I've always found the NFS cars quite drivable in NFS7 and 8, provided you DON"T upgrade them. They look very pretty, too, provided you DON'T put body kits on. To summarize, I enjoy them in exactly the opposite way they are designed to be enjoyed...
Most Wanted and Carbon don't drive good no matter what you do, as they seem to have pivot point physics. What a waste of good models (like any CMR :shrug.
Arcade even on sim mode. Car graphics looks like wax. Scenery looks fine. FWD oversteers on throttle. FFB is completely weird when you hit tarmac. Not bad if played with a gamepad, though.
If you stick to better upgraded AWD WRC level cars it's quite enjoyable, but to get there you'll wade through a slow career first.
If you like driving around a big city then perhaps try an old game: Mafia. It's a hybrid driving/FPS so I guess you should like it. Both the shooting and driving are very well done.
Well, you can definitely say, "Hey it's my engine. I can blow it up any day I like and if you feel bad about it go to the doctor!" That's totally reasonable and legal, but win you respect it doesn't.
Lots of people found it heartbreaking when an Enzo got wrecked into two halves a while back, even though it was someone else's car. It's just because we all know it's a nice thing to have. That we don't have it is quite irrelevant. What would people think of the owner if he jumped out and just said, "Well it's my Enzo, I can crash and it's none of your business"? What one rich **** or something? To some of us, that blown engine might've been a lot closer to an Enzo than others.
The US has been losing respect of people from other countries, bit by bit in events like this. Sure you can say you have the right or anything, for example like burning cheaply bought fuel in huge useless SUV's. It's other people's right to grow anti-American sentiments, too.
Same here. About the only thing it does if you leave the aids on, is understeer. But when the aids are off I find it behaves quite naturally. If it had more decent FFB (aka RealFeel) I'd be even happier.
Very adjustable... I view that as a fault in ISI's FFB programming.
There should only be options that help your hardware adapt, like overall force scale and FFB lag. There definitely shouldn't be options that let the user fudge rumble pull, understeer force drop-off, rear wheel grip mix-in and all sorts of sh!tty vibes.
ISI used this as a major cover up, since the F1 games, for the lack of correct suspension, correct tyre SA torque, correct rumble strip,
uneven road surfaces. Even now in rFactor, ISI's original cars and tracks still lack all the above, as is evident when you use RealFeel.
In short, ISI added loads of effects to hide the fact their physics was wrong in the first place.
The guys who made the mod. The mod's arcade in the sense that you can't fall off and the bikes lean way too fast. It also doesn't do any physics even remotely close to having two wheels.
That thing is really, really arcadish... Do you know how they got bikes in rFactor? They used an invisible 4-wheel car driving on the surface, while graphically drawing only the bike which leans according to the steering animation (think of it as a bike shaped steering wheel plus invisible car body).
Indeed the Toca's (aka RaceDriver) are really bad. It's like stirring that G25 through molasses in a vain attempt to steer a boat. Not even NFS is that unresponsive/filtered/damped whatever. I guess they couldn't decide if they wanted a pivot physics or a 4-point one.
But they do have decent graphics which runs super fast!
I don't think netKar is that difficult. Have you been through the era where you had 5 choices of flight-sims at any time? Flight-sims have much steeper learning curve than any race sim ever, but people managed just fine. Ok, not so fine since that genre is currently more dead than sim racing. But clicking a few (2) buttons to start a car isn't that much more difficult.
I also hope netKar gets its deserved polish because the foundation seems really good. Who knows, I might get it when that darned patch eventually comes out LOL!
I think they "score" on something like speed*angle, so being fast or having large angle alone won't win, but the combination. Large HP definitely allows for more speed at a certain angle.
IIRC they're beginning to install some angle and speed detectors on the cars so they can judge better. The "show" factor is still up to the judges and spectators, which is just like ice skating, for example.
The way I see it, we can have a shadow map that remains the same across all skins for the same car. What is transfered around can be jpg or png. Skins are locally layered to produce the dds that's finally used. This way, the simple blocks of color that most skins are benefit from lossless png's, and the shadows with gradient can stay detailed and large in jpg locally.
jpg's are really lousy whenever you have sharp edges... The colors always overshoot so you get white on the black side and black on the white side.
I guess proper markings/emblems could finally work if we have layered skins.
Hmm... no one has mentioned Richard Burns Rally! Well, if you consider rallying a kind of "racing", too.
It has one of the best physics engines and corresponding FF, rich and completely natural graphics, suitably punishing damage modelling, extensive garage setup, weather and loose surfaces, realistic sound effects... Suffice to say, for all things it set out to do, it does them extremely well.
It's still very much alive despite being published in 2004 (?) because of the frequently updating RS-RBR mod, which contains too many cars I've already lost count.
Mercedes Benz World Racing had a great off road field, with lots of elevation changes. Racing some SUVs around that was a blast! I'm sure LFS physics will do a superb job modelling SUVs as it has great differential modelling.
Try replacing "cockpit in mirror" with "cockpit in forward view" in your argument... Every fact still applies, but see how most people prefer cockpit ON?
It feels much better, for example, to see the backseats when you look back in LFS, than to see through the car like in any ISI sim. Don't you think so?
Don't even try to complain with that kind of prices. Your price is only 5/6 of ours. And considering the general living standards are somewhat higher than in Taiwan, you pay about 2/3 to 1/2 of what we pay effectively.
Congrats on your purchase. Lots of people pay too little but expect too much, while it seems you got what you expected which is great!
Does the brake pedal offer stiffer resistance? If not you'll probably want to mod it sooner or later. You may also want the brake pedal a little higher than the throttle so you can H&T properly.
I just find it intrusive that the traction control/stability control/ABS/whatever stays on even if you turn them off, at least in the demo. They force the power cut if you floor it mid-corner... Not very exciting.
I think NFS6's problem is its excessive steering damping, which rendered steering wheels completely useless in that game. Waste of good car models... Carbon and Most Wanted obviously have pivot point physics, while the Undergrounds seem to have 4 points.
Porsche Unleashed is still the best NFS, no doubt. I fired it up yesterday and gosh running through Auvergne is a great experience.