The online racing simulator
Drag Strip timing equipment
(11 posts, started )
Drag Strip timing equipment
Hey there, I have a bit of a problem with the way the drag strip records E.T's (elapsed times). I have notice numerous drivers under multiplayer conditions jumping the green light, going on the 3rd or mabe even earlier red/amber light. Under normal propper drag racing rules and conditions it would result in ared light and you automatically lose. On LFS it brings up the usual 30 second time penaulty but still record the E.T., so as a result there are guys that are posting times that are up to 2 seconds quicker than is actually possible, which isn't fair, or correct, it goes against the whole racing simulator idea.
1 other thing is there any chance you could fix it so that also gives your speed?
What are your guys ideas?
Can you post a replay ?

Because by doing the calculations, the time elapsed between the start of the race and the green light is usually less than 30secs or 45 secs, and since it requires 16secs for the XRG/XFG, it would not be much of a problem...

If the guys jump at the green light, then yeah, since your tires spin a little, you don't go forward. So if you release the clutch a tad before the greenlight, you'll eat some 0.X seconds at the acceleration, without eventually moving before the green... I do this all the time in AutoX ^^

But yeah, post a replay of a guy jumping at the amber light so that I can see what it does (you can use the AI as opponents )
I am not totally sure how to post a replay, but even guys on the Drag host whom I was competing against said that was how the unbelievable times were achieved. I have seen guys run an 8.6 with the BF1 , not jumping the lights, but when you bring up "!top bf1" it shows guys that are running low 7 second personal bests . These times are simply impossible to do without jumping the lights.

I am sure it seems like a rather petty thing, but it isn't fair on those who are racing the correct way, and it takes away from the simulator qualities of the game.
I understand, but what do you mean exactly ?

Do you mean that the 30 secs penalty isn't enough?
Or do you mean that the penalty timing is not enough?

If its the second case, then your total time would be 37 seconds. It is the server's Insim that records the wrong time then
What I am saying is that if the person jumps the green light, his time must not be counted, not recorded at all. There is now way in real life that if a guy jumps the lights his run, if it is a record run will be recorded, it is an unofficial time.
Yeah but what do you mean by "jumping" ?

Is it moving, or releasing the clutch?

I know that if you move less that let's say 0.5m, you are considered not to have moved. In this case, this should be suppressed.

If it's burning out lightly, I don't think they care about that/record that kind of motion IRL, so it's just good timing
not how it works!

if the guys E.T was 12 seconds, but jumped the start which results in a 30 sec penalty, his E.T would be 12 seconds, but the recorded time would be 42 seconds, so unless you over 42 seconds on the 1/4 mile, nothing to worry about
and u dont go on green ive been racing for 5 yrs 3rd amber light comes on u go . i would like to see the drag strip set up like the demo timing system where u stage and it gives ur et rt on the screen more realistic
Quote from robbielayton :and u dont go on green ive been racing for 5 yrs 3rd amber light comes on u go .

Yeah so that the power has time to go to the wheel through the whole transmission.

Please tell me you're racing on a standard tranny
Number 1, what I mean by jumping is that they pull off on the red, the green is no way even close to being light up. The game recognises it as a jump or red light, but if they run a record the game recognises the record, which is wrong, it shouldn't, its not official.

Number 2, I am also not a noob to the concept of drag racing, I have been a major fan of it my entire life and have followed it very closely and have recently become a member of the pit crew for a driver.

In propper Drag Racing, if you red light, and you run a record on that run, it is unofficial, because you are not starting on the green. Obviously you let the clutch out slightly before the green light comes on so that you can get a low R.T, due to the slight delay between letting the clutch out and the car actually launching, but is you do this too soon your car will start moving before the green light comes on and your front wheel/s will cut the deep stage beam and it will come up as a Red light on the christmas tree/ starting lights.

I would also love it if LFS could put a bit more time into the drag strip and make it so that you have to burnout (optional), stage, and launch, aswell as all of the times being provided after the run(60ft, 330ft, 660ft, 1000ft and 1/4 mile aswell as the speed at the finish line).
Quote from Zen321 :Yeah so that the power has time to go to the wheel through the whole transmission.

Please tell me you're racing on a standard tranny

no automatic u use trans brake. u can put 2step in auto & manual

Drag Strip timing equipment
(11 posts, started )