Yeah that's a bit rough man, how many weeks has it been so far?
I haven't seen the colour packs, but I did get an email from Fanatec offering a discount on the pedals - I didn't buy the pedals since I have my own DIY set. The email also mention something about the colour packs.... meh I can't see with my feet anyway.
My new wheel arrived and is working fine, but there is still a small amount of play in the main shaft. I hope it doesn't get worse...
brt900, I hope you get your new wheel soon. I didn't mind the long wait as I had other things to do anyway, but if your iracing $$ is going down the tube, that's got to be frustrating.
In the long term spending time with your kids (they grow up so fast and you never get that time back) and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is far, far more important than working overtime with the patch.
Just a follow up post since my wheel died :thumbsdow
It started displaying 8.8.8. and there was no FF. The play in the main shaft was getting slowly worse as well, so I knew I was going to have to deal with Fanatec's support sooner or later.
After some very slow communication they agreeded to ship me a new wheel. But they are out of stock until March.
On the positive side I didn't have to send in my old wheel. A video of the problem sufficed.
I've got a GT3 and it still has cogging. It's ranges from 'you don't notice it' to annoying depending on the car and track.
GTR cars on long sweeping corners are the worst for cogging.
I assumed you meant Frex when you typed Fanatec... While I don't own a Frex, I read over at RSC that the Frex does suffer from cogging. Also from the DIY section of RSC I've noted that finding a motor that doesn't suffer from cogging is very difficult. Last time I checked people were experimenting with Pancake motor which IIRC claim to virtual elimate cogging
I've been using 3D glasses for racing since 02' or 03'. IMO there is nothing gimmicky about it. Set up correctly it's just like looking out a window with everything outside that window rendered in life sized 3D. It's unbelievably good.
It's kind of bewildering that it's not a lot more common. In the past it required a $$ monitor, but now that you can get a 22" 120hz LCD for under $300 US it's a lot more reasonable.
Also here in the USA you can pick up a used 20" CRT flat screens with 120hz refresh rates for $10-40 on Craig's List. No one wants these huge dinosaurs on their desk anymore but they're a great way to get into 3D on the cheap.
While I don't want to bump this thread up I need to set the record straight. The incident didn't occur on [AA] Formula BMW, but rather most likey on a NLR server.
I just wanted to make sure that [AA] Formula BMW's name is not in any way tarnished.
Thanks for the support Franky! I'm happy that you actually took the time to read my posts and determined it was not your typical case of who was right or wrong in a crash situation.
As we now know it was a case of mistaken identity/human error.
I'm sure most of us would be very concerned to be accused of being a wrecker within the first 10 seconds of spectating. My first 10 seconds of LFS that day in fact.
For all I knew someone had hacked my LFS account or there was a bug in LFS.
BTW my PC is old so I don't save MPR's, but thanks for the suggestion
As for the rest of your post we'll have to agree to disagree.
[GT]Skunk used very poor judgment voting to ban someone based on the fact that they had a similar user name to a wrecker. That IMHO is totally BS and they guy needs to learn how admin if he is to be given any kind of powers from AA.
I've invited him to this thread three times now and he is obviously too embarrassed to show up. Honestly had he not been such a condescending
individual about the whole thing he never would have drawn such attention.
FWIW I think AA servers are great and appreciate all the effort from their end. It was (IMO) just poor judgment on GT's part but I'm not one to hold a grudge. In fact I only started this thread to hear his side of the story.