Quote from Thunderhead :About 5 times more than conservatives, from my experience, seeing that atleast with liberals I can actually have a conversation about anything (in most cases, mind you), while with conservatives, well, any argument is refuted by shotguns and machine guns pointed my way.

really? So while I'm trying to have a discussion not using any insults or innuendo, becky turns it personal and that is proof to you that it is easier to talk to liberals. I see.
Thing is, Mike, you have a tendency to turn up in any vaguely political thread, come across like a total armchair hawk, then get talked into moderation giving everybody a little bit of hope but then disappear, and you turn up again a week or so later completely re-hawkized.

Who is it you hang out with when you're not here?

If you've got lots of oil shares or a Republican senator in your back pocket then I could understand it, but from what I can gather you're still in school. Are you really describing the sort of world you'd like to inhabit when you have to strike out on your own someday?
I hang out in San Francsico, maybe it reminds me of what I don't like about the liberal movement.

I know its strange for a young person to be a conservative, but what I hope for when I set out is a government that will put its citizens before anything else.
There was a famous old quote from Winston Churchill along the lines of " If as a young man i don't vote socialist then i have no heart, but if as an older man i don't vote conservative then i have no brains".

Granted the political divide has changed a lot since then, but the sentiment still rings true.
Quote :What does believing in majority rule have to do with being a conservative christian? They are a minority in America obviously or Obama would have lost.

Again you have a certain difficulty staying away from personal insults. I guess that proves how much more rational liberals are.

No Flymike, please read my post again. I was giving you a dose of exactly what you asked for, treating you as you where saying we should treat others.

I'm glad you didnt like it, maybe that gives you something to think about.

I meen seriously it was so overt it astonishes me you didnt see that, not only was it overt but I spelt it out at the bottom of my post. How did you miss it?

*bangs head against brick wall*

I might dust off a personal insult now, although it's not really meant as a personal insult, but how does one explain the consequences of ones actions to somebody who can't see what I was typed out was clearly not intended seriously? It's like discussing Plato with a garden worm.
Quote from Becky Rose :How did you miss it?

something tells me that sam and others wouldnt like it if i posted a picture with a big red arrow pointing at the flag next to his nick so i guess youll have to imagine i did
Quote from Shotglass :something tells me that sam and others wouldnt like it if i posted a picture with a big red arrow pointing at the flag next to his nick so i guess youll have to imagine i did

Hehehehehe Best Laugh today!!
Quote from flymike91 :S14 drift mentioned that 58% of people in Britian are against immigration. The majority is always right. Even though I dont like Obama, but the majority voted for him, therefore he is the winner. If the majority of people don't want any further immigration, and immigration continues, you are not being represented by your government. This happens all over the world, America especially.

Quote from Bladerunner :Ah, so you prefer to live in a dictatorship? In a DEMOCRACY the majority should make the decisions.

So if the Jim Crow laws in the US and almost all of Hitler's domestic policy was acceptable then.

Democracy has to safeguard the rights of minorities. If it doesn't, you're in to mobocracy.
And in the UK, right now, the British nationals are probbably the minority - So where is the 'protection'.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :And in the UK, right now, the British nationals are probbably the minority - So where is the 'protection'.

What do they need to be "protected" from?
I wasn't talking literaly - But doors need to be closed somewhat, the average British person can't get a job because there's too many Johnnie Foreigners around
And I will not take seriously any claim that British nationals are in the minority until I see the statistics.

Have you thought that the "Johnny Foriegners" might actually be more suitable for the jobs? Or that they are simply doing jobs that British nationals won't touch for some reason?
Suitable for what? Most of the polish/other immigrant people I see (and I see plenty, trust me), are cleaners or work in fast food outlets. Many also work as telecoms "support", where you often struggle to understand what they mean.

As for statistics, probbably not. It's probbably around 60% British National 40% Immigrants.

That on it's own is far to high. As for employed % of British as to employed % of immigrants, well that's not even worth mentioning!!
heard on the news today interesting new plans to get immigrants/the unemployed to prove they can't work otherwise they get benefits taken away....isn't that what most of us have been wanting? A system that doesn't allow perfectly able-bodied workers to just sit around watching Jeremy Kyle and Bargain Hunt?
Quote from mookie427 :heard on the news today interesting new plans to get immigrants/the unemployed to prove they can't work otherwise they get benefits taken away....isn't that what most of us have been wanting? A system that doesn't allow perfectly able-bodied workers to just sit around watching Jeremy Kyle and Bargain Hunt?

Excellent, that news brings straight through joy - However slight allowances have to be made - It's very hard to get a job nowadays, even at a fast food joint, however if you look hard enough you can find one. Awesome nooz!
For most people on jobseekers etc, the idea is you have to be looking for work to be eligible. How well enforced that is, I don't know.
Jobseekers allowance is like £70 odd a week or something, not enough to live on so people wouldn't likely be skiving on it
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Suitable for what? Most of the polish/other immigrant people I see (and I see plenty, trust me), are cleaners or work in fast food outlets. Many also work as telecoms "support", where you often struggle to understand what they mean.

So they're stealing the high profile jobs you're after?
Honestly, if they do "steal" those jobs , the problem isn't immigration, it's you having no proper education for a proper job!
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Most of the polish/other immigrant people I see (and I see plenty, trust me), are cleaners or work in fast food outlets.

Do you actively visit factories and offices auditing the number of non-British nationals working there and what jobs they're doing? That's why the ones you see are working in fast food outlets - because that's where you spend your time.

Which comes as no surprise, frankly.

As I've said a couple of times in this thread, an individual's perspective on immigration is useless as a basis for understanding the situation nationally.
Quote from ColeusRattus :So they're stealing the high profile jobs you're after?
Honestly, if they do "steal" those jobs , the problem isn't immigration, it's you having no proper education for a proper job!

Well, maybe true - Schooling wasn't the right way for me. I have average C grades and I'm currently looking for a job in the engineering or motorcycle industry. It's called jobs for young people - Starting blocks as you will (Or, a temp job for someone who's lost their job in the recession, who has a wife and with 2 kids who need feeding, morgage to pay, etc)

Quote from thisnameistaken :Do you actively visit factories and offices auditing the number of non-British nationals working there and what jobs they're doing? That's why the ones you see are working in fast food outlets - because that's where you spend your time.

Which comes as no surprise, frankly.

I'm sure there are many immigrants working in the factories and offices as well - However as I don't go there, like you said, I cannot comment.

And I hope that wasn't an insult - I don't often eat there nor do I work at one currently
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well, maybe true - Schooling wasn't the right way for me. I have average C grades and I'm currently looking for a job in the engineering or motorcycle industry.

So you're currently receiving benefits, then?

Ooh, you're like one of them immigrants! Sitting around watching Jeremy Kyle and sponging off tax payers! Ooh you make my blood boil! Bring back national service! Let's show the ethnics the door in 2004!

(not really)

I'm "kind of" on benefits. I give up at least 16 hours a week up and I recieve £30 EMA (+ £5 bonus sometimes :woohoo+ transport in and out (normally 12-15 miles on the bike or £3.10 on the train). I work Mondays and Tuesdays from 9-4 at Halfords Bikehut (fun actually), and then on Thursday I go into my training provider for half a day (9.30-1). I've applied at Halfords (at my managers request) for a full time job until I find something better (or maybe on a long term basis, hey who knows), but they're not recruiting at the moment because of the lack of money floating around

So basically I get around £42 a week

But you mention the national service - If I was somewhat more fit, I would have considered the armed forces. Because, let's face it. With (my) life how it is, and the world as what it's becoming, it's probbably much better to risk death fighting for your country(?) than it is to die back in this shithole. Besides, I'm really good at CSS and COD4, so I'd be awesome.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :better to risk death fighting for your country(?) than it is to die back in this shithole.

Dying in a shithole or dying for a shithole. Hmm. Tough choice!

I think I'd rather take my chances away from the guns and bombs, thank you. And not have the compulsion to follow orders on my conscience. Armed service is best performed by people thick enough not to think about what they're doing.
Well, would you rather die in a big fireball of an explosion and awesomeness, or in your old age, in a piss stained bed in the local hospital with a tube up your nose?
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Well, would you rather die in a big fireball of an explosion and awesomeness, or in your old age, in a piss stained bed in the local hospital with a tube up your nose?

I'd rather die in an embarrassing accident that was clearly my own fault. At least it would get a laugh.

BNP membership data leaked - whoops!
(982 posts, started )