Quote from Ian.H : Feel free to continue to arse-lick, like 90% of the posts in this thread.. but the long and short of it is.. LFS is nothing but a glorified hobby to the devs (which it shouldn't be!). Consider this recent pace and think about S3.. complete new game engine (or at least, you'd like to hope so it looks like a 200x game, not a 1980s BBC Micro game in compraison to what's available these days), complete new content.. etc etc. Eric will be complete with 1 new track in about 2052.. woohoo!!
You like too many others keep spouting this "their game" bullshit. It's not. They're developing it, but they're selling it for a profit, that comes with certain requirements.
I could create a list like the (rather comical) changelog for apps I write too, except I note the important changes and the rest get filed under 'minor tweaks'... but Scawen is well aware just how gullible and fanatic the LFS community is in general.. so if he writes down every tiny change.. people will cream their pants at such a long list. I'm surprised we don't see things like 'removed redundant comment on line 3219 of network.cpp' just to make it look like more work was done than actually was.
Bollox to 'LFS - Online Racing Simulator'... more like 'LFS - Smoke n Mirrors Simulator'.
Same s**t, different day. You make a point but then go on to make the same point on several posts.
you paid a small amount of money for a game several years ago - do you not have anything better to do than just whine about it???