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Quote from RedCoupe :So....What do you want us to do about it?
What do you hope to accomplish here?

I see no point to this thread.

From my original post

Quote from zapz : But I'd like to know just how he came to the conclusion that I was a wrecker since I was spectating.

Hope that helps
S2 licensed
Quote from neurolysis :Considering the size of the LFS community, this is a poor place to bring these sorts of issues. In future, PM.

If you bothered to read my post you would see that I did try to PM etc but he was racing under an alias.
S2 licensed
Well I have some closure...

I was on a server just now and so was [GT]Skunk. I reminded him of our little incident last week and when he remembered me, he threatened to ban me.

Once again I asked him to come here and justify this actions. Well it turns out there was a wrecker called spaz that had been wrecking just before I joined, so in his mind I just had to be the same person . It's just too much of a coincidence apparently...

So there you have it. Just prey that a wrecker doesn't have a similar name to you, least you be baned by [GT]Skunk for doing absolutely nothing.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Flamewar was meant on the forum

Yes, I understood that. My point was there is nothing to argue about (on this forum) since there is no crash or replay etc. It is 100% logic that if someone hasn't joined the race, then they couldn't have caused a wreck.

This is simply a chance for [GT]Skunk to explain his actions. I told him/her that I was going to start a thread here and asked that he explain himself.

I know wreckers will sometimes vote to ban an innocent person to divert the attention from themselves, but [GT]Skunk isn't a wrecker. That is why I'm so puzzled.

Imagine you Join a server and have to spectate since the race is full. 10 seconds later and you have someone making accusations that you're a wrecker. It doesn't add up.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Send him a message or something, works better than posting on the forum, only ending in a ugly flamewar.. Just as a friendly reminder

I did try to send him a message, but I couldn't find an account by the username [GT]Skunk on LFS world.

Also I doubt there will be a flamewar as I wasn't even on the server for 10 seconds before I was voted to be banned. And I was spectating for that 10 seconds. There was no "who was right/wrong in this situation" to flame about. He either took a wild guess and though that I was the guy who wrecked under a previous username, or he had some kind of admin privileges and there is a bug with the IP address reporting.

After all the BS I ran a few races with him and put down some good times - 1:14.02 (BL1 / BF02) so I think he knows I'm no wrecker, but he didn't have the manners to apologize.

I would still like to hear his side of the story with an open mind - no flames, promise.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the ctrl-shift tip I'll use that next time.

I understand the the forums would be a mess if people came here to sort out their differences. However this is a little different as (1) I was accused of wrecking and I wasn't even in the race. (2) GT then accused me of logging in as Zapz after wrecking previously while logged in as someone else. That is the first time I've ever heard that one. How could he be sure? Was it just a guess? If he did have a matching IP or something then there is a a bug in LFS.

I don't think the guy was just randomly trying to mess with me. He seem quite certain of his accusations.

Hopefully he will come here and explain himself.
[GT] Skunk - please come to the white courtesy phone RE: wrecking while spectating
S2 licensed
So I was spectating [race is full] after joining the host [AA] Formula BMW. Two seconds later this guy was trying to ban me calling me a wrecker. At least I think that is what the accusation was. This is very odd as I was spectating and couldn't even enter the race lol.

So then the guy proceeds to accuse me of wrecking under a different user name and then rejoining as Zapz.

I told him he was mistaken and fortunately people didn't do the sheep thing and all vote me off the server.

Anyway I asked him to join me here to justify his outrageous accusations.

BTW I've been racing in LFS since the demo days and have always been a clean racer. Never once have I had to b!tch about someone here or on the old RSC LFS forums. But I'd like to know just how he came to the conclusion that I was a wrecker since I was spectating.

I tried to find him on LFS world to contact him directly, but there was no listing under [GT] skunk.
S2 licensed
Nice work and it looks well thought out. I assume you use it with a mouse?
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Is there any sentence which makes less sense unless you know exactly what it's talking about?

Where's that bunny with the pancake on his head.
S2 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :wait you can't use AA/AF with 3d? Screw 3D then.

Looks like I misspoke. I checked last night and you can do AA in 3D with the invidia drivers.
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :The 120Hz monitors only come with 1680x1050 at the moment. The are 1080p models coming later at some point, now there are only few prototypes afaik. Those 1680x1050 models are all 22" and they cost about 300$.

Note that TVs which claim 120Hz (or higher) aren't really 120Hz. They are really only 60Hz, the rest of the frames are interpolated inside the TV to make the image smoother. So those won't work for you.

Thanks for that bit of info geeman. It's a bit of a shame though as I really wanted something larger than a 22" screen.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the reply's guys.

I need 120fps so that each eye gets 60fps with the 3D shutter glasses.
When using 3D glasses I usually see a 40% frame rate drop.

I'm looking to get a 120hz 1080p monitor, around 30" at some point, but just wanted to get an idea how much it's all going to cost.

With a CRT monitor you can just lower the res to get your FPS where you want it, but not so with LCD.

Anyway it's a ways of yet as we're buying a house first.

BTW I'm a huge fan of 3D and I've been using a 21" 120hz CRT and 3D glasses since 2003 to play LFS.

I really can't stress enough - 3D is fvck!ng awesome! However I'm so over 1024x768 and 25fps with 15 players at the back of the grid.

3D Glasses FTW --->
S2 licensed
Thanks for that. Ouch... $1K was more than I was hoping for... FWIW you can't use aa/af with 3D - I should have mention that in my initial post.
1920x1080 @ 120fps?
S2 licensed
How much (in USD) would I need to spend on a PC to play LFS (and most other racing sims) in 1920x1080 and get a frame rate of 120fps at minimum.

I want 120fps for 3D with 3D glasses.

I don't need a monitor, KB, mouse etc, just the PC and OS. The graphics card needs to be invidia for 3D.
S2 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :No worries,looks like it is a good work

S2 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :Im quite curious about that,would you mind posting more infos?

Sorry about the delay in replying... I've been on vacation.

Here is the link with some pics
S2 licensed
Quote from John Leonhardt :I'm not really apreciating you tossing all of us "Americans" into the same bucket. I definately agree spending time on the roads with 'MOST' Americans can be a dangerous and frustrating experience. However, not ALL of us are lost on the concepts of safe and performance oriented driving.

I'm an Aussie, but have spent the last 10 years in the USA and he's right. Driving in America is extremely frustrating. I do the majority of my passing in the right lane. Way too many type A's behind the wheel who don't have a clue.

Yes there are exceptions, they're called foreigners.
Last edited by zapz, .
S2 licensed
I'm not sure what you mean with that last comment.
S2 licensed
$169 + shipping gets you the wheel. It's $299 + shipping for both the wheels and pedals
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Quote from mclarenmatt :Cheers for the info mate, helps alot to someone like me who is considering buying one when I have the money

Thanks Matt and you're welcome.
S2 licensed
To those of you with the Fanatec wheels, are you getting a lot of play in the main shaft?

To the OP, I've written down my impressions of the 911 GT3 RS here

There is also some discussion on the GT3 RS vs the G25 here
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :You could place them around it not on it.
And i don't know about the glasses, i never tried them.

Due to localization of sound, I think you'd want the speakers mounted to the moving motion simulator. The sub could be placed near the motion sim though.

My Sub vote since this is a 'cost no object install' would be the Danley Sound Labs TH221. 138db @ 20hz could be good for drag sims and destroying your hearing. On a more serious note, a DSL TH50 would be more than enough. ... %20221%20spec%20sheet.pdf

For speakers, the Gedlee Summa would be great (but overkill) if the motion platform could take the weight. Honestly though, just about any 1/2 decent near field monitor would do the job just fine.

If you ever get the chance to try the 3D shutter glasses, I'd hazard a guess they'd be back on your list
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :I'd go for this, but without the glasses and maybe a bigger screen like the Samsung 21:9 if it fits. And a totally awesome home cinema set.

Why no 3D glasses? Unless they give you headaches or motion sickness, I can't think of a single reason NOT to love them to death. I mean, what's not to like about a life sized track coming at you at 100mph?

A good home theater sound set up would be nice, but I wouldn't go too overboard for listening to LFS. Besides I don't think you could load up a motion sim with 400lb+ worth of speakers.
S2 licensed
I have a projector but have never bothered to use it for race simming. 3D on my 22" monitor gives the illusion of a massive wall sized 3d world - you can sit really close to a 3D screen as your eyes don't focus on the screen, but rather at objects in the distance. Basicly it's just like looking out a 22" window with everything within that window being life sized.

However having said that, if you could get multiple 120hz projectors working in 3D, then there is an obvious resolution advantage.

Keeping them all lined up perfectly on a motion simulator could be troublesome though.

Sure is one lucky kid! Keep us posted.
S2 licensed
Frex FF wheel, shifter and pedals
Force Dynamics motion platform
120hz 1080p 37" LCD monitor with nvidia 3D glasses