You can not see how people come to the conclusion that long-time crack users might not buy LFS even after a big update if they still have the opportunity to use a crack (and sadly, there probably will be new cracks)? Yes, we can not be 100% sure but judging from the picture most (not all) crack users painted of themselves here, it is IMO very likely.
And PLEASE stop with the "not worth the price" crap. Why would you use a cracked game for several years if you don't consider it worth its price? If I find a game that bad I would have better things to do than use it for years. I can partly understand using the crack for a few days to check out if you like the game and then buy it or leave it but using it for several years leads me to the conclusion that you had no intention at all of buying it any time soon, with or without updates. I don't think this conlusion is that far-fetched.
I will be happy if I'm proven wrong but until then, I have my doubts.
The countless excuses of the crack users are really pissing me off. Some of them have used the crack for several years and then have the audacity to come on the official forum of that exact game and complain that it's too expensive. Then, they even paint themselves as the victims when the licensed players don't welcome them and their suggestions with open arms. This is just ridiculous. It gets even better when some are saying that we all just want "the best for the future of LFS". How come you didn't have those feelings before when you were ripping off the devs you now suddenly want to support after your cracked servers don't work anymore? Yeah, those feelings seem very sincere.
The money I spent on LFS was probably some of the best-spent money of my life. For the low price of 36 pounds (and until a few months ago even less), I had soooo many fun evenings/nights of racing in the last almost 12 years now.
I'm glad I checked the forum today. Can't wait to race on RO tonight.
And I can't believe the amount of whiners. Ridiculous.
Yeah, this is so obvious that it hurts that so many people don't get this. Obviously, the devs will think twice about guaranteeing anything after all the drama about "undelivered promises" over the last years.
If you think it's "all the same" why not buy the license and get lots of new tracks and cars? I know it sounds strange but you could actually try all the tracks before demanding new ones.