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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Oh man, I heard about these problem with car insurance from varios people I know in the UK. I mean, whats the deal? Do youngsters crash that often over there?

Buy a citroen and get free insurance for your first few years in driving. I think some models have that one pound deposit thingy. I know it aint the best car in the world but when you calculate what your paying in insurance for a used 1.0, its a bargan.

Quote :just got my self a 1998 Rover 214 16V SI, with 63,000 on clock for £850.

Only problem is i cant find cheep insurance, with me on my own, or with my dad on. CHeepest i can find is £2600.

S2 licensed
Sounds like fun, would be nice to learn how to drift properly

S2 licensed
Kamo, please say your opinion!

Maybe rate them on the scale 1-10 as well.
Last edited by YUGO45, .
S2 licensed
We seem to have some problems with our site. I dunno if the applications from our forum were deleted as well.

I will keep you folks informed.
S2 licensed
One of the reasons why you should apply and why we started this project.

Short movie: ... amp;d_op=getit&lid=10

*nobody was hurt during the making of this video*
S2 licensed
file "fly.rar" added, please confirm
S2 licensed
ITEK as well
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :What will Yugo cover, the bumper car class? :P

Yap, that will be in our special "how to race against clownpaint members" section
S2 licensed

(For students)

Go to our site , click on "forums", then go to "ITEK Racing School" section, subforum "students". Read the aplication, fill out the form
S2 licensed
- reserved post if needed -
ITEK Racing School
S2 licensed
Have you heard this before?

"You nOOb, get out of the WAY!"
"Respect the blue flag!"
"Go offline and practice!"

The list goes on........

In recent times I have seen so much anger towards new people in LFS. Anger such as getting banned and kicked out of a server. This gave me an idea.

The "ITEK Racing School"

Yes, I know what some of you may think, "what the hell, who is he to give lessons?" But read this very carefully and you will get the idea I had in mind.


Introduction: (For those who dont know the ITEK racing team)

The team was founded by Keith Malcomson (B11TME) in November 2005. Soon, others followed:

- Alain Lang (LRB_Aly)
- Ian Metcalfe (Strobe)
- Sam Yip (Sam)
- Marko Dzalev (YUGO45)

The main reason ITEK was founded was to challenge existing pro teams in various leagues. In the time which passed after the foundation of ITEK, we started focusing on big championships, for example the "Masters Of Endurance" which we are particuraly proud to drive in.


What can we offer?

Well, we can share our experience with other "novice" drivers. It doesnt matter if its on the track or just talking about racing setups, team strategies, statistics, etc. We would like to see more fair and fun driving and this is the main goal for us and I hope for OTHERS!
Nobody was born with the knowledge how to drive the LFS combos. Even the pro´s from the ESL had to start somewhere!

*Drivers which finish all classes can later apply for ITEK membership (this is optional). The board commitee will decide your aplication.*


The racing school idea:
There will be three classes in which drivers will be devided:

I. Novice
II. Moderate
III. Advanced

What you will learn in these categories.

I Novice:

1. Introduction in the world of fun LFS racing, theory!
2. Basic training.
3. How to control your speed pedal.
4. Getting the right lines in corners.
5. When and how to shift gears.
6. Using your the left/right view.
7. Learning the cars.

II Moderate:

1. The most feared moment in LFS, getting through the first corner SAFELY!!!!
2. Deliberately avoiding accedents.
3. How to use your brake pedal.
4. Using drag, SAFELY and WISELY!!!!
5. What to do in a BLUE FLAG situation.
6. First steps in overtaking.

III Advanced:

1. Braking fast by shifting gears without locking the tires.
2. How to stay in position even if your opponent is faster, blocking (FAIRLY!).
3. Advanced overtaking (where and when!).
4. Slide and recovery techniques.
5. High speed lapping.
6. Lead-follow laps with instructor.
7. How to stay focused, using equally fast opponents for longer races.




- S2 licence (I am considering the possibility of demo as well)
- All the talking will be done with TEAMSPEAK! Only in specific cases will a driver be allowed to talk by typing.

- Player Conduct:

All players are asked to behave in a humane way towards other drivers, and to any member of the administration team. Treat others as you would like to be treated! If a player is found guilty of misconduct by an administrator, he or she could be asked to leave.

- Language:

On all 'public' sections of the forum only English may be spoken.
On the Teamspeak server English, German and French can be spoken.

*This isnt a league so not too many rules, just please repsect them.*


How will this all work?

Each class will get their own instructors, depending on his or hers knowledge the instructors will be also divided into groups. There will be a board committee to decide further improvement of the school. The board will also decide if one driver is good enough to move to the next level.
I will try to assign tutors to specific drivers (if people are interested) that are in need of extra help. The tutors will work with you and report back to the board.

Also, I will see if any professional drivers that race in real life can share his or hers experience.

The committee will at the end of each class give points to every driver on the scale between 1-10 for improvement, so we can make this a little more interesting.


Aplications for students will be made on the ITEK forum

Those who want to help out by beeing instructors can feel free to contact me.


This is just a begining of the plan. Further development to improve the "school" will be done. What I am asking is that the more experienced get involved and that the new guys try to improve. This will result in more fun in racing for all of us.

For info:
[email protected]

Or by contacting me via msn:
[email protected]

Students can apply for training by registering on the ITEK forum, where a special section exists specifically for this matter. But first of all I would like to see if there is interest.

-Future instuctors: It DOESNT matter if you arent in a TEAM or if you are already active for another!

-Future students: DONT be shy! First steps are allways the hardest. Lets make the racing for ALL fun!

This is all just brief and made so you dont fall asleep while reading.
Comments are welcomed.

NOTE: Site is new and not yet finished, but working properly.
S2 licensed
Hey guys, do some of you have the replays from the cup?

I only got the first event!

IF you do, it would be apriciated if you can mail them or even better upload (i.e.

[email protected]

Thanks in advance

P.S. doesnt matter if its only from as gp, round #2, send it please
S2 licensed
Dont drink votka, try Absent :schwitz:
S2 licensed
Damn, my appologies then. Must have slipt somehow

Still a thing not to forget
Advanced lap timing
S2 licensed
Would it be possible to make the lap timer with a one thousend of a second?

It has happend often that the same times appear in qualyfing and during a race. Its more exact when we have .001 instead of .01 timing.

Dunno if this was posted before, tried to search and coudnt find anything related to this subject.
S2 licensed
Thank you

It was a great cup, very fair races and fast drivers.

Also a big thanks to Richard for organising and hosting such an event
S2 licensed
The main race was full of incidents.

I was more worried not to crash into lying tires on the track.
S2 licensed
I think everyone of us had such a stage. The sence of "freedom" when you get your licence is for some like theys think they can drive better and faster than pro´s.

The only difrence is some aknowledge the risk and drive on their own on public roads where there is no trafic and the others never grow up thinking they know better.

I personally love driving fast. But, always calculating that no one is near me, neither in the car nor on the road. Thank god for german autobahns .

If your thinking of "not growing" up, take everyones sugestion and do it on the track. Its more safer for you and for everybody else. Buy yourself a used race car. Depends which one but i found some between 4000-8000 € (not profesional, but with cage and everything you need to be fast and safe)
S2 licensed
Can someone please upload the replay of round #3 (Aston historic - sprint - ) .
S2 licensed
I dunno....... does "sccchhhy", mean be quite?

Its not my first partisipation in a league. When the admin starts to talk at the end of the race then we all have the right to chat, especially when you write something like that. I thought it was more like you saying "what a good race" and then i started congratulating Bo Kristiansen for winning the sprint.

To be honest i woudlnt have starting chatting if you havent wrote that. Why would i penalise myself by doing so? I know better than that.

Nevertheless I will except the penalty, but I aint too happy about the desigion.
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint ::chairfall

What a constructive post!

You must have worn out yourself illepall
S2 licensed

Dunno what happend here, but i suppose you are somewhat complaining about the writing in the news part?

Well the site isnt finished and the guys that are doing it have still little bits of pieces to put on it. Nevertheless dont see whats the fuss about the writing? We know its small, its just that people are doing the more importing things atm.

btw, try ctrl and mouse scroll up/down , ...... does wonders.
S2 licensed
Great and exciting race

Looking forward for the next round!
24h replay
S2 licensed
Did any of you guys save the replay?

I want to do a short movie about the event!

A replay from the first hour or two with the pace lap will do the job!