Football World Championship!
(67 posts, started )
Football World Championship!
Well, still about 3 weeks to go, until the WC in football starts, but hey, everyone gets nervous about it, especially here in germany. So we need a thread about it here!

Who's gonna win it? Will the brasilians be beatable? Who's going to be the biggest surprise? Will the dutch find the way to the championship (after not being there 2002) :P ?

I'm really looking forward to a big party month here. Myself living in Frankfurt, which is one of the cities with WC stadiums, we gonna have everyday party on the videowalls, I think. How will you live through that month?

so many questions...

Cheerio! It's time for some goooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals
How will I live through that month? By avoiding football as much as possible...
I am not the biggest footie fan in the world, being an Ipswich supporter you can probably see why LOL, but I do like the world cup.

Who is going to win? who knows, thats the thing with the world cup, there are always suprises along the way and there is never a dead cert.

As for the English team, well, TBH I think we are going to get out of our group in 2nd place, and we'll probably meet Germany in the 2nd round, and we'll either do another 5-1, or struggle to make an impact, if we can get past the 2nd round, then who knows.............

The dutch dont have a chance against us

Will be interesting to watch them loose in Leipzig

Ivery Coast may be the one which will suprize!!!!


My friend is going WC, he did the Shell garage competition and used a German No. 7 lol... Let's hope England do well, with or without Rooney!!
Quote from the_angry_angel :How will I live through that month? By avoiding football as much as possible...

Same here, i'm bored of the WC already, and it hasn't started yet!!!
Quote from the_angry_angel :How will I live through that month? By avoiding football as much as possible...

Im going to get through that month learning... those @*&^$#^%$# guys from university planned the exams during the WC... So holland would better be out after the first round then, if I want to pass my exams..
The best think about the World Cup is the fact that the poor drivers are in the pub watching kickball, meaning the roads are clearer for me.

I hate football. I will watch the final if England get there (yeah right), but I won't watch any of the other matches unless I'm physically forced to.

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Ok, I seem to be one of the few football fans here then
Who's gonna win... very difficult question... but my first thought goes to Brazil. They have so many quality players in their squad, I can only hope they will play well as a team too, if so we could expect some firework from them.
Of course I hope Holland will do well too, I'll be finished with school once the WC starts so I'd like them to come as far as possible Frank! Nevertheless I don't expect Holland has a Final worthy team.
As for Germany, looking at their preparation matches for this tournament they don't have a lot of chance to come very far, but... the WC has shown before that bad preparation matches dont necessarily mean bad tournament chances.
Either way I'm looking forward to the first match to start!
I unlike many on here don't mind football. Even though I'm a Derby County supporter, it's like watching paint dry. Anyway... I think the best bet for the finals are Italy and Holland this time.

I don't know why, I've just got a feeling.
Quote from Chris_Kerry :I think the best bet for the finals are Italy and Holland this time.

I would be happy with Italy winning, that would be £34 in my pocket, I have them and Tunisia in our company sweepstakes

Well with Tunisia chuck away the slip now :P
Quote from Vykos69 : biggest surprise? Will the dutch find the way to the championship (after not being there 2002) :P ?

The Dutch

Or maybe 'Ze Germanz'?
Quote from danowat :Tunisia in our company sweepstakes

Quote from hrtburnout :Shuttup

You will find me in front of the TV screen for everygame. Avid footy fan here. I think England will do well, not world beaters but hopefully will get as far a Semi's ( already worked out who we will be playing possibly )

Vykos, I did actually have a look at flying over. NO WAY, even Rynair have hicked up the prices.

**me goes looking for nearest pub

Personally. I cannot see Brazil being beaten. They just have such strength throughout. Germany 5-1 , Holland, not a chance, they didn't take Edgar Davids , Italy Argies, naa not this year. France, possibly.

Just have to wait and See.
Quote from Fordman :Holland, not a chance, they didn't take Edgar Davids

Plus we didn't take Klaas Jan Huntelaar... topscorer in the last Dutch league season.... illepall
And we didnt take the top scoring Englishman, Darren Bent (ex-Ipswich boy ), go figure........., we took a complete novice, and 2 crocks instead illepall

I think Denmark will wait, we're not going :gnasher:

Real shame, when WC is finally held 'right next door' we fail to qualify.Noobs!!

Even though they're our arch enemies, I'd like to see Spain do well.They've played some great football in recent tournaments, but they always seem to mess it up somehow with stupid mistakes.
Final will prolly be Brazil-Germany though :sleep2:
I guess Brazil is going to win.

I'm living about 800 meters from the Dortmund stadium where one of the semi-finals will take place, so I expect a lot of people (and all female brazilian fan clubs) to be around in a month.

Would have loved to have cards for the Brazil-Japan game.

Football World Championship!
(67 posts, started )