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S2 licensed
Windstyle are a strong going team, but not many people see that.

Windstyle focus's not only on cruise but on race and drift.
Windstyle is an organisation of people who have come together to develop a team that works with people from different angles.

Windstyle have many servers for Cruise/Race/Drift.

Windstyle are now recruiting in all areas but Cruise is tight at the moment.

The drift section, also known as WS.D have over 20 members to many of them are now professionals.

The Race section, also known as WS.R have a few members and are looking for keen enthusiastic racers who can help/assist the race section is development and get the section going strong once again.

The Cruise Section, also known as WS.C have alot of members developing a successful community and helping cruisers have fun at what they enjoy best.

The reason I post this here is to show that Windstyle are looking for recruitments in all areas and what better place to post this than here. If you are interested then please contact either myself via pm, or please visit for more information. On the site there is a page called "The team" this way it will list all members of each section and also shows the group leader. You can either PM the group leader of cruise/drift/race for an application or simply post on the windstyle forums to apply in "join us".

Regards and good luck!
S2 licensed
Go tommy tanking!!!
S2 licensed
Evening, abit late on talking about it.

Was good craic as we all say in scotland. A top performance from all competitors, those finished and those he did not. Alasdair mcrae was on the "ball" at the weekend. I must say though these 911's are the dogs dangles and can f**king shift (6 cylinders certainly push).

Just got my Colinmcraesport pro rally boots today, ready for the tour of Mull this friday. cant wait....
S2 licensed
No WS.C demo server just now.
S2 licensed
Its like greenboy is a AI driver but when it comes to putting a cruise layout down he/it takes it perfectly. I was talking with him in game.

"why are you doing this?"
"Why do you cruise?"

Maybe it is someone who playa lfs and dont like cruisers?
Abit sad but hey!
S2 licensed
the hacker is on LTC 2 atm
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :What cruise insim might be this be then, eh? Wouldn't happen to be one with my name on it now, would it?

By the sound of that, he does not seem the happiest of people
S2 licensed
I can back dougie up on this, it is his insim and DOES have his name on it. Just a backup Very good insim though, Does josh have permission to use it dougie?
Speedhacker replay
S2 licensed
There was a report on our forums of a speedhacker and I thought I would forward it to here...

Name/shame removed
Link to post :

Replays starts as the user is speedhacking... Cheers
S2 licensed
Surely someone knows how to do it?
S2 licensed
The Devs MUST be rich

Well done

/me thinks of another amazing game to make
S2 licensed
Well if no one else is going to sign up then I will have to cancel the race...
Quick post... [chat logs]
S2 licensed
Quick question to

Alot of people say they can log chat to files etc. I was told a while back by someone and I was able to save chat. Can you tell me how to do it as I have formatted computer since..

Cheers in advanced
S2 licensed
I am on TC right now... Wont load any of my skins...
S2 licensed
hmm I think by grass car park, he might mean mud.

But what about the Car park with dirt etc and we can modify the ground? like raise the ground for a jump and dips, long sweeping banks etc on dirt .

Another idea. Point to point tracks (not circuits) Kind of like Rally tracks (colin mcrae, Richard burns rally) And have various tracks with jumps, bumps. interesting....
S2 licensed
Would be good to see some more entrants?
People who read this, can you please tell me what is not making you want to join. This is my first time actually hosting an event with a couple helping out.
Does this event clash with any other events?
S2 licensed
Update, changed from 2 hours to 45minutes. 2 hours on autox is abit to, over the top
S2 licensed
Quote : S2 is not even finished yet.Sorry.

+1 Why doesn't everyone wait till S2 has finished?! I was not here when it was just S1 but was it the same as this before S2 came out? I would not know...
S2 licensed
All applications will be taken from Windstyle Forum

Sign ups:
WS.C Zak - zak_mull
[SR]Stinger - thestinger
WS.C Tobi - schappi
[SR]Jack - Anbiddulph
WS.C Jamo - jamodabestdood
WS.C Robbo - robbo01
WS.C Fredy - eight8acht
WS.C Crhis - Raven_claw1992
Last edited by zak_mull, .
Windstyle to host there first race
S2 licensed
Hello racers

Now this is the teams first time hosting a race. So we would appriciate the support on the upcoming to the event.

My plans are 19th April 2008 (saturday) and a 45 minute race on Blackwood rallyX. Racers will have to follow the Clean racers club rules. If this race clashes with any other race please tell us as soon as possible so the race can be changed to another, suitable date.

A few things to follow or know.
Yellow flag-Danger ahead
Red flag-Race stop/restarting (will depend how race starts)
Black flag-Race has been cancelled
Blue flag-There is someone about to lap you

About the race
Cars = RB4/XRT/FXO

Qualifying will be avaiable from 6.30PM until 7.30PM GMT before race. The race would start at 8.00PM GMT and finish at 10PM.

There will be more information on our own forum Windstyle Racing section forum

p.s. Not many of you might know this but Windstyle is actually a cruise team, but we are hoping to expand it to all sorts, be it racing, drift and drag. So if you think there is anything we can do to make our team do better please tell us as we are trying to do well here.

For the cruisers (money for our cruise servers)
1st prize - 15000euro
2nd prize - 10000euro
3rd prize - 5000euro
If you dont cruise on our servers and dont like cruise servers then that is completly up to you, but if you do win and dont wont to cruise on our servers then the money will be placed onto your account anyways.

Sign up can be posted here or on our forums, Cheers

/edit: noticed that event clashes with another event, but this aint no season or anything special, just some fun. Sign up now!
Last edited by zak_mull, .
S2 licensed
Maybe we should have called our server that mcgas since you where in there some how teleporting yourself around like in the sky then down then sky then down etc...
S2 licensed
I wish I knew this thread was on. NOt been on forums in a LONG TIME. Yes its good to she that she is out of hospital now.

She was a great team member in J4F and a very special girl

S2 licensed
Yes its blank
S2 licensed
Just got this...

InSim : password does not match your multiplayer admin password

and the password is blank
S2 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :Did you open insim port in lfs first? "/insim 29992" Also do you have a admin pass in multiplayer online selection screen, if so clear it.

p.s iTunes one coming soon guys, just mainly testing it etc etc..

So just type that in chat when in multiplayer? *dumbo, thats me*