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S2 licensed
Quote from Stig209 : and if somebody says this is an serious minded music video, the person doesn't have a sense of humour

; )
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :If it's feathers again I am going to be cross.

Going to be what?
S2 licensed
Quote from mamoru :Still, they would be funny to challenge once in a while

Will propably get boring after a while. The thing im interested to know is what kind of loot will they drop
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Holy crap, they sound terrifying...

Well, the server has the LVT commands
S2 licensed
Notch has announced a new mob for 1.8 ; /
S2 licensed
Quote from funRacer[83] :Yes BC2 is Bad Company 2, and Moh is just cheap shit compared to Bad Company 2 how on earth can you even argue about that.

Watch this video infantry and vehicle fights while on moh you have only infantry fight and sometimes one cheap tank that´s just loud and not able to do anything on the battlefield.. Just a cod clone with killstrikes but without prone..

Moh is okish but it just lacks too much compared to Bad Company 2. Bad Company itself is also lacking the big mapsizes and high player count, but BF3 will bring that back to the Battlefield.

The biggest problem with MOH is the map design, for example the map where you needed to take out the roadblock to let the tank trough as an attacker. The reoadblock was just a meatgrinder for attackers if it was defended correctly.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Well if that's not a reason to skip it alltogether then i don't know what is

And he is actually incorrect, compare MOH recoil and bfbc2.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :read it again. if a` no recoil` is enough to explain than my explonation is way over the top. i hate it-end. u hate moh-end .thats all.
(i played all the old games too but that wasnt my point)

MOH is the game with no recoil, there is exactly none of it, you don't even need to burst fire
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :i didnt like the singleplayer + in mp the feel of the vehicles and the gameplay,the graphics to me were retarded(i have a good rig). i cant rly tell u more coz it was a long time ago and only played a bit as i said.all this was after playing months of moh,maybe i played too much but that tells how entertained i was
ps. i just watched vidoes of it and im telling u i got a different game coz it looks way different now im gonna have to put it up again coz now im frustrated

Wait, what? You played enough to tell it sucked, but not enough to tell why.

You, Sir confuse me.
S2 licensed
Quote from funRacer[83] :

Moh2010 better then BC2 you sir are crazy!

from time to time moh 2010 is ok, but it´s compared to bc2 just bad.

Maybe MOH is just simple enough for him
S2 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Well it doesn't help that my FPS is low, but it just feels sluggish and just not like a battlefield game should be like (Battlefield 2 etc. lol)

Things like you can't jump over things easily, it's like the animation has to be played before you can jump lol. Also the FOV is zoomed in like BC2 (but in BC2 you can change it) yet you can't change it in this game.

But it maybe because it's a console port

I also don't like how you have to launch the game through the web browser (and select your server)

The jump animations are bugged atm. It also is the cause for the invisible walls you have to jump over, I'm pretty confident they wont leave that kind of stuff in the game. And IMO it doesn't feel like bfbc2 OR bf2, and I think the way the guns handle is better than in either of those. The paris map is quite horrible meat grinder rush map, but in the full game i will be playing conquest anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Same. Only thing is I'm on vacation and can't play it over here.


And it's only 4 days left. But I'll enjoy those
S2 licensed
I just got into the alpha, now people can really be jelly.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ales_M :Pvp experience would be awesome. Untill then im on and ye we could form new team/hq its all been reseted anyway.

Ill talk to you on skype
S2 licensed
So.. Everyone here knows this band called Opeth right? And that their music is terrible? Well, that has been changed, the fist song from their new album that is released is something bloody amazing. ... rst-OPETH-Single-Released
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Wouldn't one month of pvp mean that most of the world gets destroyed? We've all got chests full of TNT now.

The map would be reseted ofc and changed back to normal after the month
S2 licensed
Quote from Ales_M :No interesting plugins , never any admin online , map looks like its been hited by tsunami , max players ever online 4? Do I need to go on?
I know Boosted is busy, but IMO to get server populated it needs some attention and care.

offtopic: Im back pvping. xD

**** you, you should have told that, lets form another team?

Also, I vote for a pvp experiement too. maybe one month of pvp then back to normal?
S2 licensed
Why has the server been so empty lately? :S
Last edited by Uke, .
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Retribution is as powerful and valid a human emotion as any other. I don't regret my own feelings against a despicable man and what I consider to be an naive justice system. As if a man who can murder dozens of youths in cold blood can be rehabilitated and put back in society, it's almost laughable.

Ofcourse he wont be rehabilitated. After his 21 year sentance they will find some excuse to keep him locked in.
S2 licensed
Just stfu Bf3 will be great on every platform.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Hold your vibrator in your hand while playing. Problem?

How hard is it to just ignore the troll?
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Just cannot wait.. btw just to drop a small 'flame' here played BC2 on pc at friends house the other day, and realised just how much it means to have vibrations while playing, it's just totally 'empty' on the mouse, is there a mouse that vibrates?

You're just begging for a PC vs. Consoles flamewar.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Thats sickening and wrong. You're not as good as you think you are.

I just need to say this. Your kind of brainwashed people are why I hate America.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :So you got the invite for the September beta?

Its going to be public anyway...

Alpha trials have just started, and... yeah.

Nah, I get the beta like 2 weeks before the others.

and... you're in the alpha trials?