The online racing simulator
Stansted Protest
(33 posts, started )
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Well no, flowers like CO2. So more planes means more food for flowers.

so, really, the hippies should be glad for airports

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To be honest I think our police are too liberal, if they just let the planes go down the runway £5 says the hippies would clear off in seconds. Same with hippies climbing up trees, the second the chainsaw hits that tree they will be climbing down in seconds.

we had that problem in Oxford, some hippy tree-hugging green party friend of the earth type didn't like the plans for the new expanded shopping centre in the centre of Oxford that would replace the ugly as sin 1960s concrete monstrosity currently there, and the development of which involved the cutting down of a few trees (a greater number of new trees were to be planted when the centre was built). He single handedly held up the clearing of trees for about a week by taking up residence in the top of one of them, and now thanks to the greeny do-gooders the whole project has been postponed until late next year (I think) leaving an ugly expanse of mud and metal fencing where the trees were being cleared

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They can get away with these protests because there is no ramification for their actions any more. That needs to change and playing chicken with a protester when you have a bulldozer/plane/chainsaw/gun/whatever else it is hippies protest the hippie isn't going to win any time soon.

I agree entirely. We need to stop pussy-footing around these troublemakers - thats what they are when it comes down to it, they hold up flights/industry/development

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I remember one interview where the hippie for this protest said "oh well we saved 100 million tons of carbon" well not really, because now these people will burn more carbon by using alternative forms of transport that are more polluting on a per passenger basis.

thing is, all these hippy green party do-gooders are hypocrites of the highest form. They want electric power, wind power and so on, but electric power comes from fossil-fuel burning power stations, wind power is amazingly inefficient, the only concievable option for cheap, clean power nowadays is nuclear however much these greenys may not like it. Yes they are expensive to decommission, but it's better to secure a reliable, clean form of energy now than dabble with solar/wind/wave power which all are dead ends, and 20 years down the line we realise we shouldn't have listened to the tree huggers and should have done what the French are doing right now. And before any hippy you know brings up the 'but look what happened to Chernobyl' line of protest, remind them gently that the type of reactor that exploded in Chernobyl all those years ago was a shoddily built, poorly maintained reactor of the Russian type, totally different to the excellent safe, modern type built today in Western countries. Yes we had Sellafield but that was over 50 years ago, and as far as I'm aware no nuclear reactor has exploded since

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Or when a rozzer took one of their phones off them, they were in holding waiting to be processed and one decided to phone the BBC, she was talking like they sun shone out of her arse, the cop said give me your phone, she didn't so the cop took it and she did the whole "okay, ouch, police brutality" bullshit.

that's just laughable

but then again, this is the country that would cave in to the hippy demands and prosecute police officers for doing just such a thing in order to appease the hippies, so it's not really
Quote :Animals that we don't use or don't affect the animals we do use are pretty close to the most useless things on earth.

Which animals would those be then?
Quote from mookie427 :but then again, this is the country that would cave in to the hippy demands and prosecute police officers for doing just such a thing in order to appease the hippies, so it's not really

Actually this country - to me - is more prominently a nation of ****ing moaners. People who will piss and moan all day about nothing, and happily make up nonsense to complain about if there isn't enough suitable material forthcoming from reality on any given day.

If I didn't have elderly relatives here I would have moved out years ago.
It does raise the serious question.

If the government are so serious about terrorism how on earth were these prootestors able break through security to do this?
Quote from Intrepid :It does raise the serious question.

If the government are so serious about terrorism how on earth were these prootestors able break through security to do this?

The fact that terrorism is on the subconscious of anyone thinking about a bunch of hippies waving banners at planes for 5 hours is the intended purpose of all the terrorism hysteria that the government have been putting out. Fear is a means of control. The sooner people realise that the sooner we'll be able to identify the real risk of terrorism and financial bean counting behind security decisions that relate to policing the real risk of terrorism.

I'm not saying there is no terrorism, i'm just saying that it is a manufactured situation that's blown totally out of proportion. Either that or you believe the tanks at Heathrow where responding to a real security threat.

By considering the implications of terrorism from this event you are already under the spell. And it is just that. There is always a way to put a bomb on a plane, the reason it doesnt happen all that often is because there are not that many people willing to do it.
Quote from Becky Rose :The fact that terrorism is on the subconscious of anyone thinking about a bunch of hippies waving banners at planes for 5 hours is the intended purpose of all the terrorism hysteria that the government have been putting out. Fear is a means of control. The sooner people realise that the sooner we'll be able to identify the real risk of terrorism and financial bean counting behind security decisions that relate to policing the real risk of terrorism.

I'm not saying there is no terrorism, i'm just saying that it is a manufactured situation that's blown totally out of proportion. Either that or you believe the tanks at Heathrow where responding to a real security threat.

By considering the implications of terrorism from this event you are already under the spell. And it is just that. There is always a way to put a bomb on a plane, the reason it doesnt happen all that often is because there are not that many people willing to do it.

I do agree Becky... maybe I should have highlighted that more in my post.
#32 - wien
Quote from thisnameistaken :Actually this country - to me - is more prominently a nation of ****ing moaners.

That's not an exclusively British trait, trust me. I've all but given up even engaging in a discussion with the low-brow mouth-breathers supposed to be my fellow countrymen... which is why I'm here, ironically.
Quote from wien :That's not an exclusively British trait, trust me.

I know, I've been to France.


Stansted Protest
(33 posts, started )