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S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :
A good thing: Scawen disappeared from the public boards a few weeks ago. And as always: The lesser he writes on the forum, the more he writes on the sourcecode.

It might mean he bought a PS3 and playing NFS:carbon all of his time as well. haha.
S2 licensed
i hate those register/login is very annoying. And i think most ppl hate that too.
S2 licensed
Damn i missed it... Empty servers were on as well i even typed server's name but it didn't find.
S2 licensed
Did you guys race yesterday on kyoto??? i checked for the server but only redline server was asclub/fox combo.
S2 licensed

Lfs is getting better.Not older. The others are just "games". Shouldn't compare to lfs.
S2 licensed
what if someone can't remember which game it was he played first?
S2 licensed
Quote from loomx :Im getting an xbox 360 this week, I might give the 360's controller ago on it

get a wheel instead of that
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :If you're into space, you really should check Celestia. It's bit like Google Earth/NASA World Wind, but for the whole universe.

Wow wow wow, i can't believe how many planets have been discovered orbiting around other stars..Check the stars with planets in the navigator.
S2 licensed
Wish you happy races with your new s2 license.

I recommend you to buy a wheel. And to use ghostcar mod to improve your laptimes.
S2 licensed
Kyoto ,my favourite.
S2 licensed
Thanks alot for sharing.i'll print this.
S2 licensed
when is it going to be on youtube??
S2 licensed
Why not use linux? it'll be much cheaper and will do all of the things you said.
S2 licensed
Thank you Josh, but the thing i wanted to mention is why do ppl share less.Or is it just coincidance i had many times.
S2 licensed
we all know you are a great racer why don't you get a super license and race for williams...
stop throwing me flaming bananas(or whatever you call, we call it shit in here) everytime i post something.
S2 licensed
it is not practical to goto a server and then download the setup of it and copy it to directory.. etc..

And yes it does difference,fastest setup fight for top places most of the times.
Thanks for sharing your setups!
S2 licensed
This has been a very annoying thing for me. Because i'm not very good with setup making i need to get it from someone else.i'm fed up with racing only in the combos which i have good setups so i join in to different combos. But ppl are not very welcome-ish about the setups.It makes up to 3-4 seconds difference between fast setups and self made ones.So there's no point in racing for last place...I'm thinking of joining a team to get some setup support ...Today i spent about one and a half hour trying to improve my setup.i was 5 secons away from it (2:05 best lap, 2:10 my lap) i believe i could make one more second coser if i had a chance to do a clean lap.I hate setupping makes that much difference it turns LFS into a "Find the best setup" game.

Anyway all i want to say is, it was not like this before.Ppl used to share more.
Oops sorry, the word "sharing" is not wellcome nowadays isn't it....
S2 licensed
He's trying to say S2 has less grip and the car can easily loosen. Am i right? if yes, bad news for him s3 will have even less grip
S2 licensed
Yes, might be.. Maybe i don't have a good driving style. For example i like trailbraking as far i can manage it but i like tight setups as well which is not a good match. But i can easily adapt my driving to the setup i get from someone else.Maybe that blocks me to develop my own style.
S2 licensed
I wouldn't like lfs being moddable except car visuals. I mean the only moddable thing should be the car's look so we can make our own cars.(not the specs of the cars). Because if LFS becomes moddable, there will be hundereds of idiot tracks and non-accurate cars around and will be hard to find a proper server to make a real race...
S2 licensed
My setup knowledge is poor so cannot make fast setups.i can genereally get about 2 secs close to the winner with the setups i make.But if i can get a fast setup i always fight for top three. That's why i think setup is more important than we think(well, least in some conditions you mentioned up in the posts).
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :Driving style 80% setup 20%. And the setup percentage is only that big because if the setup is completely wrong then you're stuffed hehe

i don't agree...the setup percent should be higher, maybe up to 40%.
S2 licensed
What is that "wide u" shaped bar connected to rear wheels?? is it just a bar or an adjustable thing?
S2 licensed
Hey! what about album covers???
