You can see that it's a bit different this time. LFS doesn't save penalty information to the SPR file and therefore you must type it to the corresponded field. It would be easy to cheat here, but it's no use since every single replay will be checked.
This you will notice once you've uploaded a hotlap and are transferred to the hotlap list. You'll see text "unchecked" until one of OLFSL admins reviews the replay.
Other than that, it's the usual business. Remember to upload before Friday 18:00GMT - it's the deadline. Good luck!
Well I don't think the air conditioning is the only issue. I still live in believe than in UK most electricity is produced with coal plants - which will unavoidably create CO2. I'll check about this, for this knowledge is from my school days (many years ago)
Looks like I was still in year 1990 Here:
* gas – 39.93% (0.05% in 1990)
* coal – 33.08% (67.22% in 1990)
* nuclear – 19.26% (18.97% in 1990)
* renewables – 3.55% (0% in 1990)
* hydroelectric – 1.10% (2.55% in 1990)
* imports – 1.96% (3.85% in 1990)
* oil – 1.12% (6.82% in 1990)
I'm positive about seeing a change to this, since we finally can buy "biofuel" (plant oil in it, or so). However, it's still more expensive than the regular one illepall so I don't think it will a success yet. It's a step to better direction anyway...
And the hybrid car prices aren't going down before the amount of sold cars is going up. So it's up to us, consumers. Hybrids is the thing day, hydrogen cars are just too far away in future.
But the fuel economy isn't the only point in building hybrid cars. It's not all about our wallets but the mother nature also - emission levels.
I know the following sheet is from the manufacturers site and based on Sol's data, are a bit optimistic. But keep in mind that this likely applies to both.
..and I managed to find also Micra 1.0 CO2 level (141g/km), but I couldn't confirm which model it was so I ended up to pick up the latest model. Both cars also passed Euro IV level, which isn't that significant though.
and sorry about those translation errors in the pic
Though.. I think we could safely remove LX4 from the list Or are there any LX4'ers there?
Anyway, tuneup races were good stuff - we'll see more of that next weekend. Remember to post your hotlaps before the deadline, I'm feeling reluctant to add you manually because you didn't have time illepall You have about 4 days now, that should do it
With a reason good enough, yes. Formula 1 event is not one.
I'm F1 fan myself too, but the sport has become boring to watch for me. I timed the pools this time and I didn't feel need to specially adjust the timeline because of some sporting event. Also, I was 20km from nearest habitat and F1 wasn't really in my mind at that moment. I just put up the grid based on OLFSL rules, as usual.
But that's only my personal opinion, as is your "I'll prolly leave OLFSL if not" opinion. You can always miss one race and go on with the next one, you know. It's up to you m8
Your name is more important, during the races I mean. It must be the same as one you use in OLFSL. If you've changed your name after joining us, you should keep your name up to date (profile).
Also if you're license name is misspelled, results will be incorrect - you won't score any points. Stay sharp with these..
Reason why you look like you started the thread is because you posted the first offtopic one (again, in my opinion) and I just cut all messages about that new topic and put them all into a new thread. Anyone with interest to that conversation likely understood what was going on.
I'll leave the subject of personal insults as it is.
It's sad to leave a member to go, especially when it's a members of team with good reputation. In my eyes that is. Anyway, it's up to you.
You brought this to personal level BBO, live with it. That's your way to operate and it's OK - this is a free forum. Don't call me a liar too because I have eyes. I know&remember all the little things you have done for us, so don't spoil it with stuff like this. Anyway, this thread has gone far away from the topic. Discussion about Mrs's or BBO's or anyone elses personal qualities, which do NOT have anything to do with the topic. You can surely continue this somewhere else if you wish. I hope not.
But it wont happen in here. I'm not interested in your opinions about us in personal level, keep that information to yourself. You don't know us any more than we do you. What I am interested is that which option do you want to see in use in future events - you made that clear allready.
This has been a normal procedure in OLFSL since the beginning. No one hasn't complained about it earlier, why? Now that it's brought up it's suddenly the end of the world as we know it?.. Come on.
I 100% agree with Mrs's decision - it's the way things are done in OLFSL. Or at least has been from the start.
Maybe some problems in our ISP's server, can't say for sure. But the parts that have something to do with logging in have not been altered for long time. Therefore I don't think it's site problem