As I am the one who made these changes, and brought it up with OLFSL staff I feel my reply should be registered here too.
Team standings were introduced as an extra feature during last season - merely for fun a lot like like national standings since we didn't then have that many teams and/or those we had didn't have large number of members. After that the way we count those points has been changed greatly many times, during season also - partly because we changed the individual pointing system too. Also, number of teams/team members has raised siqnificantly.
These facts and feedback from member(s) brough up the need to tweak the system we had when this season launched. Our meaning was not to punish teams with a lot of members, but as I wrote to the site - to give better picture of skill-level in team.
Anyway, as it's written above the matter will be discussed within OLFSL staff - and I will do some deeper research about using either members per event/per season to do the calculations. Meanwhile team standings will be closed.
And migf1, I'd appreciate if you could edit the first post so that it will not cause further misunderstandings about this "20% rule". Thank you.