There seems to be some yellowish natural lightning in caves. Makes them even creepier . Also, I don't seem to be able to 'wallhack' anymore with the 1.8 jar, does anyone else have this problem?
Some people just want to play casually, some people want to make the best mob spawner its possible. Some people ask "but if you use hacked items to make the mobtrap, why don't you just spawn tnt?". Well, because the idea is to make the biggest, the baddest mobspawner in town, not get the biggest and baddest amounts of tnt.
I rarely run into them, but what is over my head when the bushwookies are sitting in their own base, they could atleast go to the closest friendly flag to an enemy flag, that way they could defend the flag they are sitting on, and provide support for people that are going for flags.
The jets in Bf3 will be alot slower than in bf2, they are now the same speed as planes were in 1942. It's silly that the jets go that slow, but I think it's going to balance the game significantly.