good because id like to be able to use outsim and be able to have it open using a window, also could you release the source of your lfs mail so i could build it into my insim? cause i cant run two insims at the same time
now the button works, but when i click it, it brings up a text box, how do i set what i want the button to do? which of the numbers changes the buttons location?
to get indicators/hazard lights on wheel buttons. firstly go into lfs>data>scripts and put the attached indicatorleft.lfs, indicatorright etc into it. next go into lfs and go into options>controls>ALT+ then in alt+12 write /run indicatorleft , in alt+11 put /run indicatorright , in alt+10 put /run indicatorhazards then in alt+9 put /run indicatoroff, now after this set it to say them with the controller button you want, now your indicators should work, if they don't post here.
thanks, its so confusing!!! best to learn the hard way, lapper makes it look so easy
whats a ucid? is there anything else i need to add to put that button code in with? thanks
i cant get the swear function to work i say vane but it doesn't say anything
thinking into the future is there any way i can connect this to download a pb.txt from an ftp site?
i was gonna have a go at coding something in here, can someone give me an example of a swear filter that says something when you swear. can you also show some examples of where like you write what packet it looks for and what it does when it finds it. thanks, vane
p.s maybe for next release you could have a button code but have // infront to demonstrate the layout of the code.
imagine what this is gonna do with lfs' number of people, being in this V1 series, on TV its going to start getting even more popular, that is if v1 credits lfs, can't wait till the next patch, et it out as soon as you can, also you could give us all a g25 so we can use clutch and shifter to make the most of your new features
quite a while ago i was in the ltc race server with my good old friend VTIRoj, we had an AI which was stuck in the pit garage some how, i was messing around, pushing it out the pit then out the pit lane, he was driving around then i set it to restart, at this point the AI car had driven (by itself) out the pit garage and onto the track, why did this happen?
the vid was great, the ais coming out the pit looks a bit to like they are robots programmed to go a present course(what they are) but i love it! cant wait
"/prepares to deal with ho-hum non spectacular normal crashes." keep a patch X version installed on your comp, for when it calls out!!!