Didnt think it would be a problem to make the thread, apologies if so.
A few people on the server tonight are debating weather the pole in the boothy chicane is worth getting a penalty if you hit it numerous times and weather it is worth being there at all.
What i think (might not matter) is that the pole should still be kept there, but moved closer to the tyres, just as a reference to the apex. I dont think its worth giving penalties to people for driving through the pole because if you look, the white chalk represents the curb if im not mistaken, and if you run through the pole without contact with the tyre stack on the edge, you are still not cutting the course.
When you drive through the pole avoiding the tyres, it ends up with you have your left set of wheels over the chalk (curb) and your right wheels still on the tarmac, which in fact is not cutting. I dont see the idea in the penalty because you penalize yourself if you hit the tyres, losing time and burning your own rubber with exit slide.
Should the penalty rule be removed or not?