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S2 licensed
MS won many races luckyly with opponent's having failures or accidents.Now he's losing with failures.And fans telling about how unlucky he was.This is racing.If you have the best car, you win.Else, loose. Nothing dramatic.

Hakkinen's retirement was a bigger loss for F1.
S2 licensed
it doesn't look like bullets shooting is a big and heavy system to be used on a is generally used on ships.

this is something different...someone pls explain this
S2 licensed
Quote from VoiD :
That would be a huge disadvantage for us 6 fastest non-FZR-drivers. We´ll loose 1-2 seconds per lap.
Earning points against the fastest 14 FZR going ~1.40 will be much more harder as in a "normal" timedepended grid without mixing.

it wouldn't be good news for the 4th fastest fxr and xrr drivers to be have to race against 6 fzrs instead of non fzrs.
S2 licensed
it is a force field but what is it firing to the incoming rockets?? i know another shield system which is like covering the tank with explosives which detonates when a missile is hit so it deflects the missile's energy to protect the tank.
but this is something else.a kind of energy burst? or particle ray?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
hahahahaahha.. "I HAVE THE POWER OF A NOOOOOBBB!!!!" (lightnings and crashes around)
S2 licensed
hım i didn't realize the date....damn it'd be fun.
S2 licensed
I think it can be activated only on 1 computer.You can have seperate profiles and setups but must be on 1 computer.Which means you can't race against eachother.
S2 licensed
why can't we register just here? you noob
S2 licensed
i'm in.
S2 licensed
.net dunno why but net is a better word.

flash or ajax?
S2 licensed
Trees, silly flowers call bees and wasps...

battlestar galactica or star trek?
S2 licensed
Quote from HJS24 :

and yeah its the R440 force wheel....

cool i wish you good races with your new wheel.
S2 licensed
I think he's doing very well.
Connection problems always occur.It's like mechanical failure in real racing.
S2 licensed
Originally Posted by Blaeza
Zorer, your avatar is AMAZING! "I HAVE THE POOWERRR"

Gimme the "best avatar" prize! i deserve it.There's the proof^^^^

S2 licensed
i play "c&c generals" with a trainer giving me unlimited money.To relax from the seriousness of LFS, add 7 hard armies of random nations.
S2 licensed
rj 440?
S2 licensed
start a poll?
i say cartoons. errr. no . geeky. hım. dunno
S2 licensed
Quote from tomylee :Thrustmaster are no good.
What is bad on a Momo? I have one and it works fine.....

Momo pedals. My brake pedal started to make ugly noises i'm not sure if it will last long. And the wheel, you can feel the step-motor's steps when turning the wheel which is not what i expected before i bought it. I didn't try a dfp but i've heard nobody complaining about a dfp.
S2 licensed
Quote from HJS24 : yeah man [CD] Birder...touché...
do u have answers for me, too? like: DVD is a bad idea, lern driving...?
or: logitec wheels are shitty ones, buy a thrustmaster?

is the full report online? relly like reading your reports...nice style...


Stay away from a momo, dfp is a good choice or a g25. i know nothing about thrustmaster or saitek. If i had no wheels i'd buy a dfp.(logitech dfp)
S2 licensed
very good tournament it should be.someone should do it.
S2 licensed
edit: my 80's cartoon hero.
Last edited by ZORER, .
S2 licensed
i don't know.i e-mailed tom(the guy who created it i think) about the incident and waiting for the reply now.
S2 licensed
Quote from birder :[CD] Server has no bandwidth issues at all.

i mean the casting server, the guy who tries to cast the mpr file.