Are you sure that's what you mean? My opinion would be that the exact opposite is true.I have never tried, but I would imagine that a fov lower than 50 would feel like slowmotion.
Anyway, having seen the outcome, I won't say a word about locked fov's, and I'll leave it to more capable hands to comment on your post.Just stumbled over what you said about the sense of speed
Perhaps I'm stating the obvious here, but say your system really took off Sam and every admin from Brazil to Japan joined the Clean Racers Club, community awareness skyrockets and people from 50 different servers start reporting wreckers.Now all these reports would then have to be judged by each individual admin, in accordance with his own banning standards? Wouldn't that be too much work for most admins? (I'm just assuming I understand how your system is set up which I'm not totally sure I do).
So what you'd need is some sort of system that would allow an admin to make an informed decision about a supposed wrecker without actually having to watch the .mpr. In example, you could make some sort of 'wrecking severity scale' that allowed each admin that had seen the replay to give the supposed offender a score on that scale, and perhaps make a comment about the offender as well. In that way, admins pressed for time could peruse the offender list, and add the worst of them directly to his own ban list if he so desired, and in other cases review the comments for further reassurance that the ban would be warranted, or even watch the replay in cases where doubt still existed.
Well, just an idea..maybe I'm talking out of my arse here, but of nothing else I hope my probably ignorant display is amusing at least
I think Denmark will wait, we're not going :gnasher:
Real shame, when WC is finally held 'right next door' we fail to qualify.Noobs!!
Even though they're our arch enemies, I'd like to see Spain do well.They've played some great football in recent tournaments, but they always seem to mess it up somehow with stupid mistakes.
Final will prolly be Brazil-Germany though :sleep2:
Tried what you suggested.After recalibration the values simply get stuck at 0% throttle/brake instead.Pressing down throttle/brake, as before, has no effect
edit: I suppose a windows repair install could potentially solve the problem?
Just a small update.First I was incorrect about the [momo] wheel not working ingame.It does.Next, I've tried booting my old windows install, and the finnmotions work ingame ( hotlapping/Splayer mode).
Apart from that I've tried everything from reinstalling directx, to updating BIOS, doing a chkdsk /r, defragmenting the harddrive, unplugging the momo's usb connector, and a couple of other things.
Only suspicious thing I've noticed, is that if I enter Main menu in LFS, go to Options-->Controllers, there's about a second when the pedals are at 100%, and then the values reset to normal so to speak.I wonder if perhaps the same thing happens when entering hotlapping mode i.e., but for some reason the values get stuck at 100%
I recently got me a pair of finnmotion pedals, and they have worked alright except for some minor calibration problems.Well, tonight as I fired up LFS I experienced some rather odd behaviour - From main menu I go directly to Options-->Controllers-->Axes/FF..okie, no problem here pedals are responding as expected.Then I go to hotlapping mode, enter the track with my selected car, and suddenly nothing works.Wheel doesn't respond, pedals are at 100% and don't respond to input either.( the buttons on wheel do respond though).Now, I can start up dxtweak, and pedals are performing as expected, and are recognized in 'game controllers'.
I also tried unplugging the pedals and using my momo force pedals again, and they worked perfectly (in LFS hotlapping mode)..plugged in finnmotions again, same problem.Tried installing lfs on another hard drive, same problem.
Also, I've recently installed a new mobo which has caused me a load of problems.Following some advice found on the net, I tried reseating one of my ram sticks to another DIMM slot, and haven't had any problems since ( weird behaviour, random crashes)..but I wonder if something (Some system file?) has become corrupted that could explain the odd behaviour I'm seeing in LFS?
It really depends on what you consider a long time.And I don't think anyone knows the facts
Maybe you're familiar with the term peak oil production, or formally 'Hubbert's Peak Theory' - there's a lenghty article on wikipedia if you're interested peak oil
Basically it says that global oil production follows a bell curve, and most scientist that believe in the theory seem to agree that we have either passed the peak (or the top of the curve if you will) already, or that it will happen within the next 10-20 years..after which production will start to decrease.Then the obvious question is; how will a dwindling global production meet the ever growing energy demands (China, et al)? How will that effect our economies, being totally dependant on fossil fuels..?
Perhaps we'll not see the full consequences of the depleting oil reserves in our lifetimes, but I don't see anything wrong in thinking of the generations that will have to live here after we're gone.
Apart from that we pretty much agree I think.My SUV comment was more pointed at the states though.
About the hydrogen, as I understand it, it's not all what it's been hyped up to be.Making the hydrogen requires energy - which will usually be made from fossil fuels, so there's no real environmental gain.You'd probably be moving the pollution to remote powerplants instead, so while it has no real advantage, I imagine it would be very beneficial in heavily polluted cities.
Exactly is running out, and until the consumers realize this, nothing will change.People are blissfully unaware of the inevitable changes to come, or they just don't care...just look at the popularity of SUV's.
No doubt the people in power are concerned, but of course they can't make legislations that may inconvenience or even anger their voters - they might not get re-elected.That's the problem with modern politics imo..alot of powerhungry individuals, and very little idealism.
Thoughts from a totally mental tree-hugger
on topic (I think) : Banning tobacco ads and not banning alcohol seems to be a bit of a double standard.
I just about completely agree with this.Aside from league racing, the online racing scene hasn't really evolved at all.We're still doing those boring 5 lap sprint races we've always done; they totally dominate the server list, and I dont know if that is what everyone really wants. I want to think it isnt, because I would certainly prefer something else, but right now I think we haven't the tools that might facilitate a change.Why not allow the people who would prefer a different online experience, those very tools?
I'd prefer diversity to conformity any day, even if it alienates some people ( which is a pretty weak argument anyway, you might as well say that servers that don't allow all cars are alienating people).It's your choice as a person to adapt or find a server that does suit your preferences.
Besides, I imagine that an increased diversity would actually encourage more people to race online - the people who don't find the sprint race + t1 carnage experience thrilling might be pleased to see servers that offered something different, be it longer races or some of the possible options Gunn mentioned, or both.
A beautiful day indeed.Sadly I think humans have not moved far beyond our more primitive ancestors who also engaged in tribal warfare, but on a much smaller scale of course.There's not much hope for humanity.If we miraculously discover a new abundant non-polluting energy source, maybe.If aliens came and showed us the error of our ways, maybe.Perhaps they'd make an ultimatum, something like ' Start treating each other nicely and demilitarize, or we'll insert a deadly virus into the atmosphere.We'll be watching you'.That'd be lovely.
Realistically though, we'll see lots more energy wars in the next 50 years, perhaps ending in a direct conflict between China and the US.Chances are though, that american society has collapsed long before that, and if not, has become a totalitarian regime, so we'll all be hoping for the freedom loving chinese to take the day
I haven't done alot of BF1 driving since the patch was released, but while practising on AS Grand Touring I had a few occurances of that type of 'snap' exactly.There are a couple of high speed esses (?) in the latter part of sector 2 where this happened to me a few times - a very sudden loss of grip and before you know it the rear end is gone and your futile attempts at correction only end up making the situation worse
I guess it could be attributed to something else though, I honestly dont know.
(if you want to skip this tiresome tirade, just read looneys comments further up)
Simply saying that weed leads to hard drugs is greatly simplifying the argument.I believe it is an position most often held by politicians that are opposed to legalization.It isn't so much that you criminalize a large group of people (at least not here, I imagine possesion of cannabis is punished much more severely in the states and elsewhere), but that you force all these people to consort with shady dealers of highly questionable character.I've met a few of them while I smoked myself, and I did not much enjoy the environments I came in contact with in those situations.Conservatives will most likely say that is a great deterrent, but it just doesnt work that way.People are gonna get their grass, even if they have to briefly socialize with some rather unpleasant personalities.This is where the potential for hard drug abuse increases greatly, because these people will often have other 'products' available, and like good merchants, well they want to sell it, to you!
:Eyecrazy: anecdote alert :Eyecrazy:
A part of Copenhagen is called Christiania.For many years this place was the center of cannabis market here.Hard drugs was forbidden out there (something they enforced with their own sort of jungle-law). It was a street in this closed off part of the city, where street merchants would openly sell cannabis - in effect it was legalized, the cops pretty much had an unofficial agreement with the inhabitants and the dealers (I suppose) to not raid the place, and the police knew it was in their own best interest to centralize the cannabis market in Copenhagen.Well, that was it was like until a few years ago, when our new hardline government decided to put a stop to it.Now the cannabis market is heavily decentralized with hundreds of little 'hash-clubs' opening all over the city, and I imagine hundreds of local dealers on top of that.The hash-clubs often become centers of all sorts of criminal activity, from drugs ( duh!) to stolen goods, weapons asf.I don't think I need to stress what I think about this development.
Are politicians generally more stupid than us normal people? well..yes damnit, I am starting to believe they are.
To close off..I'm not on a crusade to whitewash cannabis.There's a reason I stopped smoking, and I believe long term abuse can be very damaging to some people.However I do know people who have smoked daily for 10+ years, and they are for all intents and purposes completely normal people, with normal jobs and normal lives.
Isn't part of the problem that people are actively seeking out and performing tests they know will show the weaknesses of the tire physics? It seems hardly an objective approach.You can find flaws in anything with that mindset.
When that is said, your criticisms may be totally correct, I haven't the first clue about tire physics.But I am not questioning that of course, merely suggesting that preconcieved notions of the physics -or perhaps the game itself- may cause some people to go out of their way to find flaws, and be overly critical (this goes both ways of course).
Would love to see some more threads that focus on both what is good and bad.It would also reduce the risk of people running to the trenches as the discussion gets underway.
On the contrary.Tomorrow it will just be different topics..'omg the bf1 pwnz!!11!1'..'ffs the bf1 is uber!!!'..'new patch rawks!!' In other words the same pointless, pubescent drivel we've been witness to this week.
Somewhere below this layer of thrash will reside more potentially interesting discussions, like sober tire physics debates and similar.All this giggly, happy crap is mighty tiresome imho, I can't wait for things to settle down.
Bit late to join the crack posse, and I do hate to be late for a lynching; but just for the record the Boomtown event was held in Århus, not Copenhagen.Lookie here
While their games list might be dated '02, their games are most certainly not.I see BF2: SF there, and several other new games..there's nothing to suggest that lfs wouldn't be on that list if they indeed had it installed on their comps.
My expert team of code breakers have been at it all night, and they've come up with some truly astonishing results.Among the more conspicuous are,
Sorrowful Geoduck Bat
Cloudburst Awoke Frog
Fascinating.I feel we are getting very close to solving this enigma.
Also I am happy to report that my good friends at Gauntanamo have been on high alert since Mr. Nightracing arrived a few days ago.With the evidence mounting against him, it is only a matter of time before he cracks.He may go insane from the extended light & sound 'therapy' sessions before that though, but that is sometimes the price we pay for good intelligence.My friends assure me he is being treated in accordance with the UN charter and the Geneva convention, so all is well.
I'm sure you had the best intentions faster111.However, if you want to avoid further public ridicule in the future, you *really* should make a habit of checking the other forum threads before you post something like this - specifically ones created by the devs
That depends..if you go into your inventory, you may see a little red hand in the lower left of some of the item icons ( that make sense? ), which means you have stolen them, and honest merchants wont buy them.
Ayrton, I think you can find hieronymus in the temple district ( maybe he walks around on some of the others as well) not sure.You should get markers though, if you make it your active quest.