of turn-in points.No, he can’t be.
Tyrion sees Turn-In is still a car length in front. Hmm, normally I would never attempt a pass in this situation, but now that I have obtained the secret knowledge of the true turn-in points, things are a little different.I will brake late, and dive in on the inside.When we reach the true turn-in point I will have achieved sufficient overlap to justify my actions.Haha, I’m a racing genious!
*crash* *clonk* *screech*
As the cars make contact, Turn-In's car spins out of control and off the track.Tyrion continues unaffected.
Turn-In: WTF??
Tyrion: Bwahaha
Turn-In: Wtf are you doing moron, you didn’t have corner rights!!
Tyrion: omg noob? I SO can't believe you just said that.There was sufficient overlap at turn-in point! Hahaha, noob
Turn-In: What are you smoking? Ffs
/Turn-In disconnects
Unable to contain his laughter any longer, Tyrion erupts .
(Edit: after much consideration I have opted to go with a strict no-boob policy.Yes, that goes for man-boobs also.Even though they are not really offensive, they are certainly disgusting in their own way)
Pardon me for digging up this old thread, but I wonder if there has been any development regarding this problem?
I have tried changing the suggested settings in RivaTuner, but it doesn't seem to have much of an effect.
Seeing as the US is about the only country in the world that has not officially adopted the Metric system, it would seem to be rather illogical to make everyone go back to using an archaic system like the Imperial don't you think?
Or perhaps that was not what you meant
Nevermind though...carry on.