The online racing simulator
mph on KY oval
(13 posts, started )
mph on KY oval
Hi All
I am beginning to feel like a real slow poke,I've been trying and trying to get more than165-170mph in KY Oval but no matter what tweaks I try in garage and momo profile I get worse or no better.Any S that have been sent are either no better or all sliders hard left?i seldom crash,and my lines seem ok,but I can't even keep up to draft.any help?
#2 - J@tko
What car is this? FZR or FO8?
Quote from Old Timer :Hi All
I am beginning to feel like a real slow poke,I've been trying and trying to get more than165-170mph in KY Oval but no matter what tweaks I try in garage and momo profile I get worse or no better.Any S that have been sent are either no better or all sliders hard left?i seldom crash,and my lines seem ok,but I can't even keep up to draft.any help?

Don't try to change your profiler imho. The MOMO is way more than a decent wheel, so the more you alter the profile, the less realistic the game becomes, and so the worse you will get .

Maybe it is because you steer too much in the corners? On a Oval, you don't really need as much lock as in a road track, so maybe try to lower the lock by some degrees (5-7°) and you might be just fine .
Probbably downforce related, or you do not have the correct camber settings so you scrub way too much speed off in the corners, or gear-ratios. Could be a combination of all 3 though!
Try this set. Save in your LFS/Data/Setups folder.
Attached files
FZR_KY1^vFras.set - 132 B - 1027 views
I have saved it but how do I accessto the garage?
So, in the garage, you look on the right. You will see a graph type thing with a slider...Find the setup name in that column and click on it.
I suggest you take the gears of another setup, adjust your downforce so that you have 2° at front and 1° at rear, and neg camber on the outside tires and pos on the inside, this should do the trick with a few less lock degrees as I suggested.
Now The KY Oval is gone,lost host or something
Quote from Zen321 :I suggest you take the gears of another setup, adjust your downforce so that you have 2° at front and 1° at rear, and neg camber on the outside tires and pos on the inside, this should do the trick with a few less lock degrees as I suggested.


Oldtimer, try this one. Btw, the FM Oval Starters Server is open 24/7.
Attached files
FZR_ky1 fzr.set - 132 B - 1102 views
I got back into KY oval,was sent a set(Thanks jeffyJ) and improved by 10 mph ,now I have to work on my driving.Thanks to all for the freindly help.

mph on KY oval
(13 posts, started )