I never wrecked a car. The only thing i "hit" was a Audi 80 with my girlfriends car. Well, someone was sending me a "message". I was complaining a lot about her driving, and what did I do? The car was parked and instead of reverse I got it into first gear Hey.... it was on a very very steap hill! Was lucky, the car was already diaganoly positioned. Audi rear end plastik destroyed, golf didnt get a SCRATCH!
Once, I had a colission with a "UFO". The sun was shining, had my radio volume up, sun glasses on, and then.......... a freeking pigeon came through the window at high speed, hit me on the head....... how often does that happen?
But, I only today realized that i had a virus! You dont want to know how I got that information, believe me! I have no clue how long its in there, what it has done. I just hope that it didnt mess around with some of my internet/acounts/ information.
Ok, I rebooted the system like it was two months ago. The virus is still present.
There are too many files to check! About 150Gigs! Actuly thats gonna take a long time to do, time which I dont have.
A noob question (dont laugh):
Can any virus pass on the CD drive? Example: I have now the FIA GTR disc in the PC, cann it pass on to that?????????? IS it capable???????????
I got a BIG problem with some virus. The name is "geefs". It spreads like the flue! Nearly every file is infected. On C, D, basicly all drives!
I tryed to kill it by installling a ant-virus program. The only thing the program did was erase all the files which were infected. I had to stop it so it woudnt damage windows documents.
Now, my question:
If I format all the drives, and do a reboot of the system, will it still be there? That means i will turn everything like the day i got the PC. Most importanly is LFS going to work after that? What can i do so I can at least save some files?
I need a fast response, PLEASE!
This isnt the first time I have to do this. But, this virus ise one of the hardest which I have to deal with now.Its starting to get anoying!
Thats nice to know, but a wheel is there to be "abused" apon I have mine for about three months now. Doesnt seem to make any trouble, but there are not so many racers that use the speed link wheel. So i dont get much comment on that subject. I think buying a momo is one step forward in enjoying LFS, or thats what i heard. So, got to take care of it, treat it like a child Doesnt sound interesting. Never the less, thank you for your response and explenation
I was thinking of going a step further. I curently have the "speed link" SL-6695 wheel, which is not so bad. It has all the options and characteristics of a good product. Now my point. I heard rumours and read them in some forums that MOMO drivers are unhappy by the way the pedals work after some time of use. After two months it "softens", which means the power in the pedals reduce. Aproxemetly by 30%. The Momo wheel is also not so cheap, thats what bothers me. Do you get the right quality? Most of important does it last? I also looked at the "post your rig" thread and noticed a lot of you guys have this same wheel. I would like some coments. Not all products that cost so much are the best, or not?