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S2 licensed
Quote from johnfromsunnymull :Ok...The clutch lol As much as i love it, how can i cool my clutch? The pits dont repair it and leaving the car to sit there will take a long time. Also are clutches different with different cars? I find LX cars are easier to heat the cluch than RB4's? Is this just me?


I have noticed that, ok in racing this WONT HELP, but a car stopped cools it downbut maybe it will cool down depending on the rev count from leaving the gear to going into the next?
Like change gear as the warning light comes on dash to change gear, do it then not before or after, just as close as the light comes on, that worked for me anyways
S2 licensed
Quote from scoobyrbac :Download link is not working?

dont work for me, i beliebe master server is down, a member from my team told me they cant find any servers on list
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You are from the Isle Of Mull!? Where abouts do you live Tobermory?
Went on holiday August this year, and i ****ing LOVED IT. Dolphins, Otters, Mountains, rivers, streams, old volcanoes with a lake in it, what more could I have asked for!

other members from mull...
banister member of (cP clownpaint)
johnfromsunnymull (member of NPC)

I live in dervaig, work in toberymory at the garage
S2 licensed
Might sound stupid but can someone put default FXR on here please it aint in my skins file but lfs still finds it, trying to make skin and i cant use dds files for skins

S2 licensed
your signature (off-topic)
First we did not say you could have insim... might not be getting it!
S2 licensed
Clutch damage is possible, like when you hit clutch down then shift then hit the sift as clutch is almost fully open?

that can damage it......
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
"missing the t of drift but who's looking at that" no one because your at the back of the race...
S2 licensed
Quote from Rdcranno :me went on that server today. One thing i can say is u need to get rid of the Kid cops aka COP LOSSER, hes a ryyyyt tosser.

We are going to make it so you HAVE TO sign up to be a cop and have to go through training
S2 licensed
There like rally slicks... LOL kinda like X22 or X19 Dunlops tyres

Chris pop on the server one day
Last edited by zak_mull, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mr_x :That's interesting, I didn't know slick tyres would gain a pass on an MOT.


lol well erm, hmm well are rally car has full slicks, but this is the J4F world so I pass these cars as MOT'able
S2 licensed
good that
S2 licensed
hmm, MRT not quiet but it has a brake light.

XFR,UFR,FXR,XRR,FZR are not MOT'able?
how not, there lights work, there wheels are under the wheel arches, needed in MOT's. I actual work in an MOT center So i know what can be MOT'able

@Rdcranno : Post on tell us what happened, do you have a replay and who banned you, do you know?

@Riders Motion : That aint very nice, why not give it ago....

@scoobyrbac : hmm, why not give it ago.... you might be just a drifter or racer.... but give things ago if you aint tried them before
<[J4F]> Cruise!
S2 licensed
Fairly new team and the server has been up a while now!

Well about the team...
Basically in teh world of J4F you have to drive to make your money, after you make money you can buy/sell cars. You can even have private little racers with other users online and earn cash in many different way. You can buy any car appart from bf1-fox-fo8 as these cars are not MOT'able lol.

If you have any enquiry's about this new up and coming team please contact one of us at and look in the usergroup section, under admins/moderators/members to fine out more

Please visit the server to find out more, please when you come in, type !help so you can view the command list for example

you type in keyboard: t (for chat, then) !help

Insim shows the following:

Insim commands:
type !help to get list of commands
type !ver to check teh version
type !cars to get your car list
type !pricelist to get the car list
type !showoff to show other users your stats
type !buy [carname] to buy a car
type !sell [carname] to sell a car
type !send [amount] [username] to give money to someone
type !pay [amount] to pay a fine

!showoff command would show your stats to all users: example

type !showoff
Insim says:
<[J4F]> Zak (zak_mull) stats:
Total distance driven: 5328.25KM
Money: 4159E Cars:
[UF1] [XFG] [XRG] [XRT] [RB4] [MRT]
[LX6] [FZ5] [FXR]

these are the cars/money and the distance I have travelled on the server... going well.....

Anyways moving on

Buying a car
!buy XRT

insim then says something like
zak_mull bought an XRT for 3999E.
then i own that car then i can now drive it..

BUT when u sell it
!sell XRT you receieve 65%/70% (not sure which one) back in your money and car is gone

If you try to drive a car you dont own then you somple get spectated each time you join the track.

Sending money to someone else...
If you crash someone accidentally, some people say sorry and give them a little bit of money, or some people have loans from one another (if you loan money you cant get refunded, its your lose)
!send 500 windstyle

I just sent 500 to the user windstyle....

INsim says

Outgoing transaction
From: zak_mull
To: windstyle
Amount: 500

but on windstyle's screen he has
Incoming transaction
From: zak_mull
To: windstyle
Amount: 500


We also alloy players to act as cops and have to follow all the rules to be a COP.... you must have [COP] in your name to be registered with the insim so when you fine someone you get rewared...

Example my name to be a cop is: [COP] Zak

I bust someone (they have been stopped for 5 seconds next to you) I issue a fine of 400
they must type !pay 400 so fine is paid insim says

windstyle payed a 1E fine.
zak_mull receieved a reward of 1E

(WARNING! this only works if [COP] is in you name, if it is (COP) Zak, it wont work)

Anyways have a look on the site and go on the server too, or e-mail me for further information
<[J4F]>Kyoto Cruize
[email protected]

S2 licensed
That will be Dustin who has that in his msn,

NPC was hacked and is now gone

Owell 1 gone now, maybe some of the other cruise servers will start to get busier now as it was in the past
S2 licensed
Well already banned from NPC for expressing my oppinion.

Itis a cheaper copy of LTC, CLC, TC and J4F

so theres 3+1+4+1 servers = 9 cruise servers with insims.

Lets see how unpopuler thisis gonna be
Good luck!
You will need it
Graphics Card advise
S2 licensed
GeForce FX 5200 @ 256MB

What do you think


GeForce 6200 128 DDR

S2 licensed
what program you using there?
S2 licensed
yer events would be good, what would be nice if someone can make it so the numbers are selectable on destop screen so they expand to show the list(s) of events
S2 licensed
Right all he wants is something to stop people pitting on track, make race more realistic and if people crash then they cannot pit where they are, they have to drive there.
He is explaning it in a difficult way but he just wants to make it so you cant just pit, you must be in a garage
S2 licensed
on your dedi server type in chat "/admin=(the password you want)"

For example if you wanted password to be 1234 you type:
try that then log on with password: 1234
S2 licensed
Quote from unokeva :


YouTube: (Only Intro)

I suggest you send this to the lfs makers and get them to make this into the introduction page when you start up game....... like gran turismo 4 on PS2
S2 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :ok just did some testing, look at the pictures and i dont need to explain anything

Good that it shows that admins KICK people