Is there anyway to get full control over the Windows Classic Style on XP, like you could in Windows 98. I can only select the preset colour schemes and change the title colours in the Apperance tab, would like a slightly lighter taskbar.
Only half of the colours can be changed through that advanced button, I tend to create a new colour scheme by entering it manually through the registry. Complete freedom once you work out to enter colous in BGR.
System hog it sucks. When I used to change themes I just h4x3d a .dll file and used the themes for StyleXP. That way it used the same resources as a standard windows fancy theme. I'm to lazy for themes these days.
Thanks for that hint liking my slightly lighter shade of grey
No not if you use the default Firefox theme
The best way to do custom themes is to get a modified UI theme.dll (which allows you to set a non-microsoft .mss theme via the display control panel). You can get a tweaked dll by installing Style XP then getting rid of it and the dll stays.
Ugh WHO CARES, right now mines using 1.2mb ram, not exactly worth worrying about. And it uses its own engine which is faster than the windows one. People need to stop complaing about WB being a system hog, its really not an issue, and it looks so much better than the default windows styles and StyleXP.
I agree with Kev most of the themes are pretty crap. I've only found one theme other than Windows Classic that is sensibly proportioned and actually looks right. Occasionally application icons really need changing but other than that the standard ones do the job fine in the end of the day they were designed by I also use one of their sets (Agua) on my Mac.
The performance gains of using Litestep were tiny, especially by the time you install another program to give you proper quick access to things try an alternative shell for a good time.I can guarantee you that you will feel a sense of WTF was I doing sacrificing a proper desktop with icons on it for a tiny performance gain.
no... my Explorer was originaly with my pc brand logo on the background.
-so I just found the file - it was just a bitmap image
called "BACK.bmp" locatet in "SIGNUP" folder in Internet Explorer.
..and then I just edited the bmp in photoshop.
tah dah...