Great! I'm a daily bike rider (4000km in 4 years and counting)!
unlike hybrids that are just crap says Phill Edmonston:
Quote from Phill Edmonston : ( )
Hybrid Hype
We don’t recommend electric and gasoline engine hybrids because their fuel economy can be 40 percent worse than the automakers report, their long-term reliability is unknown, battery replacement cost is estimated to run as high as $8,000 (U.S.), expensive electric motors are predicted to have a higfh failure rate from corrosion, their retail prices are incredibly high, and the potential resale value is no better than similar vehicles equipped with a conventional engine. For example, a 2001 Prius that originally sold for $29,990 is now valued at a disappointing $12,000 (and we’re only two years away from the expiration of that $8,000 battery warranty). Compare that to the price of a fully-equipped 2001 Camry CE V6, that sells for about $1,000 more--with no battery worries.
I'm not against saving the enviroment, but it seems like the automakers want to make money more than save the enviroment. GM EV1 4ever :P
Last edited by Zachary Zoomy, Thu 5 Jun 2008, 02:44 .